Proof Of Loyalty

Li Jing and Xing Fei were deep into the game, not paying attention to anything else. Xing Fei was doing really well and winning. On the other hand, Li Jing, who was new to the game, was not doing so great. She kept missing the targets or hitting the wrong things. The zombies in the game looked very real, and they scared her a lot.

After playing for 15 minutes, they both took off their virtual reality helmets. Xing Fei had a big smile on her face. while Li Jing was frowning. 

"That was awesome!" Xing Fei exclaimed. "I scored 10,000 points!"

"That was awful!" Li Jing complained. "I scored 2,000 points! And that's only because you helped me a few times!"

Xing Fei was still smiling as if she had just won the lottery. "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. It's your first time playing this game. You'll get better with practice."

Li Jing shook her head. "No, thanks. I don't want to play this game ever again. It's stupid and boring."