Acquiring A New Space

Li Na weaved through the crowd, her eyes searching for the familiar face near the fountain. Spotting Gong Li, she made her way over, greeted by a wave and a bright smile.

"Over here!" Gong Li called out, her arms open wide.

As Li Na approached, Gong Li pulled her into a tight embrace. 

"Good to see you," she exclaimed.

"You too, but you're squeezing a bit too tight," Li Na gasped, her voice muffled against Gong Li's shoulder.

"Oh, sorry!" Gong Li chuckled, releasing her but keeping her hands on Li Na's shoulders. "Look at you, you seem taller!"

Li Na gave her a puzzled look. "Really? I hadn't noticed."

"So, what's this all about?" Li Na asked, glancing around the luxurious Empyrean Plaza.

Gong Li's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Come with me," she said, taking Li Na's hand and leading her to the escalator.