Chapter 31: Rules of the Agreement

"Uh..." Yang Chen regretted choosing a random test paper. If he had known, he would have selected the English and French ones that matched his credentials. But now, he could only muster up the courage and say, "That was just a hobby. I have a knack for learning languages."

"Oh? And what other talents do you have?" Lin Ruoxi crossed her arms in front of her chest, her face filled with disbelief.

Yang Chen rubbed his nose, finding it difficult to speak. In reality, he had quite a few talents. He excelled in fighting and killing, and if we're talking about high-tech skills, he could handle fighter jets, tanks, and dabble in firearms and hacking. However, it was not appropriate to mention such things, so he shook his head and said, "Nothing else. My water bottle only has this much capacity. My wife knows best."

"Don't call me that!" Lin Ruoxi corrected once again, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "Yang Chen, regardless of the reason, since you have chosen Yu Lei International and become my employee, there are some things I need to make clear to you."

"Are you planning to fire me?" Yang Chen shrugged helplessly. "Hey, I mean, Ms... Uh, General Manager Lin, it took me a lot of effort to find a position that meets your requirements—a decent office job where I can work and maintain my dignity. You don't have to be so cruel to me. Although I may be a bit handsome, which could pose a certain threat to the female colleagues in the company, how could a faithful and loyal man like me possibly flirt with other women? Besides, wildflowers don't have the fragrance of home, right?"

"Shut up!" Lin Ruoxi couldn't take it anymore and slammed the table, her lips pouting. This guy had such thick skin. Were all prestigious university graduates like this, or was it just a difference in American standards?

A smirk played at the corner of Yang Chen's mouth. Somehow, whenever he saw his wife's adorable, embarrassed expression, he couldn't help but feel an indescribable joy.

Just like the imagery described by a poet, it was that gentle and delicate moment when one lowered their head, resembling the coquettish shyness of a lotus flower in a cool breeze. Of course, Lin Ruoxi might be like a lotus flower, but she wasn't necessarily gentle. Her mature and proud demeanor as an urban woman, coupled with the adorable charm of a pure little girl, was the most captivating aspect.

After a while, Lin Ruoxi finally calmed down and stared at Yang Chen with a gaze full of "killing intent." "Yang Chen, in this company, we have three rules of engagement."

"Okay, as long as you don't fire me, anything is fine," Yang Chen didn't argue with this girl.

"First, you are not allowed to call me by those cheesy nicknames. You can only address me as Manager Lin or President, just like other employees. Second, you cannot come to my office for no reason or get too close to me in public. We must maintain a distance... Third, you are not allowed to tell anyone in the company about our marriage. It must be kept confidential in front of unnecessary people! Fourth..."

"Wait! I thought it was the Three Rules of Engagement! Why is there a fourth?" Yang Chen protested, raising his hand.

"Clap!" Lin Ruoxi slammed her hands on the table, her almond-shaped eyes widened. "I said there are as many rules as I say there are! No interruptions allowed!"

"Uh... understood," Yang Chen chuckled bitterly.

Lin Ruoxi continued, "Fourth, while working in my company, I will supervise you closely. You are not allowed to disrupt the normal workflow of the company. As long as you stay in line, I won't fire you. I might even let you continue working here. However, you must not cause trouble without reason... Fifth..."

As Lin Ruoxi talked for more than ten minutes, Yang Chen yawned. By now, Lin Ruoxi had almost finished speaking and stopped.

"Manager Lin, is that all? If so, I'll head downstairs first," Yang Chen smiled, trying to please her, afraid that another rule would suddenly emerge. He had already lost count of how many rules there were.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Ruoxi nodded and said, "That's all for now. You must follow each rule. In summary, I won't interfere with your actions outside of work, as that is your privacy, and we shall respect each other's boundaries. However, inside the company, you must listen to me and behave properly."

"Yes, yes," Yang Chen hurriedly agreed, standing up and preparing to leave.

Just then, the stylish blue telephone on the office desk rang. Lin Ruoxi reached out and pressed a button, hearing the voice of her "aloof" secretary, Wu Yue, from the other end of the line. "President Lin, General Manager Xu Zhihong invites you to join him for dinner at Blue Bay Hotel at 6 p.m. to discuss the cooperation between Donghua Technology and our Yu Lei International for this year's autumn fashion show."

Upon hearing the name "Xu Zhihong," Lin Ruoxi visibly frowned. "Wu Yue, can't I decline this?"

On the other end of the phone, Wu Yue hesitated for a moment before responding, "President Lin, you have already declined Mr. Xu's private invitation three times before. This time, it's a discussion about the autumn fashion show, and we need the resources and connections from Donghua Technology for the setup and construction of each exhibition area. Their reasons are quite valid, and if we decline... it might have some..."

"Alright, I understand," Lin Ruoxi pursed her lips. "Help me make the arrangements. I will attend tonight, but only reserve two seats."

"Do you need me to accompany you, President Lin?"

"No," Lin Ruoxi glanced at Yang Chen, who was about to sneak out of the door. "I'll drive there myself. You can go straight home after work."

"Understood, President Lin..." Although Wu Yue found it strange, she didn't ask any further and obediently complied.

Just as Yang Chen was about to leave, he became conflicted. He turned around with a wry smile and said, "President Lin, you don't actually want me to go, do you? I remember Blue Bay Hotel is a five-star establishment. Do I really look like someone who belongs there? Besides, I don't understand anything about business negotiations. I won't be of any help."

Lin Ruoxi sneered, "As if I want to take you with me, you shameless guy who talks nonsense... But since we're married, it's about time you prove your worth. When we arrive there tonight, do whatever it takes to keep Xu Zhihong away from me. It would be best if you can completely discourage him."

"Are personal attacks allowed?" Yang Chen grew impatient. "Or should I just go and finish him off with a knife?"

"No! You mustn't! You must prevent him from getting close to me and ensure our business deal is successful!" Lin Ruoxi emphasized each word.

Taking a sharp breath, Yang Chen cast a strange glance at Lin Ruoxi and muttered under his breath, "President Lin, are you hiring a husband or an Oscar-winning actor?"

"We have a contract, and you must play your role well in front of others. If you're a man, you should keep your word," Lin Ruoxi couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction when she saw Yang Chen succumbing.

Time passed quickly, and Yang Chen returned to the Public Relations Department. After indulging his curious female colleagues with fabricated stories about why he was summoned to the CEO's office, it was almost time to clock out.

Throughout the afternoon, only Mo Qianni sat in the office with a huff. She couldn't understand why CEO Lin Ruoxi, who had always valued her opinions, directly rejected the suggestion to fire Yang Chen. Moreover, why did she call Yang Chen to her office in the first place? Did Yang Chen have a special background? These questions lingered in Mo Qianni's mind, keeping her awake all night.

As for Yang Chen, after declining an invitation to a welcome party from a group of female colleagues, he quietly made his way to the underground CEO-exclusive parking garage of Yu Lei International. He got into Lin Ruoxi's luxurious Bentley and headed to the prearranged Blue Bay Hotel.

Night fell over Zhonghai City, and neither the man nor the woman knew what the other was thinking. However, their first display of affection as a newlywed couple was abruptly interrupted by a phone call from Xu Zhihong, catching them off guard.