Chapter 51: Making a Comeback

The sharp instincts prompted Yang Chen to start the car immediately, stepping on the accelerator. The M3 roared as it rushed out of the underground parking garage.

A few security guards from Yulei International stared in astonishment at the swiftly disappearing car, exchanging glances, none of them aware of which important figure from the company possessed such driving skills.

As Yang Chen drove, he asked, "What's wrong, Wang Ma?"

"Miss just got home from work, and Master has arrived. He's causing a commotion outside..." Wang Ma's voice trembled with a sob. "Young Master, please come back quickly. Master brought several people with him, and they don't look like good people. I'm afraid they'll harm the little..."

Before Wang Ma could finish her sentence, a clamor erupted on the other end of the phone, followed by the familiar voice of a young man...

"Are you the stinky brat surnamed Yang? It's Lin Kun. I'm waiting for you here. If you have the guts, come back immediately!"

The veins on Yang Chen's hand gripping the steering wheel suddenly bulged. He could clearly hear Wang Ma's cries from the other end of the phone, indicating that her phone had been forcibly taken away.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"I know very well, Yang brat. If you have the guts, come back right now. I want to see what this scumbag selling lamb skewers can do to make my little wench from the Lin family commit such unfilial acts!"

Yang Chen remained expressionless and ended the call. In fact, if the phone hadn't been a gift from Lin Ruoxi, it would have been crushed long ago.

He pressed the accelerator to the floor, even though it was a congested time for traffic. The roaring engine made many cars obediently give way, cursing him in the process. However, none of this mattered to Yang Chen. In his eyes, there was only one straight road, devoid of any traffic rules, without any traffic lights or signals. He wanted speed, speed, and more speed!

Normally, the journey would take over twenty minutes, but Yang Chen arrived at his destination in less than ten minutes, resembling a missile tearing through the air.

The car screeched to a halt in the open space in front of the villa, accompanied by a sizzling sound and a cloud of smoke. The sun was already setting, casting a faint golden glow over the luxurious and spacious Longjing Garden villa area. The trees were tinged with red, and the grass appeared like a river of gold, creating a particularly beautiful scene.

However, Yang Chen had no intention of appreciating this rare sight. After stepping out of the car, he walked towards the entrance of the villa with a deep frown.

Before Yang Chen could reach the door, it was forcefully pushed open, and Lin Kun's tall and neatly dressed figure emerged. His once handsome and mature face now looked gloomy and excited, as if he had already envisioned how he would retaliate against Yang Chen for his humiliation.

Following closely behind him were five young men, dressed identically in black tight-fitting short-sleeved shirts. Their bulging muscles revealed their extraordinary strength.

"Haha, you beast, you actually have the guts to come back here. I thought you were too scared to return," Lin Kun sneered, tilting his head and displaying intense hatred in his eyes.

Yang Chen sighed. It seemed that he had indeed restrained his temperament. Otherwise, based on the vulgar language alone, there would have been enough reason to cut out Lin Kun's tongue. He glanced at him indifferently and asked, "Where is Ruoxi? And Wang Ma?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures walked out of the villa entrance.

"Master, Master, please be careful!" Wang Ma, wearing an apron, supported Lin Ruoxi, whose face was extremely pale.

Lin Ruoxi was still in the suit she wore to work, but her once stunningly beautiful face appeared lifeless. Her gaze was dull, and even her hair seemed disheveled, as if she had lost focus, paying no attention to her surroundings.

If this sight suddenly tugged at Yang Chen's heartstrings, the red handprint on Wang Ma's face immediately ignited a murderous intent in his eyes...

Unfortunately, Lin Kun didn't seem to notice the change in Yang Chen's gaze.

"You lamb skewer peddler, let me tell you, since you've returned here today, it's your own doing. My brothers under me have no regard for rules. If you want to receive fewer beatings, it's best to kneel down and kowtow to me dozens of times, then lick my shoes clean, and obediently crawl into the trash can. Maybe then I'll let you off the hook and allow you to scram!" Lin Kun chuckled manically, his voice tinged with madness.

"Lin Kun..." Yang Chen lifted his head and coldly stared at the arrogant man in front of him. "I think I told you once before, I despise being threatened. You can threaten me, but be prepared to face the consequences."

"I am threatening you! You beast! What can you do!?" Lin Kun roared loudly, his anger turning into a mocking smile.

Yang Chen no longer wasted words. Step by step, he approached Lin Kun.

The five bodyguards clearly didn't take Yang Chen seriously. After all, judging by his appearance, this young man seemed completely defenseless. So when they saw Yang Chen approaching, only one of them stepped forward, looking at Yang Chen with disdain, and simultaneously moved towards him.

Yang Chen couldn't be bothered to pay attention to the black-clad man blocking his way. As soon as the man raised his fist to launch a lightning-fast punch, as if through precise calculation, Yang Chen met it head-on with an equally swift and powerful punch!


The collision of the two fists produced a muffled sound, but what followed left everyone present utterly shocked!


The man who threw the first punch contorted his face in agony, clutching his own punching arm and collapsing to the ground in pain!

"Hand... my hand..." Beads of sweat the size of beans dripped down as the man felt as if every bone in his arm had shattered. After several intense waves of pain, he fainted on the spot!

The remaining four bodyguards hadn't yet realized what was happening when they saw Yang Chen already standing in front of them.

"Quick! Attack him!" Lin Kun sensed that something was amiss and hastily commanded.

The four men then unleashed their vicious kicks and punches, attempting to subdue Yang Chen to the ground.

However, as their blows landed on Yang Chen's body, they suddenly realized that whether it was hitting his chest, abdomen, thighs, or any other part, their strikes had no effect on him whatsoever. It was as if their legs and fists were landing on a thick iron plate or an immovable boulder, unable to inflict any damage on this colossal figure.

Cold sweat instantly covered the four men as they realized: Is this guy made of iron?!

Yang Chen's gaze remained fixed on Lin Kun. Without any effort, he raised his hand like a knife. The unfortunate four bodyguards had no chance to launch another attack or evade. They suddenly felt a blur before their eyes, and each of them received a ruthless chop to the back of their necks!

Yang Chen's figure seemed to effortlessly maneuver around them. Soon enough, the four once robust men lay unconscious on the ground.

At this moment, a wave of intense regret swept over Lin Kun. However, he didn't feel that seeking revenge against Yang Chen was wrong. Instead, he felt that he should have asked his "associate" to provide more assistance in the form of additional henchmen!