Chapter 52: Your Turn

"Your turn," Yang Chen stood face to face with Lin Kun, his gaze cold and piercing, as if an executioner looking at meat on a chopping board. Calmly, he asked, "Do you want me to break your legs or your hands? If you want to die, I can help you with that too."

He was not joking!

Lin Kun immediately realized the gravity of the situation. For the first time, he saw the intent to kill in someone's eyes, raw and unmasked! He truly meant to kill him!

"Don't come any closer... Please," Lin Kun pleaded in fear, slowly backing away, trying to create distance between himself and Yang Chen. But behind him were the steps and the entrance to the villa.

Suddenly, Lin Kun turned his head and saw Lin Ruoxi standing at the door, lost in thought. He shouted loudly, "You wicked woman! This wild man wants to break your father's legs and hands! Are you going to stand by and do nothing?"

Just as he finished speaking, Lin Kun felt a vice-like grip on his chin. A voice as cold as metal frozen in ice sounded in his ear, "Your mouth stinks. Maybe I should cut off your tongue and put it in your mouth, then sew your mouth shut... When you're hungry, you can only eat your own tongue... What do you think of that?"

"Gurgle! Gurgle!"

Lin Kun's face turned pale, his eyes bulging. But whenever he tried to struggle, Yang Chen would tighten his grip, causing excruciating pain that kept him from even the slightest movement.

At that moment, Lin Ruoxi slowly raised her head. The vacant look in her beautiful eyes finally regained some luster, as she looked at Yang Chen with a complex expression. Then, she glanced at Lin Kun, who was on the verge of wetting himself from fear, and weakly said, "Yang Chen, let him go... Stop scaring him..."

Lin Ruoxi's tone was not as cold and indifferent as usual. Her words were delivered in a plain manner, yet this simple sentence weakened the raging flames of anger burning in Yang Chen's heart, unable to resist their power.

She resembled that person too much... Yang Chen felt a sense of helplessness as a fleeting image of a figure, deliberately forgotten, flashed through his mind.

Yang Chen released his grip, and Lin Kun, in pain and fear, immediately retreated to the side, cautiously watching Yang Chen while gasping for breath.

"Dad, it was Xu Zhihong who sent you, right? And these people, he must have arranged them for you," Lin Ruoxi locked eyes with Lin Kun and asked softly.

A hint of ferocity appeared on Lin Kun's face as he glared fiercely at Yang Chen and exclaimed, "So what if he did! Xu Dasha wants to help me get rid of this beast! This scum dares to try and seize the assets that belong to our Lin family. I will never agree to it!"

"Dad..." Lin Ruoxi cried out in sorrow, her eyes filled with pain. "Dad, don't you realize that you're being used as a pawn by the Xu family? You're only causing chaos for me on behalf of Xu Zhihong! Do you know how dire the situation is for the company right now!? Dad... please, wake up! Xu Zhihong's intentions are completely different from what you think!"

"Nonsense!" Lin Kun shouted, "You wretched woman! Don't pretend to be kind-hearted just because you call me 'dad.' Don't think that I would believe you, an unfilial daughter, are genuinely good-hearted! If you truly cared about me, you wouldn't have taken away everything that was rightfully mine! I am the rightful heir of Jade Lotus! If it weren't for your tricks, how could that dead woman suddenly change her will and hand over Jade Lotus International to a young brat in his twenties!"

Lin Ruoxi stumbled, her legs giving way. If it weren't for Wang Mama supporting her, she would have collapsed long ago. Her face grew even paler and more helpless, and tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't hold them back any longer, and they streamed down her face.

"Dad... how can you think like this... she was my grandmother, your mother..."

"And what about it!? You refused to marry Xu Dasha, didn't you? You were adamant about it! Aren't you afraid that the CEO position at Jade Lotus would change hands once you got married!? Otherwise, with Xu Dashao's conditions, would you, this hypocritical woman, refuse!?" Lin Kun laughed in anger. "Hahaha! I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? Are you ashamed and want to die!?"

Lin Ruoxi felt like the world was spinning, her breathing becoming difficult. Her internal organs felt as heavy as mercury, and crystal tears flowed uncontrollably, dripping onto the ground.

The woman who was always icy, noble, and queen-like, couldn't help but cry at this moment. And she cried so heartbreakingly. Lin Ruoxi covered her face with her hand, her words choked with sobs.

"When Mom passed away, you didn't even bother to come home to take a look because of your mistress... When Grandma passed away, you only showed up when everything was settled, and all you cared about was inheritance... Since I can remember, besides indulging outside and taking money from Grandma, you never cared about the company... How could Grandma trust you to take over the company..." Lin Ruoxi looked at Lin Kun with a pained expression, biting her cherry lips. "Dad, don't you understand what you're doing!?"

A gloominess spread across Lin Kun's face as he sneered, "I do all this because they force me to! If it weren't for those two damn women controlling me, would I need to beg them for money like this!? The company has so many shares, why should they only give me such a small amount of money!? I'm the only man in the family, shouldn't I be the one in charge!? You're just good at finding excuses! Excuses! Excuses!!!"

"Your words are as nonsensical as farting..."

Yang Chen couldn't bear to listen any longer. He couldn't understand how a woman like Lin Ruoxi could have such a foolish and insane father. Perhaps it was the irony of fate, or perhaps despicable people always had pitiable aspects.

In an instant, Yang Chen's hand clasped around Lin Kun's neck. With a slight squeeze, Lin Kun immediately struggled to breathe, his face turning red, and his body wriggling, but he couldn't break free.

"If I had my way, you would have died seven or eight times today..." Yang Chen said calmly, glancing back at Lin Ruoxi, who appeared somewhat anxious at the doorway. He continued, "However, my wife is a bit softhearted. If I killed you, as a father, she would definitely not easily forgive me."

With that said, Yang Chen released his grip on Lin Kun's neck, but in the next moment, he delivered a lightning-fast chop to the back of Lin Kun's neck!

Lin Kun's eyes rolled back, and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"Yang Chen! What... what did you do to him?" Lin Ruoxi couldn't help but walk up, still worried. She crouched down and checked Lin Kun's breathing, relieved to find that he wasn't dead.

After all, blood is thicker than water.

"Leave him to me." Yang Chen bent down and lifted Lin Kun's body onto his shoulder, then walked towards a nearby trash bin.

Lin Ruoxi became anxious and quickly intervened. "No, don't throw him in there. This is enough..."

"I'm not letting him become disabled; I'm letting him die. It's already me considering your face that he's still alive after what he has done to you. I have nothing to say about him being your father, but I hope you also consider my feelings. Regardless of what you think in your heart, at least, I am your husband now."

Yang Chen's tone was calm and unwavering, each word carrying the weight of a golden rule. After speaking, he headed straight for the trash bin.

"I am your husband now!" "I am your husband now!!"

Lin Ruoxi lowered her arms, standing in a daze at her original spot, unable to utter a word as she watched Yang Chen's back.

As Yang Chen tossed Lin Kun's body into the trash bin once again, just as he turned around, he heard Wang Mama scream out...
