Greater Cultivation

"Good. I won't have to waste time collecting trash now, thanks to Gear," Lyrian said, tossing the piece of tiger fur on the ground.

He looked at the bodies of the tigers after collecting the rubies from their heads. Their blood had been scattered everywhere. "No point in moving these bodies to save myself from predators, since I won't be staying here anyways," he mumbled, leaping away.

He was going to hunt some more later on. Right now, however, he wanted to find a place to cultivate. He was eager to use his new cultivation technique: Cerberus.

'A mana alcove would be ideal... but I doubt I'd find something like that here.' He joked to himself as he traveled through the forest. After about half an hour, he decided that he was far enough away from the tiger bodies to not garner any attention from lurking beasts.