Battle Forge Shop

Lyrian soon arrived back in his dorm room. He hadn't seen his roommate for a while now, and this time, he was nowhere to be seen either. As he took off his shoes, he heard the quiet hum of the shower coming from the bathroom.

"Has he been in there this entire time?" Lyrian mumbled under his breath, entering his own BF. "I have about an hour or so before I have to sleep now. I suppose that time is best spent probably beating up some people for training."

As soon as he entered, he went to the game menu and paused. He was going to click the ranked game mode option immediately but had another thought as he saw the [Shop] icon available to him.

Currently, he had a rank of 201. He was on the third rank and only needed to get 49 more points to rank up again. Ever since entering the third rank, this tab was shown as unlocked to him by the game.