The Murder of Henry Martinez

It was a beautiful and lovely night and the moon is at its apex, the sound of the cold wind helping the branches of the trees create a music that it only echoed through the forest, the leaves dancing with the wind and the view of the night sky looking to it’s reflection on the river, it was all nature, not a sound of anything made and created by mankind, it was oh so quiet, a perfect night for murder.

In the middle of the forest of Limasawa as you go through the darkness of the cave you’ll see a small cabin beside the drain lagoon, and as peaceful as the view is and as silent as the night was, it’s about to get ugly. A young boy approximately at the age of 25 was slowly waking up from a deep sleep, when he awoke the first feeling he ever felt was pain, a sting on his right shoulders, and a constant heavy pain on his head, he slowly opened his eyes and was welcomed by the forest wind, his first vision is the dry lagoon.

“What is this?” he spoke, hissing as he slowly move because it seems like all movements causes him pain, he did not even notice that his body is tied up to a chair and that he is topless, his body was numb but not enough to avoid the pain caused by his fresh wounds, “do you not remember this place Henry?” a familiar voice spoke to the man as loud thuds of this persons footsteps can be heard as this they walk toward Henry, “A place where we shared great eye for an eye messages to each other, this place where you offered me my first beer? Does it really not ring a bell?”

The person walked towards Henry and stop at his very front, enough to let him see this person’s face, “it upsets me to know that, and you won’t like it when I get upset.” Henry shivered in fear, his eyes grew wide in shock, his heart beats abnormally, his voice trembling as he tries to let out the word “no”, “I’ll make this easy for you, but do remember this place, cause it’s the last thing you’ll see.” As this person said these words, he leans to Henry’s right ear and clenched into his fresh wounds, the poor boy shouted and begged for mercy, but no one can hear him and this person seems to be incapable of mercy, this person then look into Henry’s eyes and smirk as he slowly slit his throat, blood gushing all over this person’s face, Henry spitting out blood until he took his last breath and died.

It was a nice peaceful Monday morning, everyone is off to work, kids going to school, and just people living their life, it was exactly 7:30 am when Detective Alonzo arrived at the precinct and before he can even take a sip of his morning coffee his colleague slap down some heavy files on his table, “well, I guess this is how we greet good morning huh?” he placed his coffee at his coffee holder as he sat down and opened the files, “we don’t do that gesture ever.” His colleague responded in a sarcastic manner, “that’s the files you ask of Alice, she won’t be at work for 2 weeks and her flight was yesterday so she ask me to deliver these files.” Detective Alonzo looked at his colleague and look to the person behind him, “Good morning to you Alonzo brothers, I have some news.” A female was standing behind detective Alonzo’s brother, this female looked excited and brighter with the news she bears.

“As long as it’s not bad news Katherine I would be happy to hear that.” Detective Alonzo’s brother said so as he sat down in front of his table and grab his brother’s coffee and start sipping it as detective Alonzo watch his action with a pure expression of “unbelievable” “I agree with Nathan, and please don’t call us Alonzo brother’s it does not sound good.” Detective Alonzo said and Nathan pointed at him nodding as an agreement. “Come on you two just let your big sister be me, but anyway look.” Katherine claimed and raised her right hands on the air showing her little brothers the engagement ring on it with excitement on her eyes, Nathan shared the same feeling and hug her sister immediately, detective Alonzo on the other hand smiled lightly and show no sign of excitement at all. “Well, I’m happy that you finally have your hands on that man’s throat.” Detective Alonzo said without looking, instead he opened his laptop to start his work, Katherine did not care of his brother’s cold reaction though because she knows that deep down her brother is happy for her, he’s not just expressive as always because of how life has been for him.

“So? Do you have a date?” Nathan asked her sister after she was ignored by detective Alonzo, “yes brother, we need to get marry as soon since Vincent will be traveling back to U.S for a project.” Katherine explained to her brother as she was getting her wedding invitations and giving it to them, “it will be an exclusive wedding for now until he comes back.” Nathan smiled to her sister, a comforting smile assuring her that whatever decision she has is okay with him.

“You sure that’s what you want?” detective Alonzo spoke while typing and all eyes on his laptop, Katherine then turned her attention to him changing her expression, she’s quiet confuse with what her brother is asking, “what are you implying Nicholas?” Nicholas breath heavily and face her sister “ever since we were kids you have always plan to have a wedding out of this world and you agreed to an exclusive wedding for this Vincent guy?” Katherine couldn’t believe it she preferred him not caring about this news at all, “why do you care anyway?” she said to her brother frowning, “I’m your brother, besides a man with that status? The lease he can do is make time for you sis.” Nicholas said straight to her sister’s face with no expression still, Katherine couldn’t speak in disbelief she just grabs her bag and Nicholas’s invitation and walked out. “You not reacting to this type of news is understandable Nic but blowing her up like that? At least show her you care in a manner that won’t hurt her.” Nathan stands up and said those words to his brothers face and followed Katherine out, Nicholas looks at his brother walk away and disappear to the door and he looked back at his laptop to continue his work when his phone started ringing, he stopped whatever he was doing and pick up his phone, it was from the emergency hotline, “I’m on my way to Limasawa.”

“Detective Alonzo here’s our victims file, Henry Martinez, a local citizen here in El Felisidad.” Nicholas checked on the victims file and crossed under the yellow tape to check the victim, he bent down to check the victims throat wound and touch the victim’s cold body, “who found the body?” he asks the dispatcher as he continue to examine the body, “those two students called 911, they said they were on their way to school” the dispatcher pointed at two young girls being interviewed by another dispatcher. “What are you doing?” the dispatcher panic as Nicholas took out a small scalpel from the med team’s bag and cut the left shoulder of the victim, looking at the result the dispatcher was shocked, “he was drained out of blood.” Detective Alonzo look at the dispatcher with worry, in his mind he is stressing out, the city of El Felisidad had never had murder cases the heaviest crime in this city are theft and rape, “ran an autopsy on this body and tell your guys to stop investigating the streets he was not murdered here.”

Nicholas instructed and was looking around to observe the place, “what do you want me to do?” when Nicholas heard that he closed his eyes and was trying not to be pissed off the dispatcher look at his expression and just exited the situation to do as he was told, Nicholas turn to that familiar voice and with no surprise it is his brother Nathan, “what are you doing here?” he asked, Nathan opened his phone and scrolled through some text as Nicholas watched him confused, he tap in a text and showed it to his brother, “lieutenant assigned me to accompany you on this murder case, and you can’t deny me, you know that Henry is my friend and I will do him justice.” And just like that Nathan was able to read his brother, he knows that he won’t work with him and he also does not have the desire to work with him, but the moment he knew that it was one of his old friends that got murdered he told himself that he would swallow his pride just to help solve this case. “Fine, go find out what Henry was up to these days but I bet you it’s not good, it never had been.”

Nicholas said as he harshly passes the folder to his brother’s chest and walk away towards his car, Nathan followed him with his eyes and as he entered his car, he looks back to his old friend sitting under the street names post “Limasawa Street” seeing that sign his heart felt heavy as he was taken back to memory lane.

8 years ago…

It was 4 pm in the afternoon and all the students just got out of the El Felisidad University located at Limasawa street, a group of boys with their motor bikes stops by the street sign as they were waiting for someone, “where do you think Henry is?” one of the boys ask as they took of their helmets, “didn’t you ask him to get her?” another boy answered, Nathan sat under the street sign as he open a can of coke and moments later Henry arrived with his scooter with a lovely young lady at the back “hey guys.” Henry greeted, everyone then cheered up and started putting their helmets back and drove away, Nathan stands up and throw the empty can of coke and look at the girl at the back of henry’s scoter, she smiled at him and he lightly smiled back, Nathan looks at Henry with hesitation and fear in his eyes, “let’s go Nate or were going to be late for the fun,” Henry said and started driving away.

End of flashback….

9:30 am…

There was a knock on the guidance room where a fine young lady with luscious long black hair, fair skin, body as fit as an hour glass that is hidden with the school uniform, and eyes tempting as the serpent tempt eve, this woman was reading some files on her table and was checking her laptop as well when she heard this knock, “come in” she said without even paying attention to the door as she was busy looking back and fort to her paper files and laptop, “Miss Salvey?” she stop what she was doing when she heard this persons voice “Eliana? Come in,” she looks at the door and smiled warmly as she directly saw the troubled eye of her student, “what happened dear?” Elaina came inside the office and stood in front of Lucena Salvey and when she was asked how she was doing she look at her teacher and started bursting out tears, the warmth look in Lucena was lost and was replace with worriedness, she stands up immediately and walk towards Elaina and sat her down to the office’s couch.

“He did it again.” Those were the only words Eliana can murmur, Lucena started comforting her and shushing her, it breaks her heart to see her students like this, Eliana specifically who have been having a hard time at school because of household problems, she have been counseling her for some time now and it was only last week that she have found out that Eliana’s step father have been touching her maliciously she ask the kid to help her file a report but as other victims Eliana is scared, Lucena understands it since she too went to a similar situation, but this time she can’t take it anymore, “I’ll excuse you to class today okay? I want you to stay here I just need to do something.” She said to Eliana as she cress her face and wiped her tears away.

Lucena stands up and walk to her drawer where she kept all her files and got Eliana’s out, “what are you doing?” Eliana asks as her voice is shaking and her body is trembling but still manages to stand up from the couch, “I know we talked about this El, but I won’t just sit here and have you be molested again, I will file a report and I promise I will protect you.” Lucena said as she walked towards the little girl and held her hands Eliana took her hand from the teachers grip, “you really don’t get it? My mom is not going to believe me, she’s going to abandon me, Miss Salvey.” Eliana shouted and drop her body weight to the couch, Lucena was about to comfort her but someone is knocking at the door, so she grab the tissue box and handed it over to Eliana and fix herself before walking to the door, she slowly opened the door and saw the school principal with 1 gigantic man behind him, “I’m on session Principal Perklin but how may I help?” she widely opened the door reveling Eliana inside and said those words to the principal “I need you to postpone it, the police is here to talk to Eliana.” Principal Perklin said and Lucena was confused and shock I mean everyone with a normal mind would, “what happened?” Eliana interrupted and ask worriedly, Lucena looks at her student as Eliana walked towards the door still sobbing, “Your father Henry Martinez was found dead at Limasawa Street.”