Where is the groom?

It was full of silence in the guidance office or it’s only in the head of Lucena her mind is somewhere else she can’t believe the news she just heard from the detective Alonzo, “Miss Salvey, right?” Lucena who was drowning on her thoughts was ask by the detective himself she look at him and breath heavily before standing up, “we would be bringing Eliana back to the station for questioning, but I heard from the principal that you stand as the school therapist rather than a council, have you notice any strange activity or behavior that miss Martinez was showing these past few days?” the detective ask with completely blank emotion and after hearing his statement Lucena frowned in disbelief, she thinks that they are blaming Eliana for Henry Martinez’s death.

“Are you asking me if Eliana can be a possible suspect of this horrible crime? 15 years old girl? Carried a 25 years old man whose body weight is twice as her, and in sometime at night manages to kill her father and put him to wherever the body is without no one noticing, is that how you deduce this detective?” Lucena said sarcastically, she was offended by how this detective put her favorite student on the suspect list, although she can’t blame him in every murder mystery cases it’s always someone so close to the victim who killed them, “you have a point, but there are a lot of things that you may not have knowledge of miss Salvey, so it’s best to stay in your lane.” Nicholas slowly walked towards Lucena as they were only inches apart Lucena did not flinched nor move which amazes detective Nicholas, he often get intimidating impressions to most people he meet that’s why he’s so good with his job but for the first time someone was able to withstand his intimidating aura, they stared at each other for a couple seconds examining each other’s eyes, Nicholas broke the eye contact first by smirking and walking out of the office, Lucena breath heavily and was trying to catch her breath and herself by holding her table after what just happened between the both of them as a woman it took a lot of courage to just stand there and not flinched.

The drive back to the precinct was very silent but Nicholas kept looking at Eliana at his rear view mirror and he can’t help but notice that the young girl have been silently crying, He have known the Martinez family for almost all his life, and it does bring him shame dragging Eliana into this mess but it is his job, he just needs to question the girl and he will let her go, he may not know how to comfort her emotionally but if she will provide questionable answers the least he can do is cover for it, off course he does not believe that this poor girl killed her own father but the possibilities of her having him killed by someone or someone helped her in killing him in some way can be put up in the picture of this case, specially that she hold so much grudge to Henry, this are all in Nicholas’s thoughts as he drives.

“Your mom and lawyer are already at the station” Nicholas checks the text that he just received from his brother so he informed Eliana, he looks at the rear-view mirror again as he did not get any response from the girl, “I don’t know what’s going on.” Eliana said in a thinnest trembling voice she could give due to all the crying she feels exhausted, Nicholas almost showed emotion but he got a hold of that real quick, he bites his lower lips for a second and focused back on the road since he is about to park.

As they walk to the entrance of the precinct Nathan was there waiting for them, when Eliana saw him, she rushed to Nathan and hug him tightly, Nathan hugs the little girl back and met the eyes of his brother, Nicholas walked to the interrogation room where Eliana’s mother and lawyer are waiting,” everything is going to be okay.” Nathan spoke as she looked down to Eliana giving her a warm felt smile, Eliana smiled lightly not convince with her godparent’s comfort, “Nathan?” as they were on the way to the interrogation room someone with a familiar voice called Nathan, he look to where this voice came from and called one colleague of his to bring Eliana to the interrogation room, “Katherine now is not the time Nic-,” it was her sister who came back to the office even after being shut by Nicholas with his cold treatment, but as Nathan talked her out not to avoid her but also because it’s working hours he can’t help but notice the worried face her sister is giving but also it’s her sister, she constantly worries with a lot of girl stuff and that anxiety might be heightened because of her rush up coming wedding, “ Vincent has been missing.” Katherine said trying to swallow the tears that are coming out, Nathan was speechless and he does not know what to say and to feel, is Vincent ghosting her sister who he just asks to marry or is he missing for some other reasons. “His office and family kept calling me this morning after I left the precinct asking me if he was with me, his office haven’t heard from him for 24 hours now Nate, I’m worried.” Still Nathan was speechless, what’s going on with this town? First a murder now someone is missing? What a Monday, he thought.

“You said it’s been 24 hours, right?” Nathan clarified that to his sister after fixing his in shocked thoughts, Katherine nod to her brother’s question, “I need you to go to the front desk and file a missing persons report immediately.” Nathan said to her worried sister as he holds both of her shoulder, “are you and Nick going to look for him?” Katherine ask his brother and Nathan just look at her in the eyes not knowing what to respond, he would really like to help her sister off course that’s his family but Eliana is also family who should not but be in the middle of this mess and that’s the first case assigned to them.

“It will presumably be assigned to other people; Nick and I are handling a murder case.” Nathan said and let go of her sister’s shoulder, Katherine who showed a worried expression frowned in curiosity and shocked, “A murder? In El Felisidad?” Nathan looks up and back to her sister and nod to her question, Katherine covered her mouth in so much shock, “But Katherine I’ll still help out in finding Vincent I just need to comply with the case I’m provided with, so go to the front desk and they can start looking for him” this time without and questions and hesitation Katherine nod and walked over to the front desk and Nathan watched her before walking to the interrogation room.

Somewhere and sometime around Sunday: Vincent’s point of view

I wake up feeling all kinds of pain in my body but the most pain was at the back of my head, I slowly open my eyes although I’m pretty sure that my vision was blurry but the room was peach black and it was quiet, so quiet that it vibrates in my ear, my head aches again and I wanted to touch it because it feels wet as well like something is dripping on top of me, the room also smells nasty like a metallic smell that I cannot understand and properly described, as I try to reach my head I just realize that I’m tied to a chair, my feet, my hand and my abdomen is tied to a stupid chair, I tried moving and rocking it to somehow loosen the ropes or whatever I’m tied with, as I was rocking the chair and moving roughly I ended up falling on the floor but still tied to the chair.

“HEEELLPP!!” even with all that exhaustion and pain I still manage to shout on top of my lungs, I shouted and shouted but I hear no response of anything it seems like the room is sound proof. “You done?” I heard someone speak I’m not sure if this is a real person or it’s a hallucination caused by all the pain I’m feeling and desperation to escape and kill whoever put me in this position. “If your real, if you’re really here with me, tell me what you want, money?” no one answered, am I really just hallucinating? But then I hear someone chuckled, “HEEEYY?!” I shouted on top of my lungs irritated by the way this person chuckled, this person then turned on the lights and I twinkled my eyes by this sudden brightness, I saw this person’s feet as he/she walks towards me my vision still blurry, with all the sudden brightness, the fall and this pain in my head that can’t seem to stop, but I can feel the person gripping the chair and pushing me back to the position I was before.

“What do you want, just tell me already.” I said in an exhausted voice, I seem to lose my energy with all of the shouting I did, I also suddenly feel dizzy, “You’ll know soon” the person said, there was even a table in this room and I didn’t notice that, it has a lot of things on it but I notice that there’s also a first aid kit is this person doing something to me? Off course because why else would they kidnap me, “I might have hit you so hard, you lost a lot of blood.” The person said as he/she is reaching for the Gauze I still can’t identify this person’s gender with my blurry vision. “Who are you? And what are you doing?” I ask as I tried to move my head to look at this person but they held my head and made me look straight forward, “You can call me Doe for now, you don’t know me and I don’t want your money.” This Doe person said, what a weird name though.

“All done.” Doe said and walked in front of me I can’t seem to describe this person, Doe is wearing an all-black loose shirt and baggy pants, wearing a black beanie and is wearing a mask, my visions are still a little bit blurry, “I need you alive for now Vincent, so do take care of yourself here, I still need to take care of things so sleep tight and be ready because by the time that I’ll get back were both playing your favorite game.” Doe said and walked towards the door and before I know it Doe was gone and I was feeling a little bit sleepy.

Monday back at the Precinct…

The interrogation for Eliana was done, one thing that led Nicholas to questioning Eliana is because of her alleged assault report against Henry but as expected Eliana is innocent, the way she answers the question, the way she acts when she is being ask, the whole entire scene put her out of the possible suspect list, Eliana’s mother was also interrogated after her, so the kid waited outside with Nathan, “want anything to eat?” Nathan asks Eliana to cut off the silence between them and Eliana just looked at him and shake her head, “well I do, I’ll go get us something from the vendor machine.” Nathan said in a little bit Jolly voice as Eliana just lightly smiled at her.

“Eliana?” the little girl’s name was called and she quickly look to whom it was from and showed a big smiled when she confirmed it, “Miss Lucena?!” she called to her and rush to hug her, “Cassandra?” Nathan said as he walked towards them, they looked at him confused mostly Lucena since Nathan was looking at her when she called her with another person’s name, “I’m sorry?” Lucena smiled and ask politely, “oh my sorry I thought you’re someone I knew.” Nathan felt embarrassed, he licks his lower lip and gave Eliana her water still eyeing Lucena, Eliana was weirded out by his action but later realize that he might have feel a little something for her teacher. “Nate this is my teacher as well as my school guidance counselor.” Eliana introduced her teacher as Nathan was still looking at her and Lucena was trying to avoid eye contact, “Lucena Salvey, nice to meet you.” Lucena introduced herself and she extended her right hand, “Detective Nathan Alonzo, my pleasure as well.” He extended his right hand as well and they Shaked hands. “Nathan?” one of his colleagues called him signaling him that he is needed at the office he rolled his eyes and shake his head lightly and look back at the two ladies.

“Well, I have to get back to work kiddo.” He said as he rubs the top head of Eliana and the girl just smile, “It would really be nice if we can talk more.” He looked at Lucena and said those words, “Maybe soon.” Lucena responded and smiled to him, Nathan smiled back and nod once before walking away.

“Isn’t he cute?” Eliana suddenly shouldered her teacher lightly as they watched Nathan walk away, “Well let’s see, he has a big build body, which looks good in that plain gray shirt and a black leather jacket, he has a curly semi long black hair and a masculine beard, which complement his face, has a husky voice that seems like he’s good at singing and he smile so beautifully and looks at you so deeply at the same time, no he’s not cute.” Lucena describes Nathan while she looks at him disappear from the hallway and look at Eliana smiling and blushing, Eliana then chuckled by the situation that her teacher might have a crush on her godparent, “you totally have a crush on him.” Lucena looks at Eliana with a denial face and just chuckled as she joins the little girl on the couch.