The Game You Played was Russian Roulette

Doe’s (Killer) Point of View.

After a long day at work, I just went straight home to pass the time I do normal people stuff too, I went by the El Felisidad market to buy something for dinner, I’m cooking steak for tonight for a special occasion I will celebrate myself. I arrived at my house and started preparing my food, I washed the cheap meat for the steak, I cut my onions and garlic into thin pieces, started cutting some tomatoes and cucumber something that I like to eat while waiting for my steak to cook, I started heating my pan and put some butter in, and started cooking, while waiting for the steak I opened up my tv and started playing some soft instrumental music, I then opened my fridge and grab some expensive champagne to pair with the steak. After a few minutes everything was done so I started eating.

After an hour of enjoying and savoring my dinner I opened my phone to check on my social media, everyone in El Felisidad is posting justice for Henry Martinez, I smeared in discuss, he was not good for this community anyway all he had to offer is that little clinic that his wife runs, but I did have my fun killing and draining the life out of him, I look up above the tv where my clock is to check the time and it was 9:30 p.m. already and it is time.

I walk inside my room to get dress and prepare for the occasion I’m attending today, earlier I visited Vincent Hanley’s office and got a hold of his favorite revolver, I packed that inside my bag along with 2 ammunition, in my room you will see 5 paintings of a deer the third painting is a deer being butchered by 5 people where I personally had customize since I’m not really the type who paints and once you turn that painting to the right side three times a secret door in my room that I engineered myself will open, it’s where I hide my trophies and any other things that is suspicious and cannot be seen here on my apartment.

After getting ready I grab the keys to my other car, I usually drive Mercedes but I drive a Honda civic when I do my dirty works, I walk to the parking lot and opened my trunk and put everything there, and started driving away. I really like driving during this time of the night because whenever I watch the streets of El Felisidad I’m reminded that the people in this town are very well discipline and the only people alive during these hours are those on the way to their graveyard shift and those on the way home from their day shift. A few blocks away I arrived at the heart of El Felisidad, Limasawa but I will only pass by since my destination is in the forest which is 2km from the street of Limasawa, I drove deep into the forest making sure no one saw me and no one followed me, I stop to my first landmark which is a large pine tree and the only pine tree that was ever alive in this forest, I park my civic properly and got out of the car and grab my things out the trunk.

Behind this tall big pine tree is a little cave that is portal like because once you cross it you will see the beautiful lagoon this forest has but that has been drained a couple years ago and never got its beauty back, and across the lagoon is an old cabin which is my final destination.

I walk inside the cabin opening my flashlight, although this place is far away from the city, I cannot risk anyone knowing about it or noticing it, I opened one big room where I placed Vincent Hanley in, I customize and renovated the room to my likeness basically to be my torcher room, I made sure that it’s sound prof and no light can go in and out.

I went inside the room and turn the lights on and that woke Vincent up, I gave him a little dose of propofol earlier to put him in a coma, I carried the small but long table near him so he sits at the left end of the table while I sit on the right side where I place my black bag. While he was still weak and feeling dizzy, I untied his arms but also made sure that he can’t untie the ropes on his abdomen and feet.

“Glad your already awake, I hate for you to miss out the fun.” I said as I walk back to my sit, I took out his revolver and put the 2 ammunitions on my pocket, “What’s that?” he asks in a very weak voice, “It’s your favorite toy Vincent.” I replied waving the gun showing it to him, I pack him my left-over steak so I grab that out of the bag and pass it from my end to his, “I untied your hands so you can eat, but don’t even think of escaping, I gave you a good amount of antevert while untying you although I don’t know what it does but I found it in your medicine cabinets earlier when I was looking for your toy.” I know what this medicine does off course, antevert are use to cause fatigue on the body causing tiredness and it weakens your body if overdose might put you in a coma, Vincent has a lot of this because this is what he let the girls mix on their drinks so they can’t do anything while he rapes them, yes he is a respected business man in the city of El Felisidad and out but when you have that kind of money you pair it with crime and good fetish sex.

“How did you get inside my house?” he asks while he devour the food, I gave him and I just sat their watching him eat, I grab another thing in my bag and that is my Marlboro black cigarette, I started lighting it and smoked, “I got my resources.” I answered while I blow the smoke out. “Now, a quick question, do you remember Allison?” I ask smoking the cigarette again, he didn’t answer but he stop eating and look at me I think he is remembering it now, “How did you know?” and there we go he does remember; Allison was his first victim in both rape and murder, the girl’s parents filed a murder charge but Vincent erased it with money and the girl never had her justice.

“You played Russian roulette with her, didn’t you? And correct me if I’m wrong, out of your 22 collections of 1880 revolver, this gun was specifically used on that game.” I explained and smoke the last edge of my cigarette and slowly mashed it on the table, I look at him with a sinister smirked, he was just silent but I can see it in his eyes the fear and the realization as he recollects his memory to what happened that day with Allison, “Y- you’re reenacting what happened that day?” he said in a weak and scared voice, I smiled at him and nod.

A few years back as I was researching for my victims I came by an article about how Vincent Hanley was not charge for the rape and murder of Allison Maureen and from then on I got obsessed with the case, I started my research about Vincent’s whole life which he is very open too in his social, I found out about his company, his girlfriend, and how he runs his business outside and inside El Felisidad, Vincent did not came from scratch the oil company was his parents and as a kid he was trained to manage it, I also learned that he is short tempered and his pride and ego are very known by investors and competitors, but as I dig deeper into Vincent Hanley’s life I found out that Allison Maureen is not his first victim.

I was able to hack and get a hold of Vincent’s secret files on his laptop it consist of five videos and when I reviewed it I was utterly disgusted, he explains in the video how he let those girls drink antevert before raping them because he wants them to be conscious while he do what he does but he also want them to not scream or fight so basically he paralyze their body but not their mind, in one of the video’s was Allison and their I saw how much of a fighter she is because even after drinking the antevert she manages to fight him which lead to her death, Vincent somehow over powers her, placed and tied her to a chair, he then calm down for a bit but all of a sudden took his revolver out of his drawer and put one ammunition in, he then spins the cylinder and placed the gun on his head and walk in front of Allison “let’s see if I still have my luck.” He said as he pulled the trigger on his head and the gun did not explode and he laugh crazily, “now let’s see if you have the same luck.” He said and spined the cylinder one more time and walk near Allison so near that the muzzle of the revolver is now on her forehead, the girl looks at him on the eyes and he did the same, they had eye contact for a couple of seconds and Allison did not show fear for a second, he then pulled the trigger and the gun did explode killing Allison for good.

“What a gruesome scene indeed.” I said as I close the laptop, I showed Vincent the videos I have gathered as I was hacking his laptop, and he was not happy after I showed his video with Allison, even if I know him as a short-tempered person, he seems to show some remorse to what he did, “I never meant for that to happen.” He said looking down.

I scoffed, is he trying to make me laugh? Does he really think that I can’t see through him a spoiled brat who knows how to get what he wants always no matter what and it doesn’t matter if someone’s life is on the line just as long as he gets his way.

“Does your fiancé know?” he quickly raised his head with that question, now I got your attention, despite all the dirty things I found out about him one thing I know is that he is good at loving his fiancé or any other girls that he seriously loved, “Katherine Alonzo is it?” I said and lightly smile at him raising my left eyebrow and to see his alerted expression is just something for me, “Don’t you dare” he said but I cut him off directly “don’t I dare what?” I responded looking straight at him, I lean back to my chair and crossed my arms, “here’s a deal Vincent, if you make it out alive, if that is even possible, I won’t ever bother you and your soon to be wife ever again, but if you don’t the whole El Felisidad, including your fiancé will know what you did to Allison, deal?” I said as I keep spinning the cylinder of the revolver, “oh wait you don’t have any other choice.” I said and smirked at him.

I slide the revolver to his side and he just look at it, I can feel his heavy breathing, having no choice does really suck, “I do hope by now you know that I’m offering you to play Russian roulette with me.” I said pointing at the gun, he glances at me and looked back at the gun, he then moved quickly, grab the gun and pulled the trigger at me and I did not react to it, he spin the cylinder once more and pulled the trigger and still nothing, he kept doing that till he realize that he was at the last part of the cylinder and still there was no explosion what so ever, he look at me in anger and I just smiled at him, he opened the cylinder and realize it was empty and when he looked back at me I raised the ammunition that was supposed to be on the cylinder, “you cheated, that’s not how you play Russian roulette.” He said and I just look at him with a piercing gaze, I stand up and walk towards him and grab the gun, he didn’t fight for the gun since his body is weak right now, “Well I guess I create my own luck.”

I put the ammunition to the cylinder and closed it, I slowly spined the cylinder to annoy him and also to make sure that he watched every move as his death steps closer and closer to him, “why are you doing this? Who are you?!” he shouted at me.

“I’m the collector of debt and your overdue.” I said and pointed the muzzle on top of his head and within second pulled the trigger and before I even know the gun already went off and the right part of his head exploded and the blood from that current event splash through me and my face was covered with blood, that’s why I always bring extra clothes “I’m this town’s grim ripper.” I said over his dead body before leaving the room with my bag to wash up.