Let El Felisidad know the name Allison Maureen

Third Person’s Point of View

It was a usual morning at Limasawa University, students rushing in to their respective classrooms, teacher entering their faculty some are still having their morning coffee since they cannot stand being in their house for too long with all their family drama. As Lucena was walking down the corridor on the way to her office she can hear the whispers of students and teacher talking about the death of Henry Martinez, “Is it true that they haven’t found who killed him?” said by one of the teacher’s having coffee outside the faculty door, beside that door is a water dispenser Lucena walk towards them to fill up her tumbler but also to eavesdrop, “What do you think Ms. Salvey? You were out there at the station yesterday do you think Mr. Martinez’s daughter killed him?” the other teacher then asks Lucena as she was filling up her tumbler, in her mind she just won’t answer or care about them but again Eliana is being involved.

She closes her tumbler and faced the two teachers that are gossiping, “I’m not really the type of teacher who conclude a story without credibility on both parties.” Lucena answered and smiled at them before leaving and walking away she can’t get their facial expression out her head though they felt judge by her, and they know they can’t step up or disrespect Lucena since she is a very respective teacher in this University.

Lucena was looking for her office keys on her bag while slowly walking to her office to why she did not notice when she bumped to someone, it wasn’t a hard bump though that will send her flying it’s more of an intentional bump, she looked at the person she bumps into and was shock and confused at the same time, “hi” said the person, “What are you doing here Nathan?” it was detective Nathan Alonzo, she found her office keys and quickly walk towards her office door to unlock it and Nathan just followed her, “I’m here to check up on Eliana.” Nathan said before she could enter her office, she was about to opened her door but she stops and breath heavily and looked at him, “I send her home, she’s not going near this school up until his father’s case is solved.” Nathan frowned in confusion thinking how she have the power to do that, yes she is a guidance counselor but is she that persuasive to let both the parents and school principal to agree on that, Lucena continue to opened the door and she opened it wide, she look at Nathan signaling him to go in and he did walk inside the room and directly sat on the couch as Lucena walk to her table, “Gossip is not new in this town you know, your brother made a show here yesterday by taking her out of this school with handcuffs, I just don’t want her to be bullied nor be talked about, I’m just doing my job, taking good care of my students mental being.”

She said as she starts looking for something on her tables which was a mess since she was not able to clean up and pile everything up due to the events that happen yesterday, she grabs one thick file and walk towards the couch where Nathan was sitting and handed him the file, he looks at it then to Lucena quiet confuse to what its for, “I wrote memoir of every session I have with Eliana and this might help.” Nathan grabs the file and opened it he started reading some of it and was more amazed by Lucena’s penmanship, “You wrote this?” he asks while caressing the paper, Lucena looked at how he cares and touches the paper and it made her smile and feel appreciated, “Yes, despite laptops I personally find writing relaxing.” She said and smiled and when Nathan looked at her smiling it made him smile as well and there was a moment of silence as they stared into each other, and it was only disrupted when Nathan’s phone rang.

“Sorry.” Nathan softly said unwieldy to the situation they were just in, and Lucena just smiled signaling him that it was okay, as he picks up the call the girl also got back to her table to start working, “hey I got to go it was my sister, her fiancé just ghosted her.” He said as he put his phone on his back pocket and scoff to the idea that her sister’s fiancé just ghosted her, Nathan walked towards the door but stopped before opening it and look back to Lucena who was typing on her laptop already, “here’s my calling card if you need anything.” He said as he walks towards the table and slide his calling card in front Lucena “Thanks.” Lucena smiled and so did Nathan and finally after that walked out of her office.

Nathan lied about the caller being her sister, although it was one of his siblings, Nicholas, he lied due to personal reason as the police force wants to keep the town calm they are trying to investigate Henry Martinez case silently, they have interrogated most of their suspects but no one seems to have any motive to kill and most of them have an alibi, Nicholas called Nathan to get the autopsy report since Nicholas is also following some other leads on this case, Nathan drove slowly as he received a text from his brother it was the location of the temporary clinic where Henry’s body was sent for autopsy since their trusted forensic pathologist Alice is out of the country for a honeymoon vacay.

When Nathan put his phone down, he made a quick glance at the passenger seat window and saw someone familiar at the Limasawa street sign to where they found Henry’s body, “Vincent?” he said to himself as he stops his car and reverse since he passed him already, “what is he doing there? Is he drunk?” he kept looking at his rear-view mirror and side mirror back and fort as he reverses the car and when he was in front of him, he rolled the passenger seat window down and called for him “hey Vincent are you drunk?”

In Nathan’s knowledge Vincent is not really a good man nor someone worthy to be part of their family but he also does not go against his sisters happiness to why he leave it with Nicholas to judge and argue with Katherine about being in a relationship with him, Nicholas was also one of the people who protected Vincent with the Allison case and that’s why he does not feel good about the guy, “Hey, Katherine has been looking everywhere for you” Nathan again said and still no response from the guy, he got annoyed so he grab his phone and started dialing his sister as he got out of the car and walk towards Vincent.

“Hey Kath, call me back I found Vincent.” His call to Katherine routed to voicemail so he left one and put his phone to his pocket and perch down at Vincent’s level and tried to push his head back and was surprise with what he saw that he out balance himself and fell to the ground. Vincent has a bullet whole on his forehead and the right side of his head was totally obliterated it wasn’t obvious from a far since his head was position to tilt down, Nathan realize the situation and immediately stand up and grab his phone to call his brother, as the phone was ringing he kept looking at Vincent’s body, he was worried but not to the point that he is panicking he is a police officer he should not panic in this type of situation although this is the only time that this town have been experiencing this mysterious killings, “what?” it was Nicholas feeling annoyed by his brother calling him, “it’s Vincent-“ before he can continue his words he saw something on Vincent’s body, “just come here to Limasawa.” He hangs up the call and immediately ran to his car while texting other respondents as well, he threw his phone at the back of his car and opened the front drawer to grab a pair of gloves and wore them, he walks back to Vincent and grab the item he saw that was seem like planted to the side of his face that was obliterated.

As he picks it up, he notices that it was a piece of paper, an ordinary bond paper actually and it was covered with blood and brain tissues, Nathan opened the paper since it was folded to be this size, there was something written on it.

“PS: it was his Russian roulette game that killed him.”

Said the note and at the very bottom of that note is a source digital card protected and covered with a plastic and tape and it has an arrow saying watch me, Nathan took the whole thing to his car, he grab a zip lock bag that he always kept with him on his black adidas bag, he took the source digital card out of the plastic and put the note on a zip lock bag for it was evidence, he also took his laptop out of his bag, turned it on, entered his password, and he was working at a faster phase due to his adrenaline, he inserted the SD card on his laptop and it immediately identified it and a video automatically popped out, he back up a little bit hesitant to play the video, it might be how Vincent was killed, he stands up and left everything as it is on the back of his car, he decided that he will wait for his brother to play the video. He grabbed his phone at the back of his pocket and reported the crime to the precinct.

Back at the precinct before Nathan found Vincent’s body and called both his siblings, Nicholas was at his office trying to review all of the work he have done so far with Henry Martinez’s case, he walk himself through it all with the interviews he had done with all the possible suspects in this case, one of the nurse that work at the Martinez Hospital, also the nurse that Henry Martinez was secretly dating was one of the people Nicholas interviewed, the nurse stated that the last person he saw Henry was with Arthur Perklin and they seem to be arguing she did not hear what they were arguing about but it seem to be about the lack of attention and support Henry gives to the school clinic which he promised to provide for. Nicholas then opened his laptop and start searching Arthur Perklin on the web and there were a lot of results.

“Arthur Perklin, Principal of Limasawa University, one of the youngest principal the school ever had, he started at the age of 25 up until his age today, he was also awarded by the school due to the foundations he have created and supported under the school’s name and he is the only Principal that made almost 8.5 million a year for the school over the El Felisidad high ranks donation, Perklin originally is not from El Felisidad, he was born and raise outside this town but was able to get this job after his Masteral a few years back and ended up here at the heart of El Felisidad.”

Nicholas read this silently from his laptop, this is the first statements that gets out of the web whenever you search for Arthur Perklin’s name, Nicholas was intrigue that he did not originate here at El Felisidad, and making an 8.5 profit from the school donator’s is surely a lot and a pride for his name, upon further research Henry Martinez is one of the investors of the school not just the clinic but he gives the school 1.5 million every year, and if it is really true that he is backing down with his donation that can be a motive for murder, it does not just lower the school’s profit but it stings Perklin’s name and the possible commission he can get out of it.

Nicholas was taking note of all of this to ready himself for an interview with the said principal, he might lawyer up once Nicholas starts to involve him with the crime so he should ask the not so obvious question and use a smother and calmer strategy to talk to him, as Nicholas was thinking of his strategy his phone suddenly rings, he look at it annoyed for it was his brother who he just texted the location of the temporary pathologist they confined Henry’s body to, “what?” he pick up the phone annoyed, “it’s Vincent.” His brother said, he rolled eyes thinking what could have Vincent done this time, “just come to Limasawa.” He looks at his phone when his brother hangs it up immediately, he thought about what he said for a bit but he has a lead he needs to follow, he put his phone down to his table and as he continues to read the article about Perklin someone went rushing through the door.

“Where is Nathan?” he breath heavily as he looks at his sister annoyed with all the disruption he received today with his siblings, “he’s not here.” Katherine walked towards his brothers table and played something from her phone, “hey Kath call me back I found Vincent.” It was the voicemail Nathan left her, Nicholas frowned because on the voicemail he left to Katherine his voice was very different but not in a weird way it was just different because he seemed normal compared to his voice just now, he sounds worried and bothered when he called which Nicholas felt that something is not right, he then remembered that his brother instructed him to come to Limasawa.

Before Nicholas can even speak a colleague of him knock at the opened door and both Katherine and Nicholas look at him “Nathan called in he found a body at Limasawa.” The person said and rushed to walk away from the office, Nicholas was shock he look at his sister who was not moving nor talking at all, she was trembling, her eyes were wide open probably in shock and scared that the body was Vincent’s.

Nicholas grabbed his denim jacket and wore it as he stands up and walked near his sister, he walked in front of him and hold both her shoulder, “I need you to stay here, can you do that?” Nicholas in calm voice said to his sister and was trying to sat her down but she removed his grip from her shoulder’s, “I need to go there, I need to be sure.” She said in a very silent voice like she was whispering, her eyes were just looking straight to the wall to where her body was facing not even minding her brother, “I can’t risk it Kath.” Said Nicholas as he tries to sat her down and for the first time, he showed little emotion for her sister but she does not notice it since her thoughts are at Limasawa and the possibility that the body they found was Vincent’s.

When Nicholas managed to sat her down the couch she was still breathing heavily and faster than her normal breathing,” Aimee?!” he walked near the door of his office and shouted for the precinct’s nurse and just like that the nurse come running, “Yes?” she said to the detective, “I need you to attend to my sister, she’s not injured or what she’s just in shock.” He said to the nurse and Aimee look at the person on his back and saw Katherine still in shock and not moving, she then look back at the detective and nod, “No, I need to be sure, I need to, Nick.” Katherine all of a sudden stand up and was trying to hold the tears that’s about to pour down her eyes, after saying Nicholas’s nickname she let her body weight pull her down the ground and breakdown, Nicholas immediately closed the door to his office to avoid drama and nurse Aimee rush to help the lady out, “Please keep her out of trouble.” He said to the nurse, Aimee smiled because it is the first time that he showed that he cares, and also the first time he said please to her after all the years they worked together.

Nicholas drove his car as fast as he could to Limasawa and as he was almost there, he noticed that his brother’s car was park just outside the Limasawa street other responders started arriving as well, as he got closer to the crime scene, he notices that Vincent’s body was place exactly the same with Henry, the same placement and positioning, he parks his car before Nathan’s and rushed out to walk towards his brother.

“What do you have?” Nicholas said as he looks at Vincent’s body being examined carefully by the forensics, “look at this.” Nathan said and opened his laptop and Nicholas watched him as he does so and played the video on the screen, it was a full video of Vincent torturing and killing Allison Maureen, “I found that protected and pasted on this note that was folded and stuck inside his blow-up face.” Nathan said and showed the note that he obtained from the body and show it to his brother after the video finishes, “who saw the video?” Nicholas asks his brother.

“The whole town did, the video was publicly posted on all social media platform just an hour ago, I mean the killer must be ‘let El Felisidad know about Allison Maureen’, right?” Nathan was not able to respond to his brother’s question since someone else did, it was one of their colleagues, he walked towards the brothers chewing his gum, they knew him off course, how could they not, with his ocean blue eyes, his hazelnut-colored clean-cut hair, his clean handsome and intimidating face, his low sense of fashion and his chewing gums, “Damian, what are you doing here?” Nicholas asks his co officer, “I should be asking you the same thing.” Damian said as he pulled the SD card out of Nathan’s laptop and took the note out of Nicholas’s hands and each brother was just confused.

“I’m deeply sorry for your lost, I know that Vincent Hanley is so close to your family, emphasis on close, so I Damian Bollard will be handling this case.” He said taking the gum out of his mouth pasting it to one of the posts near the Limasawa street sign and walk past the brothers entering the yellow tape to talk with the forensics.

“Damian Bollard, huh.” Nicholas full of rage since his ego has been touched said and scoff as he walks towards his car and drove away leaving his brother on the scene, Nathan looks at Nicholas’s action and as he drives away Damian watched his brother’s car smiling and he look at his way as well and waive, Nathan just smeared at him and enter his car and drove away.