Damian Bollard's involvement with the Alonzo

Nicholas arrived at his office where Aimee and Katherine were still at, he took of his Jacket and slammed it at the couch, he walks to his table and grip on it’s edges, Nathan followed him inside the office and immediately saw her sister’s swollen face, “what happened?” Katherine asks worriedly looking back and forth to Nicholas and Nathan, “I can’t believe they let that bastard handle this murder case.” Nicholas said still griping on the table head facing down and mind is full of anger, “Nick” Nathan said shortly looking at her sister, “He can’t even solve a drug case how much more a murder?” Nicholas said and faced Nathan and from then on, he saw his sister’s reaction and his rage was quickly wiped away, “Kathy.” Nicholas said looking at her sister worriedly after hearing the news she then began to break down and cried almost fainting actually, “is your pride really more important?” Nathan said as he rushes to his sister to comfort her, Katherine hug Nathan still crying and Nicholas just stood there watching them, feeling sorry for not being more careful with his words.

“I’m sorry you have to find out that way Katherine.” Nathan said and hug her sister worriedly on how she might take this, she can be emotionally wreck, she’s the weakest among them despite being the oldest, when their mother died, she almost lost it and was about to commit suicide so their father had no choice but to put her on rehabilitation so someone can monitor her 24/7.

“I’m sorry to interrupt detective, Damian called and ask if you will give him permission to interrogate Ms. Katherine Alonzo for the murder of Mr. Vincent Hanley.” It was one of the police officers under Damian, Nicholas was more pissed off now to Damian, questioning his sister will do him no good, Nathan just looks at how pissed his brother was that Nicholas was clenching on the table so much it’s creaking, he couldn’t respond and Nathan does not want to go against anything his brother wants specially when he is angry.

“Do tell Mr. Bollard that the Alonzo’s will be lawyering up, so he has to go through me if he wants to question any of them.” A tall thin man wearing a partner beige suit appeared behind the police officer’s back, he was holding to a black brief case, he was about 6’3 tall taller than Nicholas and Nathan, he was thin but not so obvious due to the oversizing of his blazer, his hair is dark brown as a soil and his lips are the most attractive actually, it’s very plum and smooth, his skin was smooth and fair and he gives off a feminine aura. The police officer nod and walk away, the man entered the room and gently place his brief case on Nicholas’s work table, he smoothly taps Nicholas’s back and look at Katherine and shook his head breathing heavily, “what are you doing here Chester?” Nicholas asks in a very cold voice and look at the man, “hi, you’re the nurse around here, right? Will you please bring Ms. Alonzo to your clinic as I will be discussing some business with my clients.” Chester ignored Nicholas and commanded Aimee with a very calm and smooth voice he smiled at her after and she nod and slowly brought Katherine out.

Chester Hans Rovena, he is a very well known defense attorney in the town of El Felisidad, he graduated high school the same year as Nathan Alonzo did, pursued college outside El Felisidad, his whole family are lawyers and are very well known from town to town but they are more notorious here at El Felisidad, he is one of Nathan’s best friend and enemy but all in all he is the Alonzo’s cousin, Nathan, Nicholas and Katherine’s mother was a Rovena, before marrying their father who was the lieutenant at the time, Chester’s father and the Alonzo’s mother are practically siblings so they are first cousin.

“Oh, Chester I’m so glad you’re here.” As the nurse and Katherine went out the office and Chester closed the doors Nathan stood and hug his cousin, “What are you doing here Chester? Shouldn’t you be outside the country?” Nicholas asks walking towards his chair to sit, he opened a little drawer below his table and took out a whiskey and three glasses and poured everyone a drink. “Indeed, I was outside the country two days ago when I received a wedding invitation from my favorite cousin which pushed me to re schedule everything I have to do in the next two weeks, and upon my arrival I received another text from the same cousin saying that her soon to be husband might have been murdered, so I rushed here” Chester said as he took his coat off and grab the two glasses of whiskey Nicholas just poured and sat down at the couch beside Nathan and gave him the other glass.

“Nate, you were the first person at the crime scene you have the advantage to inspect the body, did you find anything that could point to Katherine?” Chester calmly said as he laid his back on the couch and kept on sipping on the whiskey, Nathan frowned trying to recall his steps when he arrived at the crime scene, “Nothing actually, I check the bullet hole on his forehead no bullets, I cannot find any evidence aside from the note.” Nathan responded looking to his cousin worriedly, it was obvious for them that the crime did not happen anywhere in Limasawa and like Henry’s case everything was cleaned up on the body but this time Vincent was not drain out of blood. “We know were dealing with one killer, so we need to figure out if anyone is between Vincent and Henry, and how can they be connected.” Nathan added still looking at Chester, his cousin just kept on nodding while sipping the whiskey like it’s some juice also his eyes were at Nicholas, Nathan followed his gaze and found his brother checking something at his laptop frowning, Nicholas then turned the laptop for their viewing.

“Arthur Perklin, both Henry and Vincent are link to the school as big donators, before Henry’s death someone saw Arthur and Henry arguing, I haven’t question him yet but the probability is there.” Nicholas said looking at both his cousin and brother he somehow has calmed down after a couple shots of whiskey. “I checked the data base reports from Bollard, they haven’t found anything but they tested his blood and it has a lot of mix drugs on it.” Nathan said as he checks his phone for that information.

“I’ll go and try to get some answers from Perklin, Nathan you need to obtain the autopsy results of Henry and Chester you.” Nicholas started demanding and moving, he cleaned up his desk and kept his whiskey and started wearing his jacket, “I need to do my thing, no need worry cousin.” Chester said still sitting on the couch while the brothers ready themselves for their individual hunts for evidence.

Chester sips the last remaining liquid on his glass, he then stands up puts the glass on the table and grab his brief case before walking out, “Mr. Rovena? I was just looking for you.” As he was just walking out Nicholas’s office, he met Damian who immediately addresses him “if you wish to speak to my client, you know what you’ll need Bollard.” Chester said and continue to walk as Damian followed him from behind, “I know, I know, the warrant is on process right now, it’s actually you who I wanted to talk to personally, since you once were Vincent Hanley’s defense attorney on the Allison case after all.” When Damian said those words Chester stops walking, despite being an attorney Chester is a short-tempered person it’s both an asset and a flaw in his profession although he manages to have control over it.

“Do you have no common sense? Mr. Bollard?” Chester said as he turns to face Damian and the guy was taken a back when he saw Chester’s expression “how about analyzation? Do you have that?” Chester added and Damian frowned in confusion “whatever do you mean?” he said in a confuse voice, “try to review the Martinez and Hanley’s case then you’ll see what I mean.” Chester walks near his right ear and whisper those words he then looks at Damian smirking before walking away, “that’s why you’ll never get out of that position Bollard, you lack comprehension” Chester added pointing at his head teasing Damian and chuckling as he exited the precinct, and Damian just stands up there dumb founded.

Despite the shame that Chester have given him, Damian rushed into his office and grab the files from today’s crime scene and opened his laptop to tap into the data base and get some outside news for the Martinez case, he knows that the Alonzo’s are not very open with the entire case so he will be looking at the reports from the first responders and dispatchers before the case was given to them, he found files on the system and opened it, he started reading and realize the similarities.

“Are we dealing with a serial killer?” he asks himself, he sat down on his chair and kept reading the Martinez file and Hanley’s he hates to admit it but it seems like they are onto the same killer, but he won’t submit the case to the Alonzo’s though, because it might turn out like the Allison Maureen case.

2 years ago….

It was a rainy night in El Felisidad but the precinct is so alive since Damian Bollard and his partner Nicholas Alonzo have just successfully raided and clean up the under dogs of El Felisidad in just 2 weeks, and this was a great achievement for Damian specially that he just got promoted as a detective and to be partnered with the town’s most praised name when it comes to law enforcement is such an honor for him, everyone was just eating, laughing, having different conversation with all other office mates, and some like them are drinking beer. “You did great today Bollard” Nicholas lean on the empty space on Damian’s right side and said those words not looking at Damian but at the crowd of their office mates, “Thankyou sir.” Damian replied with all the respect and Nicholas chuckled and look at him.

“You don’t have to call me sir anymore Bollard, you’re a detective now so take down the formality.” Nicholas said to him and he just smiled and look at the crowd as well, “I’ll get us some beer.” Damian said when he saw that Nicholas’s beer is almost done, he was about to walk away when someone burst at the door, it was Vincent Hanley who seem to have run through the rain since he was soaking wet, as he entered the door, he seems intoxicated and he was looking for Nicholas and Nathan and when he spotted Nicholas who was near the door, he walks towards him and everyone just watch, “I need your help.” Vincent said to Nicholas and the guy just frowned almost pissed with the embarrassment Vincent is bringing upon him.

“it’s okay guys I’ll be right back.” Nicholas said assuring the crowd, he look at Nathan who was just at the other corner chatting with some colleagues, he signals him to follow and Nathan excused himself and went with his brother and Vincent, Bollard was just there looking at what just happen, but got curios, he was looking around trying to check if everyone was busy, he wanted to know if someone will see him following them, but again everyone was just minding their own business so puts the empty bottle of beer on the table and slowly followed the Alonzo’s.

Damian was looking everywhere at the precinct for them and finally located the three at Nicholas’s office, it wasn’t so obvious that someone was there since they were only using a table lamp and the place is dark and so was outside since everybody is at the hall. The door to Nicholas’s office was a little bit open so Damian slowly walks towards it and listened to the conversation carefully, Damian cannot see them through the opening of the door but he can clearly hear the fear in Vincent’s trembling voice, “come on Vincent spit it out already I still have a party to finish.” It seems to Damian, it was Nathan speaking and they were all waiting for Vincent Hanley’s responds.

“You remember my intern?” Vincent said after a couple minutes of silence, “Allison Maureen?” and this time Nicholas responded, Damian can easily spot the difference in their voices since Nathan’s was a bit cold and husky while Nicholas is just pure deep like it was straight out of a horror movie, “I killed her men, I did not mean to I promise.” Vincent said and this widen Damian’s eyes he tried to peek at the door to see Vincent but he accidently hit it making a creaking sound which alerted the brother’s and Nicholas send his little brother to check and before Nathan can find him there Damian rush to go back at the Hall.

Back to the present…

Chester was visiting one of the local coffee shops at Limasawa, when he entered the store, he placed his brief case at one of the tables that he usually use whenever he visits this place “The Bloom Coffee shop” that was the name of the shop, Vincent walk towards the counter not minding the surroundings at all he was just so focus on his phone, he had been texting some people, the media people to be precise he wants them to search the web and take down any article or anything that involve Katherine to Vincent’s death, “Hi, can I get a ice Hazelnut Macchiato please.” Although Chester was not minding that surrounding but he paused himself from texting when he heard that voice, it seemed to be familiar for him, he slowly looked in front of him and saw the girls back and as the counter was taking the girl’s order, he walked in front of her and faced her and look at her confusion, it was Lucena, she was quiet confuse about Chester’s action.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” Chester asks and Lucena just look at him straight in the eye and did not respond, the cashier gave her a number for her order so she grab that and walk away from the counter and Chester followed her with his gaze, when she saw that she sat tdown at the very corner of the shop he quickly face the lady at the counter, “Just pure americano.” He said and paid the order he was also given a number and rushed to where Lucena was.

“Tell me, does my face look familiar to you?” Chester said and sat down in front of Lucena and the girl did not react or anything at all he just let him, “what do you want?” Lucena said with plain emotions and not even smiling, “well let’s see, your definitely gorgeous and you look smart and you’re ignoring me so it’s definitely you that I want.” Chester said and smirk but it’s not a creepy or weird smirk it’s more like a playful one and Lucena almost smiled with his statement but just ignored him and turned his gaze outside the windows and this amazes Chester since she was really not caring about him being in front of her, his charms are not working, “but jokes aside, you look like someone I know.” Chester fixes himself and sat properly and Lucena look back at her, “I’ve heard that before.” Lucena then smile at him after saying that and look back at the window, Chester just smiled “I’m Atty. Chester Rovena.” He said and extended his hands towards her, “Lucena Salvey.” She replied and just look at his hands she was about to extend hers as well but the number for her order just beep.