The head warrior

"I want Drab to go alone into the vampire's clan."

Hazel crossed her legs on the bed, turning the idea in her head. Dallan stood in front of the bed, his figure a tower above her.

"You have faith in him?" Hazel asked, her eyes fixed on the wolf painting on the wall. "Do you have faith in him delivering?"

"He has never failed me or the pack. I know he will do a good job."

"I have an idea."

Dallan sat beside her on the bed. "What is it?"

"Look for someone else to go with him... Someone you can trust. That person will stop outside the border and wait for him to go in and gather information. That way, keeping tabs on each other will be very easy."

"Hmm." Dallan ran the thought through his head. It sounded like a very nice plan. He nodded in affirmation. "That sounds like a great plan. I support it."