Infiltrating the vampire's clan

Dallan did not see Hazel in his chambers or anywhere around the house. In alarm, he asked the guard outside the house where she'd gone.

After the guard said that she went behind the house, Dallan sprinted in that direction.

He didn't find her in the backyard or garden. Just as he passed through the curtain of leaves leading to the river, he heard a faint splash of water...

Stealthily, he walked on the mushy side of the shore, frowning when he didn't see anyone.

As he got closer, he saw a figure. It was more like a faint glint of light moving beneath the surface of the river. When the saw the shape of a fishtail, he knew it was Hazel.

Dallan didn't say a word or made a sound. He quietly went to sit at the shore, smiling as she gently flapped around the river.

At last, she came out of the water, her back turned to Dallan. She wore nothing on her chest and Dallan began to wish she could turn around and gift him a fine view of her breasts.