
"What's wrong?" Hazel frowned. "Why did you say that?"

The look of worry disappeared from Dallan's face. He smiled widely even though it didn't reach his eyes. "Give me a moment, I need to see Abe."

He almost sprinted into the room.

"Just keep shut," Abe cautioned immediately their eyes met. "I know what you are about to say. Using her powers will not affect the baby in any way. Relax."

The question Dallan didn't ask was already answered so he kept shut and stared as the warlock continued with his potions.

"I just want to make sure she will be—"

"Yes, she will be okay. I'm not stupid. I knew she will be okay before I told her that she will get into his mind again."

"I knew you had done your findings," Dallan murmured. "You're preparing a potion."

"I believe that is not a question."

"No. More like an observation."

"As you can see, yes. How is Kai?"

The mention of his brother's name brought concern to Dallan's features. "He is fine. I left him some while ago."