Wolves, Vamps...

Laura did not have to wait long. She had made up her mind already. Before the clan had time to notice her disappearance, she would have been very close to Kai.

But after that, what came next?

Laura sighed... Getting out was the first step.

She steadied her heartbeat and crawled along the shadowed side of the walls, slowly approaching the gate. After a little prayer to the gods, she exhaled sharply and was about to sprint out of her hideout when she sighted a crate by the security quarters. She recognized it.


She assumed that the men were preparing for an attack, just in case Kai and his people decided to make an attack. The beauty of silver was that it affected both wolves and vampires.

Between breaths, Laura lurched forward out of her hideout and flipped open the crate. Her sudden movements flipped the men on alert, and she acted as fast as her limbs allowed.