War, Mating Ceremony

"Who are the spies?" Drab asked in a rush to prevent Reve from falling asleep before divulging the information. "Reve, keep your eyes open! Who are the spies? Please, tell me."

The vampire's sight blurred. "I don't know her name... I've collected some paperwork from her in the past. I also know that she has an accomplice—I think a female accomplice; I'm not too sure. And I know that she holds a high position in the pack, a position of honour."

Drab digested the information as fast as he could. "Can you give facial descriptions? Reve, talk to me!"

"I... my brain feels mushy now... I need to sleep." Reve's voice sounded weak. He was almost slurring now. Slowly, as his eyelids shit close, he let out another sentence, "Be safe, my uncle might be here tomorrow."

Drab did the next thing that came into his mind.

"Abe!! Abe!!"

He ran into the sitting room to see the warlock crouched beside Jake, checking the boy's vitals.

"What is happening?"