Marking her

Something was going to happen.

Hazel felt it as she sat at the front of the mansion, her eyes scanning the gate. Beside her sat Dallan, his hand holding a shawl around her shoulders.

"You should get some rest."

"I don't feel sleepy." Hazel shrugged. "I rested enough in the afternoon."

"I need you in a perfect state of health. I don't want anything happening to you or our baby." He leaned closer to caress her stomach.

Hazel smiled. Dallan was already obsessed with the child in her. She wondered how it was going to be after she gave birth. "I'm fine, Dal. By the way, it would be impossible to sleep with all that's on the ground."

"Everything will be fine."

"I know. I just want everything to be alright without too many sacrifices. I am scared of losing to win."

Dallan took a moment to digest her words. Their concern was almost mutual. He was also scared of losing, scared of seeing people die to achieve victory.