Chapter 24

“Are you sure that you really want to be involved in this?” Felicia asked Noelani as she got things ready to draw blood from herself and Brian.

“It wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve found myself in some kind of danger,” Noelani replied. “You would think that being a medical examiner wouldn’t be all that dangerous, but there’s been times when I’ve stumbled on things that I wasn’t supposed to. Funnily enough, it was Sebastian that saved me more often than not.”

“I’m sure that he rubbed it in your face, he can’t seem to stop doing that to me.”

“He did at first, then I purposefully got myself into trouble, just to piss him off.”

Felicia laughed at that. “It’s official, we’re best friends now.”

“Just because I like to piss Sebastian off? I wish it was always that easy to make friends.”

“You and me both, I’ve kind of got the short end of the stick, friend-wise.”