Chapter 46

Eddie, Kirk, and Hank were all shocked when Felicia arrived on their doorstep with Akira in tow.

“So what’s the plan, then?” Eddie asked as they all sat down in the living room, and he passed beers around to everyone.”

“I know that we talked about the whole cloning devices thing, but I think that the time for subtlety has passed,” Felicia replied. “We need to confront Nickleby directly.”

“That’s going to be easier said than done,” Akira said. “You think that the bodyguards I have are big? They’re nothing in comparison to the guys that Nickleby sent to kill me. They were freaking huge. One of them had hands so big that he looked like he could crush me if he wanted to. They were from his private security detail. They’re all big and burly, you’re going to have a hard time getting past them.”