Chapter 8

Fever Talk

Clara has been working with Kelvin for two, months now. They had formed a boss subordinate friend relationship. She was happy with it, small drops make an ocean. She was baking cupcakes for a fundraiser for orphans. Lily has been of great help, since they become partners. Her restaurant and bakery has been afloat but she needs something to be on too. Her competitors were doing great, they sold almost everything she did for half the price. How do they even make profit?. She wondered, that question beats her everytime. "Hmm, yummy" she heard behind her, she turned to see Kelvin eating one of her cupcake with chocolate icing. "Thank you, if you start eating them I wouldn't be able to finish making fifty of them. Please don't take any..." Oh snap, he just ate chocolate, did he forget he was allergic to them. She quickly took it from his hand, earning her a glare. "What was that for" She didn't answer but continued to inspect his face. She look at the cake to see if he took a large bite. She widened her eyes when she realized he did. She pulled him to the sink. "Put your finger in you mouth, you need to vomit it fast!" "Why? I can't do that it's disgusting" "Will you stop whining and get on with it." "No, I will not it's just.. excuse me" He ran to the toilet to throw up, he never listens at least that hasn't changed, she took some pain killers it's going to be a long day. "You look like a mess" she said entering his room. "Thank you, am suppose to look great after throwing up my entire lunch." he said falling on the sofa, closing his eyes. She walked up to him, checking his temperature. "What are you doing am not sick" "Says the person who just threw up" "Who..." "Shuusshh..let me check your temperature" It usually starts with throwing up check, slight rise in temperature check. Thank God he threw up. Immediately, now she would have to deal with the fever and stomach ache. "Get up, you need to take a cold shower" "No I wanna rest, it hard job throwing up" she rolled her eyes at him. "Get you ass up, you are running temperature." "Alright mama, stop shouting I think my head hurts" She rolled her eyes at him, he went up and fell on his bed instead. "You've got to be kidding me, stand up and go take a cold shower or am calling James" With speed of lighting he was up, to the bathroom. She smiled at the similarities between Aaron and his dad. He came out with towel around his waist. Her eyes roamed his body, he had definitely been hitting the gym, he was fit. Fit for a lot of... bad clara get your heads from the gutter. "Am all yours baby" What? did he just called her baby. The fever was moving fast. She looked at him, he had wore T-shirt and a pair of trouser. "Come lie down, this cold cloth will bring your temperature down" He obediently followed her instruction, she quickly place it on his burning head. If it doesn't come down she would have to call his doctor. "Sweet chicks, I knew you would never leave me" He mumbled. That was the nick name he gave her, has he remembered everything or it was the fever talking. She left to take her phone, but he grabbed her hand. "Where are you going, you can't leave you sick husband now, would you" "You don't know what you're saying" she told him reaching for the house phone. "Yes I do" he was leaning on his elbow this time" "Shhh" she told him while calling the doctor, informing him of his fever. He replied that, he would be there in an five minutes. Luckily he was around. "Lay back, the doctor will be here soon, save your strength." "You shushed me because of the doctor?" "Yes, no, does it matter" "Yes, i got shushed by.. " The door bell rang, saving her from listening to his rant. She welcomed him and led him to his room. "What did he take? " "Chocolate icing" "Why would he take that, didn't he remember he is allergic to them." "Am right here you know, keep discussing me like am a ghost." "Have you given him any medication" he asked setting up drip. "No" "Good, this would help with the fever, and flush it from his system." he said injecting it into this vein. "Ouch, a little notice would be good, before piercing my skin" he muttered but was ignored by them, simply rolled his eyes at them. "It will start working in three minutes, he would be out for three to four hours. That should be enough to make him okay." "He said, clicking his brief case" "Let me walk you out" She offered. "I haven't met you before, who are you? " He asked. "His personal assistant" "Hmm, I see, please make sure he does not take anything he is allergic to. Sometimes he takes them in hope that he had stopped being allergic to them. Do you know what he is allergic to? " he questioned. "Yes" "Good, call me when he wakes up" "Certainly" With that he was gone. She ran back to the room taking two steps at a time. Maybe she could ask him one more question before the medicine started working. He opened the door to see him throwing a ball. "How are you feeling now?" "Confused" "Confused, why?" "My wife has been with me all this time without telling me" "How is that? " "like I wouldn't remember your eyes Clara Knight." She gasped at the mention of her full name. "You remember!" "Of course" he said yawning, before she could ask another question he was asleep. He remembers, he said her dull name, she hoped it wasn't one of those days. Where he randomly said things he forgot the next. She hoped he truly remembered and it wasn't the fever talking. She gently shut the door, she had cupcake to finish.