Emma then grabbed Violet and kicked the doll that tried to kill them away. Then they went to find where the boys were hiding. While they were searching, they saw a ghost ball and followed it. When they did, they followed it into the room the boys were hiding in. Lou said, “What’s this room?” The girls walked into the room, and the door slammed shut behind them. Once they got inside, all the boys came out from hiding, and the ghost ball vanished behind the wall. Then they all looked around and saw that it looked like a witch’s cottage inside. Then they took a look at the spell book they had and thought it belonged there. Emma said, “Violet, did anyone other than your master and his kids live here?” Violet said, “No.” Emma said, “Then I wonder why he would decorate this room like a witch’s cottage.” Then they started to hear a witch laughing. Once they did, they all turned around and saw a witch ghost appear. Then the witch ghost grabbed Mike and took the spell book from him. The witch ghost said, “Thank you for my book.”
Violet jumped and knocked the book out of the witch’s hands. Violet said, “I think not, Sarah Belington.” Emma said, “Sarah Belington? The witch who lived one hundred years ago.” Sarah said, “That’s right, now give me my book.” Violet said, “Never.” Sarah said, “Violet Wellington. It’s been a long time.” Violet said, “One century. Not that you ever had a good side on any day of any of those years.” Emma said, “Let’s get out of here.” Violet said, “Here’s the book.” Emma grabbed the book, and they all ran out.
The witch’s ghost chased them outside the room and then blasted three paintings on the wall. The witch’s ghost said, “Bring me the book.” When the people came out of their pictures, they grabbed Alex and tried to take the book from him. Alex said, “Bobby.” Alex threw the book at Bobby, and he caught it. The witch’s ghost said, “Enough.” The witch’s ghost blasted the tree from outside the window, and it opened the window and grabbed Bobby. Bobby said, “Mike.” Bobby threw the book at Mike, and he caught it, but once he did, the floor broke, and he fell through it. Mike said, “Pablo.”
Mike slid the book across the floor to Pablo, and he grabbed it. Then a rope lassoed Pablo’s legs, and he fell to the floor. Pablo said, “Tom.” Pablo threw the book at Tom, and he caught it. Then the rug beneath his feet came to life and wrapped around him. Tom said, “Emma.” Tom threw the book, and Emma caught it. Once Emma grabbed it, Sarah made the floor sticky, and Emma’s feet got stuck. Emma said, “Susan.” Emma threw the book, and Susan caught it. Sarah stretched her arm out and took it from Susan. Sarah said, “At last, my book.” Susan said, “It’s not yours.” Susan ran up to Sarah and took the book from her.
After Susan took the book from Sarah, Susan and Violet freed the others and ran off with the book. Violet got Alex down by knocking the paintings down. Once she did, the people in the portraits let go of Alex and went back in their pictures. Emma grabbed Bobby and made the tree let go of him. Then Emma helped Mike up, and Violet used her claws to cut the rope that lassoed Pablo. She also used her nails to cut Tom out of the rug that captured him. Then Susan grabbed Emma and pulled her out of the floor. Then they all ran for their lives and took the spell book with them. Sarah said, “You won’t get away with this that easily.”
After they got away from Sarah, a rainstorm started, and the wind blew all the boards off the windows and knocked down the kids’ barricades on the doors. Then the wind blew them open and scared the kids. Then they slammed them all shut, and the lightning flashed through the windows. Then the wind blew the windows back open, so the kids banged them closed again and started to board all the doors and windows back up with wooden boards and metal chains to strengthen their barricade. Then they all walked back upstairs, and the stairs were creaky on the way up. When they got up there, they saw another sheeted ghost. Then they all screamed in terror, ran for their lives, and each hid someplace different. While they were hiding, they started to hear moaning. When they did, Lou looked from under the bed, and Mike looked from under the bedsheets, and they both saw a ghost leaving the room.