Return to The Ghoulish Haunted Mansion: Chapter 5

After losing the gruesome twosome, the kids saw a green glow in the window. They peered out it and saw a green beam hit the ground. Once it did, a zombie emerged from the ground and started walking toward the house. The kids hurried downstairs and threw a bookcase in front of the door so the zombie couldn't enter. Ned said, "That should hold him." Griffin then checked out another bookcase in the room and tried pulling a book off it but couldn't. Griggin said, "Hmm. This book's stuck." Once Griffin pulled the book, the bookcase turned and took the kids into a secret room behind it. Once they got in there, a bright light flashed on them. Mandy said, "Uh oh. Looks like trouble." Quinn said, "I think that's the ghost of the person who originally owned this place." The ghost said, "That's right." Two ghost balls showed up, and the kids got scared. The ghost balls turned into kids and stood by the man's ghost. The man's ghost said, "These are my kids, Raven and Zachery. And we're friendly ghosts."

The ghost of Mr. Wellington then called for Violet, and another ghost ball came. Then, it took the form of a cat. The ghost of Mr. Wellington said, "This is Violet, our pet cat. She'll be helping you." Griffin said, "But she's a ghost." Alvin said, "I've been helping you, and I'm a ghost." Oscar said, "Yes, but you said you don't know what happened to your body." The ghost of Mr. Wellington made the pages in the spell book turn until they stopped at a particular page. Victoria read what was on the page and said, "A restoration spell." The ghost of Mr. Wellington said, "Say this spell at my grave; Violet's statue is there. Once you say the spell, the statue will break and bring Violet back."

The kids did as the ghost of Mr. Wellington said and went outside to his grave. Once they found it, Victoria opened the spell book to the restoration spell and read it. Victoria said, "Return this ghost to her body, return this ghost to her body, return this ghost to her body." Victoria kept repeating the spell until Violet's spirit got put in the statue, and the statue broke, bringing her back to life. Violet said, "It worked; I'm back." Victoria said, "You can talk?" Violet said, "Of course. I was the guardian of this mansion after my master died. He granted me that power and the power of immortality so I could protect whoever came into our house. I protected another group of kids, but they un-haunted this house, and you six re-haunted it." Griffin said, "Nice work, Quinn." Quinn said, "How was I supposed to know the legend was true?" Victoria said, "How about you try listening to the teacher when she told us the story?"

Alvin, Jack, Violet, and the kids looked up and saw a giant green glow in the sky. The ground then started to shake and break open. Once it did, the kids walked into the hole with Alvin following them, Oscar carrying Jack, and Violet on Mandy's shoulder. Mandy said, "I don't like this." They took out their flashlights and used them to look around the hole. Once they reached the bottom, they saw many tunnels lit with torches. Then, they turned off their flashlights and decided to split up. Quinn said, "Alvin and Griffin, take the first tunnel. Mandy, you, Jack, and Violet go down the second. Ned and Oscar, you guys go down the third. Victoria and I will go down the last tunnel."

The groups each took a torch off the wall, split up, and started to look around. Alvin and Griffin made it to the end of their tunnel, and Griffin fell a slimy slide while Alvin floated above it. When Griffin hit the bottom, he landed in an underground lake and lost his torch. A water phantom then came up out of the lake and chased after Griffin. Griffin screamed and ran through the lake while the water phantom chased him. Once Griffin got to dry land, he looked behind him and saw the water phantom go back under the water. Griffin said, "It went back under. Thank goodness." Alvin then showed up by phasing through the wall. Alvin said, "Hi, Griffin." Griffin said, "Your timing could have been better." Alvin said, "You mean that water phantom that chased you? I would have helped, but when you fell and ran into him, I phased through the ground and, as you saw, came out through the wall. Griffin said, "Yeah, well, better late than never." Alvin and Griffin then found another tunnel lit with torches and followed it.

Meanwhile, Mandy was with Jack, hopping next to Violet and walking through the tunnel while Mandy held their torch. While they were searching, Mandy found dolls that looked just like her and her friends. Mandy picked up the Ned doll, and then the actual Ned got lifted in the air. Mandy moved the doll's arm, and then Ned moved his arm and smacked Oscar. Ned said, "Sorry." Mandy then tilted the doll's back, and the original Ned leaned his back. Ned said, "Wow." Mandy then put the doll's body back to normal and set it down. The actual Ned turned his body back to normal and fell to the ground. Ned said, "Thank goodness that's over."

Ned and Oscar then continued in their tunnel. Their torch went out, and then the tunnel lit ghostly. Ned and Oscar then looked ahead and saw two ghosts, one of a scientist and the other of a fearless adventurer. The scientist's ghost said, "This is your last warning." The brave adventurer ghost said, "Leave at once." Ned said, "I don't believe it." Oscar said, "Seeing is believing for me. Bye." Ned and Oscar ran for their lives, and the ghosts chased them.

Meanwhile, Quinn and Victoria found the gateway to an old underground cemetery. Once they did, the gateway shook until it exploded, and a zombie walked out. The zombie said, "Intruders, intruders." Since the zombie wasn't very fast, Quinn and Victoria hid behind the wall, and Victoria skimmed the spell book for a spell that could help them but couldn't. Victoria said, "Skimming the book does no good. Does it have anything on zombies?" The book opened itself, turned its pages, and then stopped at a page. Victoria said, "A re-born spell. A spell used to bring the dead back to life. That's creating zombies, not getting rid of them." Once the zombie got near Quinn and Victoria, they screamed, and Victoria knocked its head off with the book. Even though Victoria knocked its head off, the zombie's body kept walking toward them.

Quinn then kicked the zombie's body away and got rid of it. Quinn said, "Well, that takes care of him." Another zombie emerged from the ground and said, "Get out." Quinn and Victoria screamed and ran back down the tunnel. While running, more zombies started to come out of the ground and walls and chase after Quinn and Victoria. Victoria said, "There's no spell that can get rid of these zombies, but maybe there's one that can stall them." Once they got to the end of the tunnel, Victoria used magic to collapse part of the tunnel and close it off. Victoria said, "That should hold 'em." Quinn and Victoria looked at the wall Victoria made and saw the zombies trying to break it down. Victoria said, "Let's go find the others." Quinn said, "Good idea." Quinn and Victoria ran before the zombies escaped Victoria's wall.