Alvin and Griffin followed the tunnel they found to a bat cave. Since it was full of bats, Griffin told Alvin to be quiet until they got to the next tunnel. While walking, a ghost appeared and followed Alvin and Griffin through the bat cave. Once they made it through, the ghost revealed himself and scared Griffin, but not Alvin. Griffin tried running, but Alvin grabbed him. Griffin said, "How are you holding onto me if you're transparent?" Alvin said, "All ghosts can hold. They even lift people in the air for fun. To make it look like they're levitating." Griffin said, "Well, that explains Victoria's levitation." Alvin said, "Yes, and don't you have a flashlight on you." Griffin brought out his flashlight and said, "Sure." Alvin said, "Turn it on." Griffin turned on his flashlight and made the ghost ahead of him vanish. Alvin said, "Just don't point that thing at me." Alvin and Griffin continued in their tunnel and used Griffin's flashlight to keep away the ghosts.