Chapter One

''How do I look?'' I chirped twirling around in my short plaited skirt and a blue crop top that showed more skin than I would like to admit.

Tylor stuffed his phone into his back pocket and looked up at me with a sigh. He sized me for a good two minutes practically eye raping me.

''So? How do I look?'' I asked again.

'' Horrible but sadly better than the sweatshirts and sneakers you always wear. '' He simply stated. His expression smug. My lips formed a thin line.

'' Whoa, someone is in a good mood today.'' Sarcasm pouring out as I spoke.

''I'm sorry Sky. I just hate school especially on a Monday like this. '' He huffed running his hands through his hair then shaking it a little.

I perfectly understood him. Sometimes I wish everyday was Saturday.

''You know, we could skip class today if you want.'' I suggested.

He smiled showing off his perfectly white teeth.

''No, Love. Its fine.........''

Tylor seized my arm and pulled me closer to his chest drawing a curtain of my hair behind my ear. He then placed a chaste kiss on my temple.

''You look beautiful in that skirt anyways....But you would look more irresistible if you didn't have it on'' he smirked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

'' Naughty...'' I chuckled then playfully smacked his arm.

Tylor never misses the opportunity to hit on a girl, even me, his best friend but he never dates, like never. Tylor practically dreads commitment so he has never had an actual “girlfriend”. He just messes around with girls and that's all.

''Mom! I'm on my way. Don't bother taking me. I would be driving to school with Tylor!'' I shouted across the living room as I toppled down the stairs with Tylor following closely behind. Mom didn't answer but I guess she heard.

The drive to school was silent with Manuel's 'Remind Me To Forget' playing coolly through the radio. I noticed that Tylor's knuckles had turned pale because he gripped the wheels too hard.

He was really good looking. I wouldn't deny that. The hazel curls that hung loosely on his head had been cropped down a little at his sides. I watched the morning sun slip through his long eyelashes then harshly hit his orbs making his green pupils gleam ever so brightly. No man can make green look as sexy as he does. His chiseled jaw held a stern look that commanded authority and dominance. Tylor's pink full lips parted a little, this is something he did whenever he drove. It was kinda his pensive mode. He was good looking and he knew it. In fact, the whole school population knew this. Cliché enough, you could refer to him as everyone's crush.

''It's rude to stare, you know?'' He chuckled his eyes still locked on the road ahead.

''I- I wasn't.....'' I stammered trying to hide my flushed face behind my jet black hair.

''Cute..” I heard him mutter under his breath.

His red, plush Ferrari hummed to a halt in 'his' parking space.

Yeah, he even has his own personal parking space and no one dares violate his territory.

We bouldered down the hallway fully aware of the numerous eyes that bored holes into our skin. Every girl wanted to date him and every guy wanted to be him. Sadly, we barely have any class together so we spend most of the day away for each other.

''Skyyyy!'' I heard my name being called out in this tiny squeaky voice.

Oh here comes the slut.

'' Chloe, how do you do? You look so.......''

I just couldn't find the right words. I wouldn't say beautiful because I just can't lie to the poor child.

'' different... In a good way though...'' I fake smiled. She exchanged the gesture with a horrible toothy grin of her own.

She was the porcelain doll of the school with her bright blonde hair, dangerously high heels and caked makeup face. She decked up so much that she was drifting a little bit to the ugly side.

She engulfed me into a tight hug. Unfortunately for me though her makeup smudged across my top leaving brown powdery traces all over.


Her eyes landed on Tylor.

''Oh my, Tylor, I didn't realize you were here .''

Oh Gooodd, her voice is so annoying.

I couldn't help the eye roll. She knew very well he was there. Heck, the only reason she was being nice to me was because of Tylor, using me as the surest way to get with Tylor.

So cheap!

She flaunted her whole body on him not even being discrete about it.

''....urmm....I was thinking if you would be free tonight so maybe we could ......'' She slurred

She slowly roamed her fingers along his jaw then to his chest.

''.....see a movie or you know, do whatever you want us to do...'' Then winked.

Tylor had his hands gripping firmly on her waist and Chloe had her arms wound around his neck leaning in for a kiss.

''Urmmm......Tylor?,Its time for our class. We are already running late...'' I quickly lied.

Sky to the rescue!!!!!

Tylor caught up to my plan.

'' Oh yeah, yeah, almost forgot. Let's make it later yah?'' Chloe's face fell.

Disappointment creased on her forehead.

She shot me a glance and sized me through her contact lenses. I forced a smile.

''Sure. Anything for you Tylor...'' She slithered, turned sharply on her heels and left.

I looked straight at Tylor with my arms folded around my bust with a 'what the hell do you think you were doing' expression on my face.

'' Whaaat?...its not my fault she had very soft breasts and it's also not my fault she found me attractive...'' He defended, arms raised in surrender.

'' Every girl is attracted to you,Tylor.'' I shook my head in disbelief and started stalking off.

He took hasty strides until he was side by side falling into sync with my steps.

'' Yeah, I know that but I don't care about every other girl. I care about you, Sky''

Now, he stood right in front of me blocking my path. His curls fell onto his face but he made no effort to tame them. It made him look hotter.

'' But I've always wondered why you are not attracted to me like how I would have loved you to....''

Huh? he would have wanted me to? What did he mean by that?

I sighed.

''I am attracted to you but just not the way they do. Look, I know so many disgusting things about you that I feel we have something more than just teenage infatuations. Oh God, Tylor, I know that when ever you eat tacos your fart has this oniony scent to it. I know that you have a terrible phobia for thunder storms and can never sleep through a storm. I also know that you had a crush on Amanda since sixth grade but that immediately disappeared when you caught her picking her nose under the desk one time. I love you so much that I can't love you like everyone else.........''

Its true. I once had a deep crush on Tylor but that happened a long time ago. Probably in the fifth grade or something but I'm over that now.

I brought my hands to his face and kissed the top of his nose on my tip toes. Something flashed in his eyes but it didn't stay long enough for me to find out what it was.

He pulled me in for a hug. He is a good 6ft'2 so me being the midget, I had my head on his chest.

'' I love you so much.'' His words were muffled in the crook of my neck.

'' Me too Tylor, me too.......''


I stood in the washroom trying to get rid of the stain Chloe left on my shirt when I caught a glimpse of my eyes.

In the mirror, I realized my very grey eyes had even turned duller than usual. Tylor always complimented my eyes because it reminded him of almonds on a rainy day, his favourite nuts but I on the other hated them because they were just too grey. Such a sad colour. Why couldn't they be green like Tylor's.

Sometimes people would stop me in the market and ask if I wore glasses or if I was blind.

That was just the first of my insecurities.

Tylor says I have a banging body, whatever that means. I know he just says this so I don't feel too bad about my self. My hips are too wide, my butt is too big, I'm a little over busty. I know, you might think that's a good thing but oh no its not.

You never get clothes your size. I'm not overweight if that's what you are thinking but I just want to fit in like everyone else.

This probably sounds like a girl with insecurities that gets the guy in the end anyways. Well, sorry to burst your condoms but this is not like a story you read in novels, this is my life, something real. I just wish I could love myself better than the way Tylor loves me.