Chapter Two

I can't believe Tylor ditched me. So now I would have to walk home alone. I called his line like a hundred and one times but nothing. It went straight to voicemail.

I went to the parking lot and his reserved space was empty.


I'm really going to give him a piece of my like a huge chunk of my mind when I get a hold of him.

He might be training on the tracks with the basketball team or probably hooking up with some random girl.

I just hope its not the latter.

The walk home was long and agonizing although my house was like ten minutes away from the school but as lazy as I am it seemed like a whole hour.

The road was silent with no car or a soul moving up or going down it. I was left alone with my thoughts and tall almost dried up trees at both sides of the path.

I didn't know what crept me out more, those weird looking trees or my thoughts.

I always caught certain movements at the corner of my eyes but when I turned around I saw nothing. A cold breeze blew across my skin making the hairs rise. Goosebumps spread all over.

I could feel another person's presence watching me from the woods as if I was being stalked. I stopped dead in my tracks and scanned my surroundings but still nothing.

I'm probably being too paranoid, letting those horror movies get into head.

I hasted my steps almost in a sprint. A sigh of relief escaped my lips when my house came into view. I quickly made a run for the front door and shut it behind me as soon as I got a hold of the knob.

''Mom!!.....Moooommm!!'' I called out panting and almost out of breath.

I made my way straight for the kitchen.

''Mom?..'' I called, more stubble this time.

She was not home. Its half past noon she should have been home an hour ago.

Maybe stuck in traffic?

I wasn't buying that. Just then the phone rang. I rushed to pick it up.


''Hi baby its me...''

Relief washed over me when I heard my mom's voice from the other line. She seemed to be in a rush.

''Mom, where are you?''

''Urr- I - I can't hear you baby. Speak a little louder.''

The signal was distorting. I could barely make her out myself.

''I said where are you?'' I shouted through the phone.

''Moscow, Moscow. I have a very important contract to close. It was an emergency. Sorry I couldn’t inform you earlier......''

''Well its okay mom. I know you would have if you had the chance.''

''I just- I .....don't.... come..... Sky?.....hear me?...''

The signal was disrupting what she was saying.

''Mom? Mom?''

''Can't come home now......Storm....take care....bye.....''

That was it. She was gone. The line dead.

A sigh left my lips. Thankfully she wasn’t adapted by aliens or anything. Mothers really be thinking they are all grown now, being out of the house for hours. Almost giving me a heart attack.

So I was actually adopted. Shocking right? Well, one cold night I was left on the porch outside the door, barely a month old. Mom found me and took me in. She said when she laid her eyes on me she knew that she was going to love me till the end of time. I'm actually glad I ended up with someone like her. I love her so very much.

For my real parents ,well to hell with them.

Three urgent raps resonated through the front door jolting me out of my trance. It frightened me for a moment there.

''Who is it?'' I shouted across.

No one answered.

I walked towards the door and peered through the peep hole but nobody stood behind it.


The knocks came again louder this time. I rushed for the door and swung it open determined to find who is playing these silly tricks on me. The porch was empty. Just when I was about to close the door shut I realized an envelope lying perfectly on the doormat.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but I still picked it up anyways.

I noticed my neighbour, Mrs. Gregory mowing her lawn so I inquired if she saw anybody around the house who might have placed this here but she herself was thrown into oblivion.

The envelope looked very refined and expensive. It was red with gold adorned at the edges and tiny germs embedded in the latch.

''To my Sunshine'' It says on it.

I forcefully ripped it open. I gasped my eyes shooting wide as I read its content.

Everyday I watch

Everyday I lurk

Everyday I wait

Waiting for the moment you would

be mine.

The moment I'll have you by my side.

You may not know me but I do you.

I know where you will be

I know where you are

Probably watching you right now, Sunshine.



The letter slipped from my quivering hands as reality hit me like puberty.

I might be stalked. Oh no, no, no. This can't be happening. I felt a little dazed. Should I call mom?

Wait a minute.

Maybe someone is trying to play a sick joke on me. I could think of only one person.


''Tylor?....Come home now!'' I spoke over the phone.

''I hope its an emergency because I'm kinda really busy right now..huh...''

He was panting and his voice came out hoarse. Then I heard a female's voice in the background. Oh my gosh,she was moaning practically screaming right now.

What the-

I had to suppress the face palm.

'' Just hurry up. I'll be waiting... '' I sighed then hung up the phone.


I stood looking straight at Tylor with a cross expression on my face.

'' Who were you with?'' I asked

'' Really? Is that why you called me here?''

'' Just answer the fucking question.''

'' Chloe''

''Oh gosh, why her? You ditched me for her?''

''Actually I didn't mean to leave you hanging like that. I tired calling, believe me I did but my phone was messing up. I'm so sorry.''

Then a sly smile slowly crept up his face almost touching his eyes. He almost looked like the disappearing cat from Alice in Wonderland.

This isn't good.

'' Don't tell me you are jealous.'' He leaned his back on the kitchen island shooting me a questioning look.

''I'm not. I'm just pissed. Well, that's not why I called you here.''

''....What's the meaning of this?'' I asked lifting the envelope up so he could have a good look at it.

''Huh? What's that?'' He asked as he snatched it from my hand quite harshly though.

His eyes moved from right to left then to the right again scanning every inch of the paper. He suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter.

He thought this was funny? He actually thought this was funny?

''My little girl is all grown up. She's got her very own stalker. Come to daddy, baby...''He coaxed arms outstretched for a hug. I slapped them away.

'' This isn't funny. So if you didn't write this then who did?''

I was more alarmed than before.

''I don't know Sky. Probably someone who just wants to prank you or something. I personally think you are over thinking this.''

I run my fingers through my hair frustrated. Maybe I was being paranoid.

Tylor came closer and embraced me. I really needed him. I needed this.

''Sshh, shhh. Calm down. Nothing is going to happen to you. I won't allow anyone to hurt you. '' He gently stroke my hair.

''If it makes you any better I can call up Sheriff Troffer tomorrow to come and check things out. Would you like that?''

I couldn't find the right words to utter so I just nodded.