Chapter Three

''Ms. Reiser, we checked the whole neighborhood and there was no sign of any suspicious man but we would be patrolling around for the next month or so just to make sure that he doesn't try anything again. Don't be too alarmed maybe its just a couple of teenagers playing a joke on you.''

Tylor faced me with an 'I told you so' expression.

Relief filled my chest after the Sheriff's lecture.

''Thanks so much Sheriff Troffer-'' Tylor took his hand into a handshake.

''Oh please just Troffer would do.'' He corrected then looked at me and winked.

Huh? Was he hitting on me? Eww, he was old enough to be my father.


I tumbled down the hallway as my eyes glanced over my wrist watch every second. I was terribly late for my most important class of the day.

''Sky, Sky, wait up!'' Tylor called out advancing towards.

''Tylor, not now. I'm late'' I didn't stop for a second because I had none to spare.

''I've never seen you rush for a class before? What class is that?''

''AP Physics... And its going to send me straight to Harvard. Now out of my way pretty boy.''

''Oh wow! Never knew you were such a little nerd. Can I tag along?''

''I would have said yes but I realized you are too dumb for AP anything. See you later.'' I sassed and flung my hips a little.

In class, I placed my bag on the empty seat at my side. Luckly, the professor had still not arrived. Just then Tylor entered the class and made his way towards me. He tried to lift my bag away so he could sit beside me but I snatched it from his hands and placed it back on the seat.

He huffed and took another seat at my far left. The metal chair scraped the floor as he pulled it back.

''What are you doing here?''

''What does it look like I'm doing? I'm here for my class.''

Immediately, Professor Quist entered the room and apologized for being late.

''Get out, Tylor! ....Now!.....'' I hushed in a low tone just so Mr. Quist doesn't hear our little exchange but it came out stern anyways.

He totally ignored me and began laying out his books on the table in front of him.

Didn't even know Tylor actually sent books to class.

''What are you trying to prove?'' I whispered to him.

He looked at me for a while his green orbs lingering in my mind.

''To prove to you that I am not as dumb as you think....''

I gasped. So that's what this is all about huh?

''I- I didn't mean it like that. Listen, I ...I ......''

I sighed.

It seemed his mind was made up. Nothing I could do or say would change him.

I drew my spectacles over my face and adjusted it perfectly on the bridge of my nose.

''Ouuu, its been a long time I saw you wear those.....''

Oh so now he wants to talk....

''I still need them to read.'' I rolled my eyes.

''You still have a chance to leave the class you know?...'' I coughed.

''Why would I ? Its not like we are going to learn rocket science or anything? Right?'' He chuckled.

'' So today we are going to learn rocket science and everything about it....'' Professor Qiust announced proudly.

Tylor's face fell. His eyes were a clear epitome of fear.

'' Well- urr- he's- ....he won't make me answer any question. That, I'm sure of....'' He seemed nervous. It was evident the way he was vigorously chewing the back of his pen.

''Today, all the questions would be directed to our seemly new student. Mr. Byers,its Tylor Byers right?''

I heard Tylor curse under his breath.

''So how many organic molecules would an engineer need to propel the saturated hydrocarbons travelling with a frequency of 300GHz through gamma and infrared rays?''

''Huh? Was that Hebrew or Greek?....'' Tylor blurted.

Snickers shot through the room but I didn't find that funny.

''That's the language of science, Mr. Byers. It seems you have no idea what's going on here, do you?''

''No, no. I actually do. I just...urrr-urmm........'' He looked around nervously.

Luckly, our principal, Mr.Lee budged into the class. Tylor let out a soft sigh.

''Sorry to interrupt your class, Professor Quist but we have a new student joining you today.'' He chirped and winked at Mr. Quist.

Professor blushed.

Huh?...what the!?

Mr. Lee always seemed like a happy person not like those other creepy principals who just hate teenagers. He is really cool. The best in fact.

''He is an exchange student on scholarship here. He also won the best international student award in Japan and Cairo, four years in a row.....''

Mr. Lee graced. It was as if he had memorized every line.

Well, I guess its gonna be another freckled faced geek with drooping glasses and braces covered teeth joining the class then. Typical nerd. I was not as excited as everyone looked.

I sighed and rested my cheek on my left palm.

''I'm happy to introduce to you Andrew Piers.....Come on in....'' He gleamed with pride.

The infamous Andrew walked in with his bag slung sluggishly over his shoulders.

I sat up straighter to have a better look at his face.

Oh my....

My brain seemed to malfunction. Everything slowed even my heart stopped. I needed time to take him all in. He didn't have freckles, he didn't wear glasses, he didn't need braces because....hell.....shit....he had the most perfect smile on earth. I couldn't help but stare.

He had jet black hair that seemed to bring out his dangerously grey eyes. They were so bright but his long eyelashes overshadowed them. There was something dark in those eyes...mysterious. It oozed all over him.

''Okay so Andrew you would have to sit with Ms. Sky since that's the only empty seat available.....'' Professor Quist chuckled.

Andrew's head snapped to my direction and his grey eyes darkened like he had caught his prey, Literally. I mean how is that possible?

His smile narrowed into a sly smirk.

Wide eyed, I watched as he made his way slowly towards me. I couldn't even blink, I think I forgot how to in that short spur of moment. My breaths hunched in my throat. Now, he was right in front of me. He towered over me and some kind of heat and dominance radiated of him.

''Yours?...''He asked and gestured towards my bag occupying his seat.

''Oh yeah, yeah. So sorry..............''I picked it up and he gently settled down.

The whole class also had their eyes on him, mouths agape. Well, he managed not to catch only my attention but everyone else's.

''Nice to meet you ....'' He smiled.

Shit. My mind froze.

I could dare say that he was slightly better looking than Tylor.

Andrew's eyes still lingered on my face with a puzzled expression. He came close so much so I feared he could hear my beating heart.

''Wha- What's wrong?'' I stammered.

He brought his thumb up the corner of my mouth and wiped it.

''You were drooling,Sunshine.......''

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck

I looked around to make sure no one was looking. My eyes landed on Tylor. He had this stern look on his face. He gripped the side of the table so hard that I feared he'd break the table.

I was hit with confusion.

''Tylor? Are you alrig-''

He looked fiercely at me, banged the table hard and stormed out of class.

What is wrong with him?

After class I looked all over school for Tylor. Luckily, I found him in the parking lot with his back leaning against his car. His right hand hid in his back pocket whilst his left held onto a lit cigarette.

I sighed and walked up to him.

''I thought you quit smoking .'' I crossed my arms on my chest.

''Well I didn't. At least not until now..''

He brought the cigar up his lips and inhaled long stream and slowly huffed it out his nose.

I waved the fumes out of my face.

''Get in the car!....'' He demanded.

''No, not until you tell me why you walked out like that? What's wrong?''

''Get. In. The. Car'' He gritted

''No'' I stated.

''Sky, get in the fucking car or God so help me I'll make you....'' He thundered throwing the cigar onto the bare floor.

Reluctantly, I did.

His jaw clenched and unclenched as he drove. A sigh escaped his lips then the car came to slow stop at the side of the road.

He brought his fingers up the bridge of his nose and massaged his temples.

''I'm sorry....'' I heard him say softly.

I didn't want to look at him.

''I'm really sorry. I don't know why I acted that way. I was just- just......just jealous?.......'' He chuckled partly asking himself.

''Huh?.....'' I looked at him.

''I know, I know sounds crazy but I'm just so used to me being the only one that stole your attention but today, Andrew did. I just don't like competition. '' Tylor looked away.

'' I understand but it’s not a competition. You shouldn’t see it that way.” I took his hands in mine.

''You were even drooling....'' He teased playing with my hair.

''But I also drool on you too.'' I defended.

''That's only when you fall asleep on me so it doesn't count.''

My face turned bright red.

''I was thinking maybe later we could watch a movie or go out and you know just have an us time. What do you think?.......'' He chirped.

''Yeah-......Oh shit....I just realized I won't make it.''

''Huh?...Why?....'' His eyes fell to the floor. Disappointment evident as he spoke.

'' I urr....I am meeting up with Andrew later. We have an assignment to finish up together from Professor Qiust. I'm so sorry......''

Anger returned in his eyes as he looked back on the road and slammed on the accelerater. I jolted forwards.

He muttered something incoherent to himself but I didn't have to hear what he said to know that it was just filled with cuss words.

What has come over him...

Soon, I was home. I stepped out and turned to Tylor. He still didn't look at me.

''I'm so sorry I wouldn't make it maybe some other time.....'' I apologized.

''Don't bother. I don't want to go anyways. Have fun with him....'' He spat then slammed the door shut.

The car revived forward and sped away.

I sighed.

Keys jingled in my hands as I unlocked the door. Inside was serene, peaceful and quite. I made my way towards the kitchen when gentle taps snapped me out of my thoughts.

Who could it be....

I swung open the door.

'' Too early??'' He asked leaning unto the doorpane.

''Uh- Andrew?....No, are just on time...Oh where are my manners?..come on in, come in......''

''What's wrong? You seem jittery? You've never had a guy over?...'' He teased as he walked into the room.

'', not that at all. I was just wondering how you got to know where I stay cuz I was just about to text you my address.....'' I laughed nervously.

''Oh yeah,I asked around. You are quite the little celebrity in school you know? It made it easier.....'' He explained then hung his leather jacket on the stand rack and made his way straight to my little study desk as if he already knew the place.

That sounded reasonable enough. the hell did he know where the study desk is? He maneuvered his way as if he had been here several times.

I must be overthinking things....

''So let's start.....''

''Yeah, let's.......''

We spoke the whole of the afternoon mainly about unnecessary things like between white shelled eggs and brown shelled eggs which produce the cutest chicks. By evening, we were done and he made his way out. As he attempted to grab his jacket off the stand rack I noticed a tattoo stapled at the back of his neck.

It looked like a face but half of its face was that of a human with long fangs and the other part morphed into a deadly looking wolf.

This intrigued me. I don't know why but I was so drawn to the tattoo.

'' You like it? I could get one for you too......'' He mused when he caught me staring.

I looked up at him lost in those grey eyes. He smiled.

''You are so adorable sometimes, you know that?.....'' He chuckled his face brightening as he did.

The air surrounding us seemed to stay still. He leaned closer then looked at me unsure. I followed his actions leaning in too. My heart started to accelerate. Was this going to really happen? My first kiss?

Suddenly, his expression wavered.

''I have to go. See you soon, Sunshine.'' He sighed then left.


This was the second time he has called me that. The name rang a bell but I can't quite put my finger on it. Someone else has been addressing me by that name.

But who??

Its on the tip of my tongue. My eyes shot wide when I remembered like I'd seen a ghost. I gasped.

The Stalker.........