Chapter Five

Tylor and I lay on my bed side by side. We had to prepare for a quiz the next day.

''What's the twentieth element on the periodic table?'' I heard Tylor ask.

'' Calcium'' I answered.

There was a brief silence before he spoke again.

''You know, your butt really looks good in those bicker shorts.....'' He snickered.

''Pervert. Those are not yours so get your hungry eyes off....'' I hissed.

''Come over here...'' He suddenly pulled me on top of him and pinched my cheeks.

He then rolled over so that I was caged underneath him.

''Tell me ‘I'm the hottest guy you've ever seen and that you love me’.'' He demanded with some kind of playful seriousness to it.

''I don't want to lie to you, Sweet'' I teased.

He looked a bit hurt but quickly covered it up with a chuckle. His hands went up to my sides.

'' Then I would have to tickle you till I hear it from your lips.''

''Tyyylooor!!....Plea....pleeeaaseee. Stop it. I'm gonna peeeee.'' I giggled.

''Just say it!'' He demanded again.

''Noooooooo'' I choked.

''Okay, okay, okay!!'' I blurted.

True to his words he stopped and looked at me sinisterly.

''Yes? I'm listening.”

'' You are the hottest guy I've ever seen and I love you.'' I announced. A gleam shot through his green eyes.

The air suddenly grew thicker. An unassuming tension loomed the air around us.

''Again. I need to hear it again. Tell me you love me.''

Both hands were planted at each side of my head as he hovered over me.

''I love you.....'' I whispered.

My gaze stayed on his face never leaving his eyes. He leaned closer, his green orbs turned three shades darker.

What's happening? Was my first kiss going to be with my best friend?

Now, he was so close that I could taste his minty breath behind my throat. My heart was erratic. I nearly thought it was going to splatter out of my chest.

He looked down at my lips then looked up at me through his thick lashes begging for permission. He took my silence as his go ahead then slowly inched further so his lips brushed against mine.

Shivers coursed through my whole being. He gently seized my lips in between his teeth and sucked on it lightly. A moan escaped my throat.

I could feel him smile in my skin.

His tongue challenged mine in a fierce battle. He dipped his head to the side so he could have full control over my body. Ever so slowly, his hand slid under my sweatshirt, my back arched to him because his touch was warm against my chilly skin. He lifted it over my head so I was left with just my white laced bra. It looked like my breasts were pouring out of the bra cap.

''Oh fuck Sky, you so beautiful. '' He groaned. His voice came out hoarse.

The kiss clouded my mind in a haze. My hands went up into his hair and pulled him closer to me. He grunted.

His head hid, buried in the crook of my neck.

Oh no, Sky? What are you doing?

True. This is unacceptable.

''Ty- Tylor, please .....we - we can't do this....'' I hushed out.

He ignored me and went on with his sweet assault, moving down in between the swells of my breasts.

''Tylor stop please.....'' I pushed him of me.

He stopped, his temple resting on my forehead. He was panting but his eyes were still closed shut.

'' I'm so sorry Tylor. I don't know what I was tinking. This was a mistake....'' I apologized quickly.

I couldn't even look at him. My eyes stayed on the ground the whole time.

He inhaled and drew back looking at me with sad eyes.

''I'm not. I'm not sorry....'' He repeated.


'' This was not a mistake. I truly love you, Sky.''

The room fell into a deafening pause.

'' Since the first time I laid my eyes on you I fell so deep I couldn't escape. You trapped me with your love, Sky.''

He brought his hand to caress my cheek. He moved my chin up so I could face him.

'' No, this...this can't be. All these years?'' I blinked finding it very difficult to believe the scene unfolding before my eyes.

He stood and calmly paced around the room a few times, both hands buried deep in his hair.

His gaze finally rested on me.

''Yes, Sky. All these years I've loved you. You are the reason I was never in a relationship, the reason I never committed to them cuz all I want is you...all I need is you......'' He begged tears in his eyes.

I've never seen Tylor break down like this.

''We ...we can't be a thing Tylor. You are my best friend.....''

''Fuck being best friends! I want something more'' He thundered.

''I don't think I can give you more. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if we ever break up it would ruin our beautiful friendship. We wouldn't be how we used to be before......'' I explained.

''I knew this was a stupid idea. Should have never let you know. Argh!!!....'' He cursed.

''No, its not at all stupid. Listen....''

I reached for him but he pulled his arm away.

''Forget I told you about this...'' He coughed and bolted for the door.

''Tylor! Wait!....'' I shouted but he disappeared through the door before I could stop him.


Next Day

''Keith? Have you seen Tylor anywhere?'' I asked worried.

Keith was one of Tylor's very good friends on the swimming team.

'' He's not with you?...'' He questioned.

I shook my head. Keith's eyebrows furrowed together.

''Well, he hasn't come for swimming practice either........''

Oh no. Tylor has never missed practice. Where could he be?

''Hey, is everything alright?....''

'' Yeah, yeah.....don't worry....'' I hastened out.

I asked a couple of other people, even the girls he hooks up with but everyone else was oblivious. It seems he hadn't even been in school.

I tried his phone but it didn't go through either.

Why Sky? Why? I should have just said yes. Of course, I really like him but my fears got a hold of me.

''Sky? You cool?...'' Heather spoke from behind me. I knew it was her right away because of her thick southern accent.

I turned around swiftly.

''You look like someone just died?...'' She chuckled a little.

''Oh hi. Have you by any chance seen Tylor around? I need to talk to him. Its urgent.'' I desperately asked.

'' Nah.....but I did hear something.''

She then pulled me towards the isolated part of the hallway just behind the locker room.

She tentively looked around to make sure the coast was clear.

'' It turns out Tylor went on a rampage last night. He was out with a few of his friends, blood out drunk. He beat up a neighborhood punk and even vandalized police property......''

I gasped.

'' Luckily, he wasn't caught-........'',

Heather still blabbered but I zoned her out. I can't believe he would go to that extent.

'' Thank you so much Heather...''

''Sure, anytime...''

I know where he could be. Our secret spot. It was a small flower area around the spring side. Its a very beautiful site. Only Tylor and I knew about the place. It lay peacefully, deep in the heart of the forest, untouched, untamed.

That same place, under the tall maple tree is were Tylor and I spend most of the day, away from all the noise, away from people.

Its funny because that was where I met Tylor for the first time when mom and I were camping here many years ago.


Mom sat near the camp fire as she tried to fix our little radio. I was about six.

''Sky dear, go get the new batteries from the tent....'' She smiled

I nodded and happily trotted towards the tent. Just then I heard light sobs coming from within the forest. I looked back at where mom sat and then looked ahead of me contemplating whether to tell mom about it or just follow my instincts.

I hesitated for a moment but my little legs moved ahead before I could settle on a more rational decision.

The moon was full in the sky, peering its light through the branches and leaves.

I saw further away a boy about my age crouched at the base of a tree sobbing quietly to himself.

Immediately I took a step closer, his muscles tensed. Alarmed, his head shot up and I was met with green eyes.

He quickly tried to hide behind the tree.

''Please don't go. I'm not going to hurt you.'' I spoke out walking closer to him

I bent down so I levelled him.

He was really dirty. His face was smudged.

''Hi. I'm Sky. What's your name?'' I smiled.

''......T- Tylor.....''He whimpered and gazed at me unsure.

''Well, Tylor, I must say you have really nice eyes.....''

He looked away and blushed. He is so adorable.

He shivered then sneezed.

''Oh no, you must be dying of cold out here. Let me help...'' I removed the woolen jacket I wore and hung it over him.

I sat by his side and wound my arms around him

''Skyyy!....Sky!.... Where are you?...'' I heard my mom shout in a distance.

I watched her emerge from within the darkness.

'' Oh my God, Sky? Jesus Christ! Don't ever run off like that...'' She scolded, a flashlight in her hands.

'' A found a new friend, Mom''

She gasped.

*Flashback over*

Today, I was walking on the same path I walked a few years earlier to find Tylor. He must be under the maple tree waiting for me. The birds chirped melodiously in the sky. I bent under branches, shifted leaves to the side and sneezed a little because I was slightly allergic to dandelions.

The sounds of gushing water from the spring filled my ears and gleam returned to my heart. Finally, I was going to tell Tylor that I loved him so very much. Being best friends shouldn’t discourage two people who adore each other from being together. Instead, we can build on the foundation of the friendship we’ve had for many years to live happily at each others side.

I caught a glimpse of him at where I predicted he would be but he was not alone. His face was glued to that slithering slut, Chloe.

My heart was broken. I felt so betrayed.

First, we vowed to each other never to tell anyone about this place. It was a secret only two of us kept.

Secondly, a day after telling me you love me, I catch you making out with someone else.

His muscles tensed just like the first time we met. He could feel my presence.

'' Tylor, What's wrong?'' I heard Chloe ask.

His ears piked up like he was listening to something probability my scattered heart that can't function anymore.

His head snapped towards where I stood, eyes shooting wide.

''Sky? What are you doing here?'' He fumbled trying to pull his shirt over his head.

''You are seriously asking me this question?..I should be asking you what little Miss Perfect is doing here....You promised Tylor...You fucking promised!'' I fumed.

''No, no Love, Listen.....''

'' Don't call me that!'' I spat

''I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't know how but she followed me here. I swear, Sky!'' Tylor explained coming closer to where I stood frozen.

''Hahaha, and you actually want me to believe that?'' I laughed. All this sherade was just too funny for me.

Tylor looked at me like I'd gone mad.

''Tylor , leave that bitch and come over here. She's not worth fighting for. I'm freezing to death....'' Chloe voiced from behind.

Just go ahead and die. No one would ever miss you or your annoying voice.

''Just stay the fuck out of this Chloe!'', Tylor flared.

Her face shone with pride. Barbie Princess seemed to be enjoying all of this.

''I thought you loved me?'' I wheezed.

My vision begun to blur. I didn't want this, I didn't want to cry especially not in front of him.

''I love you. I still do, never doubt my love. Chloe?...Chloe was just a silly mistake. I couldn't handle the rejection so I.....I'm so so sorry....'' He even went down onto his knees begging.

I blinked back a few tears and inhaled trying so hard to calm myself.

''This hurts so much. I don't think time can heal me. Its over, Tylor.....'' I sighed and turned to leave.

''No! Sky, please....please.... Don't turn your back on me when I'm talking to you....Please......''

I stopped dead in my tracks.

''Oh and before I forget, tell that girlfriend of yours that after toilet paper, she is the next most used thing around here......''

Just like that I was gone. I still could hear Tylor roaring my name far way. As soon as I was out of sight I made a run for it home. I could feel the wind dry up my tears. Only if the wind could also make this hurt, this pain and this hatred I feel for Tylor disappear.

Only if.......