Chapter Six

In the bathroom I let the warm water pour down on my skin releasing my ever so knotted muscles. Ruckus out the door caught my attention. I quickly turned off the shower so I could listen better.

The house went quiet.

I shrugged it off. The moment I decided to turn the shower back on the noise came again, louder this time. It seemed it was coming from the kitchen like someone was ransacking the place.

Scared, I slowly got out the bath and wrapped my Berry-pink towel around my body. I stood in my room taking a glance to make sure my room was indeed empty. I reached under my bed for the baseball bat I always kept there.

I inhaled sharply as I felt its cold metallic touch against my fingers. I gripped on it hard, like my life depended on it. With each step, the wooden stairs creeked under my feet. I immediately regretted not getting clothed first before trying to act all brave.

I gasped as soon as I got to the kitchen, my palm shot up to cover my mouth. Blood drained from my face.

On the floor lay shattered broken plates, glasses, utensils. Drawers and cabinets were wide ajar and empty, its contents broken into tiny pieces. The kitchen had been ransacked, turned upside down.

Weirdly, nothing was stolen and everywhere else was just intact. It was just the kitchen that was messed up.

Thoughts came rushing through my head. Could it be the stalker? What if he is still in the house?

Gasping for air, I rushed for my phone and Tylor's name popped up. My thumb hovered over his name for a while but I decided against it.

He hurt me so much. I can't forgive him....... At least not yet.

My eyes drifted to the ground and I caught something unusual. Mud shoeprints stuck onto the tiled floor leading out the backdoor. It looked like a size 9 or 10. I utterly became paralysed.

Wasn't the backdoor locked?

This is bad, very bad.

The cellphone in my hands rang loudly giving me quite a scare.

I looked over the screen and the caller ID showed Tylor's name.

I refused to pick up.

I stalked off to my room still sitting up on my bed. I dreaded to sleep.


Next Day

I tried to avoid Tylor the whole day but that didn't work out how I would have liked. We bumped into each other all the time and he always made an effort to talk to me, to apologize but I wanted nothing of that.

My cellphone was already filled with missed calls and texts from him apologizing.

In the cafeteria, I sat with Heather on the same table. I looked ahead and Tylor was sat on the table that once was ours. Only Tylor and I sat there during recess but now some of his swimming team mates sat there with him. He seemed to enjoy their company better than mine. The table was just straight ahead in front of me so I could see him and he could see me.

Heather started complaining about her neighbour who keeps spying on her when she starts dressing through his window.

All that time, my mind was focused on Tylor. His green orbs pierced through my very soul. He slowly brought his red solo cup up his lips to take a sip. He smiled into his cup, his eyes never leaving my face.

I reached for the apple on my tray and bit into it. This had quickly turned into some kind of staring competition. None of us wanted to back down now.

Just then Chloe came up to him and kissed his neck from behind. It startled him for a moment then he turned to her. She made her way onto his laps, each leg placed perfectly at his sides like he was cradling her.

So now, he completely faced me but Chloe's back was turned in a straddle.

He moved his hands up into her hair and brought her face closer. He slammed his lips unto hers and moved them fiercely until he started trailing kisses along her neck.

His friends around the table cheered him on, whooes flew here and there. He smirked then looked up at me, his gaze so intense but his lips still lingered on her skin.

He was playing a game and sadly I was letting him win. He intentionally did this to taunt me.

Just when I thought all was over, Andrew appeared in the picture. He slid his tray across the table and sat by me.

''Kiss me...'' I looked at Andrew.


''Fucking kiss me'' I repeated then pulled him by his shirt onto my eager lips.


His lips were cold and hesitant but he slowly soothed into the moment. It took me by surprise though when his grip on my waist tightened and as he brought it against the bulge of his groin. I muffled a moan. He caressed my thighs and moved further up digging into my panties. He groaned, his voice husky and hoarse. It turned me so on. I wanted more of this, more of him. He was a very good kisser. I won't lie about that, way better than Tylor.

I reluctantly parted our lips when I realized our whole sherade had attracted an audience, even Tylor was paying attention. Andrew realized this and gave everyone a wide smirk.


''Whoah!!....I never knew you guys were actually a thing....'' Heather chimed, a wide smile on her face.

I had totally forgotten she was around.

I blushed and tried hiding my embarrassed face behind the curtain of my hair. I looked up at Tylor through my eyelashes. He was furious....very furious. Veins snaked up his neck threatening to pop out anytime soon. His face was red with anger. His eyes darkened with rage. His eyes never left me. He crushed the red solo cup he held, tossed it across the tiled cafeteria floor and jolted up making his way towards where Heather, Andrew and I sat.

I took in a sharp inhale realizing the irrational things Tylor can do when he gets over here. Thankfully, Keith placed a hand on his chest blocking him from doing something stupid. Tylor glared at Keith like he was about to snap him into bits. Keith muttered something indistinctly to him and his gaze fell to the ground seemingly calming down.

Tylor's eyes shot up to me one last time. Now, his eyes were not wild and angry as like moments before but they were mild, hurt, broken. He sighed then stormed out of the cafeteria.

A wave of guilt crashed into me. I wasn't sad because I hurt Tylor, no, not at all. He deserved much more. I was sad because I kinda used Andrew to make someone jealous. I felt bad, very, very bad.

Don't doubt my intentions for Andrew. I really, really like him. Maybe it could even be love. If he asked me at this moment to officially be his girlfriend I wouldn't hesitate to say yes.

I was deep in thought when I realized that Andrew had placed his hands on mine so both our hands rested on the table. He shrugged leisurely and continued eating. This could be a new chapter of my life with someone else.


I lay quietly on my bed staring blankly at the white ceiling with Charlie Puth's ''We don't talk anymore'' playing through the ear pins stuffed into my ears when I heard noises like taps on my window.

I yanked the ear pins out and realized that someone was throwing pebbles at my glass window. Immediately, I got off my bed to give that douchebag whoever that might be a piece of my mind.

I parted the window blinds and shouted some colourful words at him.

''Sky, Sky.... Its me ....Tylor....'' He shouted across.

Huh? Tylor?

I slid the window up and squinted so I could have a good look.

''You should probably wear those glasses right about now...'' He said.

''I don't need them. I can see you clearly....'' I lied.

''Stop being stubborn and just put them on. You look really cute in them-''

''-What are you doing here, Tylor'' I interrupted him. Let's just cut through the chase.

He sighed.

''I miss you''

Haven't we been here before?

I rolled my eyes and attempted to shut my window and go back to bed.

''Sky please hear me out. I'm really sorry, terribly sorry. Please forgive me.''

'' You hurt me Tylor '' I countered.

Trust me, I really wanted to forgive him to go back to being good old Tylor and Sky. I could forgive but I couldn't forget.

''Baby, I know I hurt you. I need you to forgive me. I need you to say it. Thats all I'm asking....'' He knelt in the grass tears streaming down his checks.

My heart broke seeing him like this but my ego was too huge. It wouldn't allow me to forgive him just like that.

''Just go home, Tylor'' I sighed

''No'' He lashed.

I brought my fingers up my temple and massaged the bridge of my nose.

Where I stood I could see the skies ahead darken and rapidly sailing towards us. Lightning brighed the night sky and thunder rumbled the calm breeze.

''Go Tylor, there is a storm coming. You have a serious phobia for these stuff....''

''Not until you forgive me.'' He stood his ground.

Lighting struck and he cowered. His hand to his chest like he was trying to find his breath.

Oh no,no .....He's going to go into a state of shock and trauma for days.

''Don't be stupid, Tylor. You are going to get yourself killed........'' I shouted distressed.

Just then the rains started pouring down and the fog thickened.

''For you, anything is worth sacrificing....''

Fuck this ego! I have to go save my friend.

I quickly flew down the flight of stairs and grabbed the umbrella from behind the door.

Light from inside the house illuminated the front porch. Even though he shivered his face gleamed with content.

I walked over to him and hovered the umbrella on both of us. But that was not really necessary since he was already drenched.

''I forgive you. I miss us ''

He smiled

''I miss us too''

I wrapped my arms around his neck , the umbrella falling to the side. Now, I was also wet. Both of us hugging in the rain without a care in the world.

He took my face in his palms and kissed the tip of my nose. I giggled.

''Let's get inside before we die of pneumonia or worse, your phobia forces me to sing you a lullaby before you actually sleep....'' I accented ushering him inside.

'' No thank you. Your voice alone would give me nightmares. '' He chuckled.

''Oh wow!....''

Finally, Tylor and I were back to our annoying selves.

''Up for a horror movie? Conjuring?''

He asked flipping through my Netflix account.

'' Yeah, sure. Lemme just get some dry clothes for us...''

He nodded then I quickly rushed up my room to freshen up.

I was clad in a blue tank top and matching pyjama shorts. I grabbed a pair of Tylor's clothes that he carelessly leaves whenever he spends a day or two here.

Just as I was about to make it for the door, the landline in my room rang.

Puzzled, I picked it up.

Me: Hello? Sky Reiser speaking..



**Still Silence**

I hanged up and shrugged it off. Some people don't have a social life so just rely on a prank call. How pitiful.

As soon as my fingers grazed the cold metallic door knob, the phone rang again.

''Aargh!!!....'' I groaned frustrated.

Me: Hello?

**Silence yet again**

Me: Who is this?

**deep breathing...... Shifting..... Shuffling.....**

Me(very pissed): Who the fuck is this?!... It better not be you silly teenagers prank calling or I swear to God I'll-

**Shh, shh. Language, Sunshine.**

Me: Pycho stalker?

I gasped

Stalker: Thats the name you've given me huh? Interesting.

He chuckled seeming very amused.

Me(very scared now but acting like I don't give a shit): What do you want?

Stalker: Isn't it obvious? I want you, Sunshine.

Me:Well, get in line cuz there are so many people in the queue already..

Stalker(chuckling): You really crack me up. You are feisty little one, aren't you. Hmm....I like that. I like that a lot. I wanna see how feisty you would be when I have you trapped beneath me screaming my name.

Ew, I felt disgusted immediately.

Me: Where are you?

I scanned my room but it was empty.

Stalker: Stop looking around around. I'm not in your room.

Oh no. He could see me.

Me: Tell me where you are!

Stalker: You want to see me that bad? Well, Sunshine, your wish is my command. Just look out the window.

I parted the blinds for the second time tonight. But this time I dreaded it more than the first.

My eyes shot wide. There he was standing in all black , with a hoodie over his face. I peered closer, the only thing I could make out was the sinister smile that reached up the shadow hiding the rest of his face. My gaze drifted to the opposite side of the road and I spotted Andrew's BMW-I8 parked there. Could it actually be his? No, no!

Colour drained from my face and I looked on in horror. A shrill scream left my lips as I cowered to the floor both hands covering my ears.

This can't be. This can't be.

Immediately, Tylor came springing through the door wild eyes jaggering around.

''Sky?!....What's wrong?!''

'''' I fumbled.

Although, I even couldn't understand what I just said, Tylor nodded and moved to the window.

''There is no one there....'' He said slowly turning to me.

''He was there. He was there. I swear it....I need you to believe me...'' I sobbed. I couldn't help the tears running down my face.

''I believe you.'' Tylor coaxed bending down and lifting me into a hug.

''I'm so scared, Tylor. So, so scared''

''Shh, Shh. Nothing is going to happen to you. I'm here. Calm down''

He slowly helped me to my bed and tucked me in.

''Please stay with me. '' I quickly voiced when he turned to leave.

He nodded and climbed into the bed. I drew closer to him then he stiffened. I put my arm over his chest.

''You want the lights off?'' I heard him ask when I drowsily drifted off to sleep.

''No'' I lazily muttered.

He sighed then kissed my forehead. It lingered there longer than how innocently it seemed.

''Goodnight, Love'' I finally heard him whisper.