Chapter Seven

''Happy Birthday, Sweetheart'' Tylor chimed as soon as I entered his convertible.

''Aww, thanks''

''So how does it feel to finally be legal?'' He chirped his eyes on the road.

''Meh?...Just the same....''

''Oh I see. Being modest, huh?''

I smiled.

The noisy chaos of school filled my ears. Here once again. Sigh, this scholarly routine exhausted me.

''Thanks for the ride Tylor....''

''Sure. Enjoy your day! '' He leaned on the steering wheel and shouted across the parking lot as I made my way to class.

Just as I entered the class Andrew’s warm smile greeted me.

''Happy birthday, Andrew'' I graced engulfing him into a hug.

''Thought you would forget...''

''Why would I forget'' I pouted.

Yeah, I forgot to mention but Andrew and I have the same birthdays. Weird right? Well, not in my case because this coincidence makes it so clear that we were meant for each other.

''So what's up for today?'' I asked Andrew as I took a seat besides him.

''Well, I was planning to spend the day with you. What do you think?'' He licked his lips.

I sucked air through my teeth.

''I would love to but I promised Tylor that I would be with him the rest of the day....''

His face fell. He was certainly not used to being turned down.

'' Spending the day with Tylor doesn't mean I can't spend the night with you.'' I winked.

He smirked. His eyes darkening.

''I would like that. So 7:00 o'clock. Tonight?''

''Yeah, sure. '' I glanced over at my watch and it was almost noon.

''I have to go.....'' I hurriedly packed my stationary into my bag.

''Skipping class?....'' Andrew asked.

''Yeah. I have somewhere I need to be. See you later...''

He had a smug look on his face. I kissed him goodbye and left.

''You're late. What took you so long?'' Tylor spoke as soon as I came in view.

''Sorry....I had to make an excuse to get out of class but I'm here now,aren't I?''

He chuckled and we drove off to only God knows where.

''So where are you taking me? '' I asked after about thirty minutes drive into town.

'' Patience, Love. You would soon find out soon but I need you to do me a favour.''

''Sure. Anything.'' I grimced.

He dug into his back pocket and pulled out a blindfold.

''I need you to put this on”

I threw a skeptical look his way.

''Are you sure the blindfold is necessary?” I asked wearily.

He chuckled.

I did as I was told. Darkness clothed my eyes and shaky excitement coursed through my body.

The rest of my senses were on top notch. The wind blew in my hair so much that it flew into my face.

Soon, the car slowed to a stop.

''We are here. I'll help you out'' I heard Tylor say.

I was guided slowly towards something, I guess.

The wind smelt like pine and berries. Birds chirped around and I heard a gushing sound like water fall but in the distance.

Tylor and I then made an abrupt halt.

''I'm gonna take the blindfold off on''

When I opened my eyes the bright light blinded my vision for sometime but soon the white light started seeping in different colours.

I looked around and I was awestruck.

I found myself standing on this cliff overlooking the slow but study sunset. The sky was painted with a beautiful dance of colours. Purple, yellow, pink and fiery orange streaked the sky above. The mighty sun cowered behind the gigantic waterfall cascading down the rocks. The water was a bold turquoise. Birds swam through the air soaring higher and higher. Different shades of green sprawled across the whole landscape with tints of reds and magenta scattered within the vegetation. Some colours I had no idea existed probably because I had never laid my eyes on them before.

''....Beautiful....'' I whispered under my breath.

Tylor held my hand in his.

'' Not as beautiful as you though...''

I looked away flushed.

He placed his fingers beneath my chin and gently lifted my head up so I could face him.

His green glassy eyes had a stubble expression in them.

''I know I haven't been a very good best friend lately but I promise everything is going to change from today. I'm so sorry......''

I placed my finger on his lips to stop him from saying more.

''You don't need to apologize for anything, Tylor ''

''No Sky, I have to. You and I are going to have a new beginning. This place...''

He gestured around

'' going to be our new favourite spot. Its ours, Sky....only ours....''

I didn't realize I had tears in my eyes until the warmth of my tears hit my cheeks.

''Ow, Baby, come here....'' He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest.

''Thank you so much for being a part of my life.'' I sobbed into the crook of his neck.

'' You would always be my always...'' He breathed into my hair.


The stars twinkled far off in the night sky, brightening up the gloom the darkness brought.

''Is it true that the stars have differ,ent colours?'' I asked Tylor as we slept side by side on the grass.

'' Probably..... If you actually look closer you would see that each star is different. It all depends on your perspective. ''

''Woah, I never knew you were a star fanatic ...''

’’Should I take that as a compliment?'' He coughed

''....Anything that makes you feel better....'' I chuckled.

We were both thrown into silence. Not the deafening, awkward silence but rather, the silence that you can ease into and never let go.

Peaceful, calm.....

A howl from deep within the forest broke the tranquil. A wolf?

''I think we have to go...'' Tylor said hastily jolting up into a sitting position.

''Huh? Now?....Don't tell me you are afraid of a harmless chayote.....'' I teased.

''Me?Pffft?.....Of course not. I - I just think its getting pretty dark and Its really difficult driving at night....'' He chuckled nervously.

''Hmm...Okay..Shit pants..but that doesn't mean I'm still buying your excuse.....''

Tylor's car revived to a halt when we arrived in front of my house.

''Are you sure you don't want to come inside?'' I asked him one last time.

''Nah, I'm good. I have to take care of some businesses somewhere else so maybe tomorrow?...'' He explained.

''Suite yourself then.....''

I barely stepped out of the car when a strong grip on my arm pulled me back in.

''Aren't you forgetting something?..''

Tylor flattered wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what he meant.

I held the back of his neck and crushed my lips on his for a quick tongue kiss.

I pulled away and looked down at his swollen lips. He whimpered and I smiled.

''Happy now?.'' I mused.

''Elited...but I didn't know you would go for the lips. I was caught off guard. Can we do that again?'' He beamed.

''Goodnight....'' I bluntly stated pushing his face away.

On the porch, I watched Tylor's car disappear down the road and almost immediately another car zoom up towards me.

''Are you ready?....'' Andrew asked his arm hanging out the window.


''Don't tell me you forgot our birthday night....'' He chuckled.

Oh yeah, yeah. I remember now .

''I didn't forget. Lemme go change into something better....''

I was in a fraying sea blue booty shorts and a grey low neck top that showed more cleavage than I would like. My pumps were also killing me.

''No need. You look prefect...''

I climbed into his car a little uneasy. He smiled and hit the accelerator. I rested my head on the window still doubts running through my mind. Was it really Andrew's car I saw the other time?

I shrugged the feeling off. I mustn't doubt my friends. He is a very good friend, he can't do this. Andrew can’t be the stalker.

I watched as he made a stop in front of the club house.

''We're here'' He announced proudly.

I gave him a questioning look.

''I've never been to the club before.''

He wore a ''what the fuck'' face.

'' You know, your innocence always turns me on...'' He winked.

''.......don't worry just follow my lead and don't eat or drink anything here if you don't want to wake up the next morning naked on a stranger's bed...''

I gulped. Was that supposed to make me feel any better?

''Let's go......'' He sounded. He seems so happy than I am.

I'm just not that party girl. I inhaled deeply. There is a first time for everything right?

Andrew led me straight into the party hall his hand tightly clasped to mine. Neon lights sliced through the darkness like a saber. Blue and red lights danced around, illuminating the sweaty bodies of teenagers. People had glow in the dark paints tattooed on their bodies as they jumped up and down to the really loud pop music.

I followed him like a wounded puppy towards the dance floor right in the middle of a pool of puberty stricken bodies. Unluckily for me, I didn't realize where we were going until we had reached reach there.

''I can't seriously can't dance. In my head I can but when I start dancing I literally look like someone morphing into a zombie...'' I started panicking.

He chuckled.

''Calm down. Just do what I do....''

He started bobbing his head to the music. I did the same and looked over at other people trying to imitate what they do.

So I wrapped my arms around his neck and he immediately held my waist. I turned around and I leaned deeper into his chest swaying my hips to left and right. I bent down so my ass rubbed against his groin. He grunted and moved his hand into my hair guiding the way I should move against him.

I think I've got the hang of this.

I swayed my hips grinding intensely both of us moving in sync. I felt him harden.

''Easy girl .....easy....or I would just have to take you on right here.....'' He groaned.

We danced till the dance floor started to clear. The place begun emptying up but no one left the club house.

''Andrew?You know where everyone is heading to?'' I asked.

''I don't know. Home?... Probably?....'' He shrugged.

''Wrong. They are off to the room parlor. Can't you see?''

A man with his hands at both sides of a skimpy looking girl's waist were staggering off to that particular stall.

Both of them vividly wasted on alcohol as they giggled until they entered one of the rooms.

''Yeah, but how does that concern us?'' He questioned

I fought the urge for a face-palm

''......or you want to get down with me?...'' He winked his grey eyes darkening.

I really wanted to say yes but I wasn't sure if I wanted this or if the alcohol wanted this.

''Urgh. No....I meant that since its quite still too early to go back home let's get curious. I say we sneak into one of the rooms with our phones and record all the wrongs going on in there. Maybe we can blackmail some of'em and grab a few bucks. What do you think?......'' I chirped like it was the best idea anyone had ever thought. This is worth more than the discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton.

He looked at me blankly not even blinking.

''Too over the top?'' I shrugged

''No, no....its fine....You look so innocent. I just never imagined that would ever pop up in your head. You never seize to amaze me. Intriguing....''

''There is a lot you don't know. Let's go...''

We made our way through the stall. The scent of smoke and weed loomed in the air. Rooms were sprawled at each side of a long, dimly lit hallway. I walked a few steps ahead.

''Let's try this room. Room 101...'' I gestured standing in front of the door.

'' Why this particular room?'' Andrew questioned standing behind me.

''I don't know. Just like the number I guess?....''

''Hmmm.....fair enough...''

Andrew stepped in front of me and slowly creaked the door open. Moans from inside the room muffled the noise the door made.

Lucky me!

''Did you hit record?...'' I whispered to Andrew.

He nodded.

''We need to go forward. I can barely see anything....''

''Doesn't cellphone cameras have a 'see in the dark' feature?....'' I whined.

As we crawled closer the moans and grunts became louder. I swallowed hard.

I hid, peering behind the couch. As I looked closer a lump formed in my throat.

It Professor Quist and beneath him lay our principal, Mr. Lee?....''

What the-....

Woah! That was unexpected. I can't fathom. Professor Quist and Mr. Lee together?....

I would have never in a million years imagined that these two would be together. I mean, Professor Quist with all his self-righteousness and Mr. Lee our principal. This guy literally has a whole ass family. A pregnant wife and a son.

''I think its time to go...'' I hurriedly whispered to Andrew who was utterly caught off guard like I was.

''I second that.....''

As we were cunningly maneuvering our way out, clumsy me mistakenly hit an expensive looking ceramic vase and it came crushing to the floor with a loud thud.


Professor Quist's eyes jiggered around in the darkness.

''Sky!!?........What are you doing here?...'' Professor Quist lashed alarmed trying to hide his very naked body behind the sheets.

''Run....'' I heard Andrew shout

We bolted out the door running towards Andrew's car.

I heard shouts of my name behind but I didn't look back. Andrew quickly stuffed his keys into the car and it roared to a start.

Like the wind we barreled down the wet highway.

''That was fun...'' Andrew chuckled.

''I agree''

Just then Andrew's car zoomed past my house.

''You just passed my house, Andrew''

''Yeah, I know''

I looked at him puzzled.

''Relax...I have something to show you..'' He explained

How can I relax when you have doubts about the true intentions of someone then suddenly at night that same person decides not to take you to your own house but rather his place. That's alarming.

We drove through the gates of this plush looking house..... Let me rephrase that....

We drove through the gates of this plush looking mansion. The house lit up so beautifully at night.

''We're here...'' Andrew mused.

The interior of the house looked better than the exterior. It was more of mediva age with dull colours.

I stood in front of the fire place feeling the warmth of the flames graze my skin.

''You really are a fun of silver, aren't you?...'' I commented as I wondered how something can be so elegant and yet have this soft simplicity to it.

''Silver is my favorite colour... Just like your eyes....''

I blushed

'' did you want to show me?...'' I quickly diverted the subject.

''Oh yeah, yeah. Follow me...''

As we walked deeper into the house I noticed there were no pictures of him or his family. Nothing at all.


''Do you live here alone?'' I asked out of the blue still walking behind him.

''Urr.. Yeah. Why do you ask?..'' He answered sounding a little nervous.

''Nothing. Just curious'' I shrugged.

We made an abrupt stop infront of this magnificent mahogany door.

Andrew slowly pushed the door open I was like!... I blinked a few times just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

It was like a studio with some of the most beautiful paintings and sculptures I've ever seen.

''These are just a few of my works..'' He shrugged like it was nothing.

''Get outta here. Tell me you are joking'' I scoffed actually demanding an answer.

He just chuckled.

Oh my God. This is unbelievable. I paint too but this guy is a natural. I dare say he is even better than Leonardo Davinchi.

''Is that the real Monalisa?...'' I asked looking at the painting hanging on the wall.

''Nah, Its a replica…I made myself ...''

''Oh really thought that was the real deal. How did you get this good?...''

You know, I paint and all but I cannot get anywhere near Andrew. He even sculpts and he does it immaculately.

''Well I studied in the Manchester School of Fine Arts for a year or two..''

I was thrown into awe and admiration. Manchester School Of Fine Arts is one of the top schools in the whole world.