Chapter Eight

''Your parents must be really proud of you then....'' I chimed.

He shifted his gaze to one of his pottery works immediately I made mention of his parents.

'' Yeah, I guess...'' He sighed.

I must have hit a sour spot in his heart. Probably they are no more? I really wanted to find out the reason but I didn't want to push things so I let it go.

''Even if they are not, I'm proud of you....'' I smiled

He returned the gesture with a smile of his own.

''Umm....this is actually not what I wanted to show you...'' He lighted the mood.

''That's not all?....'' I beamed so excited.

He then sailed past me to a canvas that had been hidden behind a sack cloth. Andrew reached for the material and yanked it from the top.

I gasped, my eyes shooting wide.

It was a painting of me with a smile, so care free. My eyes seemed like they had never seen sorrow nor pain. This was how I'd look if every thing was perfect.

My vision begun to blur. I was tearing up.

''This is how I picture you everyday. This is who I would love you to be….by my side.....''

''Its...Its beautiful....'' I whispered under my breath.


I tore my gaze from the painting and unto his perfect face.

''Ive been meaning to ask you this question and I think this is the right time. Would you be my-.....''

Suddenly, his cellphone rang outside the studio. Both our heads snapped towards the door.

''Stay here. I'll be right back.'' He apologized and left.

I breathed out relieved. Someway, somehow I knew the question he was going to ask. Am I ready for this journey with him?...with Andrew?.. I think so... That's a good enough reason to accept him.

Its a yes.

As I stood in the dim light that radiated off the walls, curiosity got a hold of me.

I slowly moved through the big room maneuvering my way through the statues and sculptures. I stopped infront of this table filled with these little antique trinkets.

This ancient looking book laid right in the middle with dust covering it.

I do have a thing for long, lost history. Curiosity just gets a hold of me every time. I picked it up and blew the dust away revealing red and gold colours beneath.

I flipped through the pages and a few paper chips fell from inside the book. I bent down to retrieve them but something more horrible caught my gaze.

I looked closer at the supposed paper chips but they were not paper chips at all rather they were pictures… of me everywhere. Pictures I didn't take, pictures I wasn't even aware were taken. Me at the coffeehouse, me at the cafeteria, me infront of my porch.

The last picture drained the life from my face.

I lay on my bed oblivious to who stood by me as I slept in my own bedroom. This picture must have been taken the day I received that darn letter by my bed side.

I gasped.

The day the stalker sneaked into my room. The day Andrew sneaked into my room.

Curse my ability to sleep like a log.

As if on queue, I heard Andrew’s indistinctive footsteps getting closer.

''I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting.'' He apologized as soon as he entered the studio.

My arms were folded across my chest giving my bossom a little push up. I should be scared of Andrew right about now but ironically I wasn't.

I just needed answers.

''Would you care to explain what these are doing in here?...'' I threw the pictures at his face, a cross expression on mine.

''Huh?...What.. What's this?....''

He scanned the pictures.

''Oh cut the shit crap, Andrew! Just be decent enough to admit you are the stalker.'' I lashed.

''Stalker?... I didn't even know you were being stalked. I swear I don't- I don't know how these got here.'' He voiced, choking off at some points.

He took a step closer.

''.......please believe me Sky...''

He was still advancing forward. I'm definitely not falling for this one.

''Stay back! If you dare take another step, I'll call the police!'' I commanded but it came out shakier than I would have liked.

'' Please Sky, I just want to talk. I can explain everything.....'' He inched closer.

He took one step forward and I took two steps back.

''I said stay back!!!'' I was almost shouting now.

I was so scared I could shit my pants. I looked around for something I could protect myself with but nothing. If I make a run for it now probably I could get help in time before he catches up with me.

Just like that I made a break for it. I dashed right past him and run out of the house as fast as I could.

The road was empty. The darkness the night brought clothed my skin as I took in deep slips of the chilly air into my lugs as I desperately run for my life.

He was following me. I could hear his running footsteps gaining in on me, getting dangerously close.

Darn it, I should have taken gym classes a little more seriously. I was so unfit for this kind of drama. With every step I took it felt like I was running through a shore of quick sand.

I could feel the wind dry my tears as I run. Panting, gasping for air. This was hopeless.

Just then I felt a force tackle me from behind and I fell, face first onto the floor.

He turned me around and pinned me harshly onto the bare ground, sharp gravels and thorns piercing through my skin.

His face was hidden behind a black mask.

''Andrew, Stop this!...'' I screamed

''This is only the beginning,Sunshine''

He coaxed into my ear.

I tossed and trashed beneath him then I lifted my knee up and hit right where it hurts the most. He immediately released my caged wrists to subdue the pain I caused to his groin not without muttering some really colourful cuss words at me.

I tried to flee but he was way faster and stronger than me. He grabbed a hold of my hair and yanked me closer to him.

''Trying to leave the party so soon?'' He tsked.

I yelped in pain.

''Let go of me you fucking bastard!!'' I gritted still trying to pull my hair from his strong grasp.

He dragged me across the road to his black SUV that stood parked at the other end.

Black SUV? Cliché much? Maybe a Mercedes would do.

I wasn't going down without a fight. I winced in pain from the scrapes and scratches my body endured from being dragged around.

He tried to throw me into the car but I wouldn’t budge. I think that really got him pissed so next thing I knew, he held my neck squeezing the last life out of it then bang! He hit my head against the car door. I was growing weak. My legs could no longer hold up my body. I saw nothing but darkness after that.


I whimpered. The pain in my head was unbearable. I slowly pried my eyes open squinting to see through the darkness that engulfed me.

I looked to my right and a small bed stood at the corner. At the side of the bed was a study table carrying a lamp stand.

Wait. This is not my room. Alarmed, I tried to lift my self up but I was being restricted. That was when I realized that I had been tied up to a chair. My hands were wound to the back and my feet were tightly secured to the chair.

Oh no no. This isn't good. This isn't good at all.

My breaths became short and raspy as I struggled to escape from these chains. I winced anytime I moved because the chains around my wrist just cut deeper and deeper.

''Oh sleeping beauty is finally awake. I don't remember giving you your true love's kiss.'' He chuckled.

My head snapped towards his direction. He had a daunting tone in his voice.

His voice. I gasped. Its so familiar.

He hid in the shadows. The only light that illuminated the room was the moonlight that was spilling through the tiny window on the wall.

''Don't be a coward. Come closer so I can see you. If you have the balls you little piece of shit!!'' I spat.

I know, I know. This a really bad time to act all sassy but this douchebag really deserves it.

He burst out into laughter like I had said the most halilarious joke of the century.

I looked on taken aback.

He is a phsyco indeed.

''You wanna see me that bad? Huh…Anything for you....'' He mused.

My infamous stalker took one long stride forward right in the middle of the spotlight the moon created on the wooden floorboard.

My eyes instinctively shot wide, my mouth forming an 'o'.

''....Tylor?!.....'' I gasped.
