Chapter Fourteen

Pain, pain. A beautiful melody it whispers. It treats your tears as diamonds. Your sorrow is its happiness. It preys on it,feeds on it,worships it. Only if pain could feel what I feel.

Hugging my knees, crouched in the bath tub I sobbed. I laughed in between my sobs. Tears stung my eyes. The scars and claw marks that run across my back and decorated my torso and arms didn't beat the pain betrayal brought.


His name brings a sickening feel to the pit of my stomach. Devastated, broken. He stole the one thing I had, the one thing I cherished. I could do nothing to stop the tears.

The silver shimmered in between my fingers, the sharp blade calling out my name.

Voices in my head telling me to end it all. The edge of the blade lay so close to my already wounded wrist but a little more pressure would just slit through an artery.

My fingers shook. I hesitated, listening to my shortened, raspy breaths.

Why couldn't I do this?