Chapter Fifteen

My eyes flickered open, white light blinding me. Within a few seconds, my eyes adjusted to the light. White all over. The walls where painted white, the tiles were oddly even whiter. The sent of drugs and antiseptic filled my nostrils. It loomed in the air like a toxic gas. I was in a hospital. My gaze lingered on the tubes that run around my arms and my face. It all connected to a beeping machine. By my side, I noticed a young man, his head bent on my arm, chest heaving as he breathed out slowly in his sleep.

I tried to pull my arms from underneath him when he stirred awake. His head shot to me, blinking a few times like he didn't believe what he was seeing. His eyes where reddened from the slumber with lines and folds running across his face.

He had nice facial features although he looked very drained. He was very handsome, I won't lie about that.

His face seemed so familiar.