Chapter Twenty-Four

''Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served''

The head maid spoke and with a click on a glass everyone started to dig into their meals.

Okay, so now I had one main problem. Which fucking cutlery am I going to use. As I stared down the table everything seemed blur. There were like a hundred and one different spoons, forks and something that looked like knives? This is more frustrating than Math formulas and calculus. Everyone seemed to ignore each other, even surprisingly Andrew had no problem using his. Well, he had some help from his girlfriend, Rae who sat by him.....Obviously.

I was frantically looking around for some kind of help.

''Use the third spoon to your left …” I heard someone say from beside me. Grateful, I turned to thank him only to stare deeply into the green orbs of Damian.

''Th- thanks....Why are you helping me in the first place?'' I asked surprised and a little startled by his kind gesture. He rolled his eyes and pouted feigning hurt and sadness.