Chapter Twenty-Five

The next day was like hell. Damian's shadow followed me wherever I went. His whole day was spent with Natasha, on the couch, on the kitchen island, in the garden, on the pouch and even in his bathroom.

Damian's words yesterday kept pondering in my heart.

Her death? Whose death? What was he talking about? Who was he referring to?

Knock! Knock! Knock! echoed through the candle lit hallway as my knuckles painfully hit Christian's door. There was quite a ruckus behind the door then silence. Swinging on my heels, I waited for the door to swing open. The silence was deafening. Puzzled I knocked again. There was a click revealing a very shirtless, sweaty Christian.

''Oh-Urr- Hello there.....'' He huffed eyes wide.

''........Urmm Hi?.....'' I quirked.

''Why are you here so early in the morning?'' He checked his wrist for the time only to realize he had no watch on. My eyes furrowed in confusion.