Chapter 32: Vajra Power

Li Changsheng threw his short sword at Chief Xu and said, "My skill is only elementary Taoist Kung Fu, which is not worth mentioning at all. I think you are also a tough guy. You should commit suicide."

Yan Shicang saw that Xu's gray beard, face and clothes were covered with dirty blood. He came up and said, "Changsheng, he has broken his hand and can't do evil in the future. He tried to kill us without success. Why do you have to kill more? Let him go."

Yan Yue pulled her father and said, "Dad, don't be too kind! If our family were taken to the bandit's nest in Dongting Lake today, would he let my parents and me go?"

Chief Xu said, "I have been awe-inspiring in the underworld all my life and killed countless people. Now I have been killed, just as I should have been. I just saw your kungfu, and I will die without regret!"

After that, he used the sword to stroke his neck, and immediately died.

Li Changsheng said, "At this time, it is already dawn, and there are pedestrians on the street outside. There are so many bodies here, and they will be found soon. Let's hurry up and leave here."

Five people left the hotel in a hurry, two people rode horses, and Yan Yue's family  took donkey carts, and ran north for thirty miles before stopping.

On the way, Li Changsheng explained to Du Qing. Because he found that there were gangster snipers in front of and behind the door, he pretended to be captured when the gangsters attacked, so that the gangsters could all enter the store and gather together to be annihilated at one stroke.

Du Qing said, "With your amazing ability, the bandits can't control you. I was surprised how you were captured so quickly."

By the time of lunch, they had entered Xiangtan. After a discussion, they went to an inconspicuous Tujia restaurant on the roadside for lunch.

They just got out of a dangerous fight, and all felt that they should calm down. Du Qing ordered a jar of wine and poured a bowl of wine for everyone to relax.

Duqing said, "Brother Li, to tell the truth, I have fought with other gangs many times in the Qing Gang. But the Qing Gang is powerful, and most of the fighting is that we bully other gangs. Compared with the fight I met on this trip, my previous days in the Qing Gang are not worth mentioning. Come on, after drinking this bowl of wine, we will relax our nervous mood."

Li Changsheng laughed and said, "I'm accompanied by Brother Du on this trip. We are more scared than hurt."

Du Qing said, "I extorted money from merchants in the Qing Gang, collected protection fees at the dock, and worked as a bodyguard in casinos and brothels. I did a lot of bad things. I didn't bully the old, weak, women and children. Later, I got tired of the life of the gang and felt that I had enough money, so I left Shanghai and returned to my hometown."

Yin Yue and her parents sat quietly, smiling and listening to them. Du Qing and Li Changsheng indulged in talking and laughing. They were sincere and frank people, and they were particularly congenial when talking. They soon drank a jar of wine.

Du Qingdao said, "I knew you were a northerner in the company before. Your accent doesn't have several fixed strange sounds of our southerners, but it's a bit deeper than the northerners. Where is your ancestral home?"

"My ancestors live in Shaanxi Province." Du Qing immediately understood that Shaanxi people are born with a simple and sincere taste when speaking, which matches Li Changsheng's personality.

Du Qing said that he was a Hakka from Meizhou. After their common adventure, they trust each other and talk about everything. Du Qing said sincerely, "Brother Li, your superb kung fu can do a lot of great things. Why should you go to Zhongnan Mountain to practice? It's a waste of your life."

Li Changsheng said, "Brother Du, my kung fu is really nothing. In fact, an expert instructed me once, and I only followed her instructions and practiced for one and a half years."

Du Qing sighed, "A good teacher can only be found by chance, not by searching. If they teach you a lesson, it is better than you practice hard for ten years alone! I really envy your luck."

Li Changsheng said: ""I have a short time to learn Taoist Kung Fu myself. This set of Taoist Kung Fu is extensive and profound, and I have little understanding of it. Taoist kungfu is like my physics class in college. Even if I tell you the formula of mass and energy equation, you can't understand it. In fact, few people in the world can understand Einstein's mass-energy equation. The best kungfu is like the best laws of physics, which only a few people can understand. "

Du Qing persisted in pleading: "Brother Li, I was fascinated by kungfu since I was young. Please tell me the simplest Taoist kungfuwhich  I can understand. Even if there is only one sentence, I am grateful!"

Li Changsheng could not be bothered by him and sighed, "OK." After returning to the room for a moment, he took out a piece of paper, Give it to Du Qing: "This is a skill recorded in the Taoist collection, called Vajra Kung Fu, which I found when I read the Taoist collection in college. After studying it, I found it had many mistakes and inconsistencies. This set of skill is just like the thousands of skills recorded in the Taoist collection. They are all false. After learning the Taoist Kung Fu, I have a new understanding of the corresponding relationship between the two energies and the human body , and it is suddenly clear. So I correct all the mistakes and omissions of this set of skill.Please take it to study! "

Du Qing's blood became boiling. He studied martial arts hard in Shaolin Temple since childhood. Although he became strong, he was actually muscular and increased some fighting skills.What Li Changsheng gave him  is the legendary kungfu script. Du Qing took the paper with trembling hands and looked at two paragraphs, which seemed easy to understand. Du Qing was overjoyed and repeatedly thanked him.

Li Changsheng felt very happy to see that he really liked the secret script he gave him. He untied the jade Guanyin pendant hanging around his neck and gave it to Du Qing, saying, "Although Brother Du is the boss's bodyguard, you are honest and upright. If you can give up the temptation of wealth, fame and power in the future, you can take it to Zhongnan Mountain to find me."

Du Qing understood Li Changsheng's generous and heroic character, and knew that he was opening a door for him to shake off the fate of ordinary people. Du Qing is also grateful to his boss Chen Guiyan. Thanks to his boss's arrangement, he can have this opportunity. Du Qing did not speak much, and clasped his hands in front of his chest to show his highest respect. This grace cannot be repaid with words.