Chapter 33: Smoothing the Sand and Falling Wild Goose

That night they left Xiangtan City and rested at an inn in Heling. This is a bustling town with a large population. Du Qing was thinking about what had happened in the past few days and couldn't sleep because he was tossing and turning in bed. The cool moonlight splashed into the house along the window lattice, and the autumn wind whistled across the mosquito screen window.

Du Qing felt that his fate was really unpredictable. He doesn't like reading to school. He likes to fight in the street. Fortunately, he is strong and his family is rich. His parents worried that he would waste his time, so they sent him to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts. Eight years later, after learning Shaolin Kung Fu well, he went to Shanghai to make a living and accidentally joined the Qing Gang. Later, he worked in the Qing Gang until he was more than thirty years old, and he didn't achieve anything. However, he got a Taoist Kung Fu script from Li Changsheng on this trip. He may still be able to accomplish great things in the future.

Du Qing was thinking wildly. Two words with Shaanxi accent came from the next door: "Brother Du, I will go out for a breath and come back in an hour."

Du Qing sat up from the bed and listened carefully. He didn't know whether what he had just heard was an illusion. At this time, the window creaked and there was a figure in the middle of the room. In this night, it is particularly penetrating. Although Du Qing is very brave, he also feels creepy. Du Qing picked up the bedside gun in a flash, and was held by the visitor's wrist: "Brother Du, the inn is a little noisy. I'm going out for a walk. Please take care of the three members of Yan Yue's family."

Du Qing now knew that Li Changsheng had a habit of practicing martial arts at night and needed a quiet environment, so he nodded and said, "Go ahead, I'm here."

Li Changsheng walked out of the inn and looked around. The whole town was bustling and located in a flat valley. Only a low mountain in the northwest looks quiet. So he walked out of the town in the moonlight and came to the foot of the mountain.

At this time and this place, the night was silent. Suddenly, he heard the sound of tinkling on the hill and someone playing the zheng in the distance. The sound of the zheng was faint, and Li Changsheng could tell that it was a wild goose playing in the sand. Li Changsheng wondered: "How can people play the zheng in this wild mountain at this moment?" Li Changsheng wanted to leave here to find another quiet place, but he was intercepted and chased by the Xu Gang in the daytime. At this time, strange phenomena appeared. Li Changsheng thought it was better to go and have a look.

In the night, Li Changsheng bent down and ran quietly along the mountain path towards the sound of music. The sound of the music is very elegant. The sound of the zheng is gentle and just like a line of mountain springs. It flows through the pine forest in the mountains. It is crisp and pleasant, but it is continuous, and it is more attractive.

In the music, he could hear the posture of the geese looking back at their companions when they were flying back, the free state of the geese flying up and down, the appearance of the geese gathering after flying into the air, and the charm of the geese flying together from the ground after being frightened. When he listened to the music, the wild geese's various gestures were vivid and moving.

As Li Changsheng approached, he hid behind a huge stone beside the path. Suddenly, he heard a clanging sound in the music, which seemed to have the intention of killing the enemy, and then it was still gentle and tactful. The music is melodious and moving. The music made Li Changsheng extremely relaxed physically and mentally, and his heart was greatly enjoyed. After listening for a while, he could not help thinking of the poem of Cao Zijian, the most outstanding poet in ancient China: Dancing like wild geese soaring, graceful posture like fish swimming in the water. Glorious autumn chrysanthemum, luxuriant spring pine. 

Suddenly he heard a clank and the music stopped immediately. For a moment, there was silence all around, only the bright moon was in the sky and the shadows of trees were on the ground.

A low chant came to Li Changsheng's ear: "Chen Ziang of the Tang Dynasty wrote this song to describe the hermit's mind with the ambition of the wild geese flying thousands of miles away. According to the recording of this song in" The Authentic Ancient Music ", there have been many genres of music, no less than 50 versions. What do you think of the version of the music that I play when you listening to me behind the stone?"

Li Changsheng understood that he was found by the player, Then he came out from behind the big stone and said, "The Wild Goose in the Plain Sand" This song describes the wild geese flying in the dry and cool autumn sky, the wind is calm and the sand is flat, the clouds are vast, and the wild geese fly and sing in the sky. This is a metaphor for the ambition of wild geese to fly thousands of miles away, which is used to describe the ambition of hermits although they live in the mountains and forests. Your performance is superb. In the music, I can hear the wild geese fall on the calm lake, the beach on the lake is clean and flat, and the wild geese relax when they rest. It also describes the intimate friendship between husband and wife and partners among wild geese. At the same time, it expressed the feeling that wild geese need to fight against the dangers they encounter every day in the world. "

Li Changsheng saw a man in white sitting on the grass in front of him, with a zheng on his knee. At this time, he looked up. Li Changsheng was full of vitality in his body. His two eyes looked at people at night as they did during the day. He was overjoyed and shouted, "Ziyu!"