Chapter 34: Gift of Sword

When Shen Ziyu heard the call, she stood up like an electric shock. The zheng fell to the ground with a slap. Her face was full of joy. She walked slowly to Li Changsheng and stared at him with love on her face.

Li Changsheng felt extremely warm from Shen Ziyu's eyes. The two smiled and looked at each other, speechless for a long time. Shen Ziyu said quietly that six days ago, I saw in the newspaper that there were two young people in Hengyang who killed more than a dozen traffickers overnight, rescued 15 abducted women and then quietly disappeared. I think it was mostly you who did it. I was worried that you would encounter trouble later, so I drove my uncle's car to catch up. When you killed the Dongting Lake bandit Xu Gang in the morning, I was nearby.

Li Changsheng was deeply moved. He held Shen Ziyu's hands. He knew that if he was in danger, Shen Ziyu would surely save himself.

Shen Ziyu smiled and said: ""I went to the hotel to check after you left. I found that the dead in the hotel, like the traffickers in the newspaper, were killed by a knife sitting and standing, and they showed little sign of resistance. I'm relieved. The ancients said that when we separated from an excellent person for three days, we would be surprised at his changes. I think this sentence is also difficult to describe the amazing changes of Mr. Changsheng. The world is big, but no one can escape from your knife. Your kungfu is really gratifying! "

Li Changsheng smiled and said, "Really? I am so powerful? I think Ziyu is much more powerful than me."

Shen Ziyu looked into his eyes and said, "I can kill these bandits too, but I can't kill them at the same time in the blink of an eye. Last time in Xiangxue Park, the bandit leader managed to escape. I don't have your strength and speed. Since I knew you, Mr. Changsheng's changes can be described by thousands of miles in a day!"

At this time, there was a bright moon overhead, surrounded by mountains, and they were in a valley. Here is a very quiet place with dense forests and gurgling streams.

Li Changsheng and Shen Ziyu sat on the grass. He knew that if he hadn't come out at night and bumped into her ,Shen Ziyu would have followed him secretly and protected himself quietly. Why does this girl always treat him so well?

Li Changsheng smiled and said, "Ziyu, we will arrive in Wuhan in a few days. Du Qing knows that I have Taoist Kung Fu and don't need his protection along the way. I have made an agreement with Du Qing to ask him to escort Yin Yue's family of three to Jiangsu by boat in Wuhan. I will go north to Chang'an and go to the Louguantai. Then I will go home to visit my parents, and then go to the mountains to practice. How long will you secretly protect me? Don't you return to work in Guangzhou?"

Shen Ziyu also smiled: "Mr. Changsheng is a very powerful hero. No bandits can block your way, and I don't need to protect you secretly. Since I came out of Guangzhou, I will take it as a trip. Tomorrow I will drive to Wuhan first, hand over the car to the local post station, and ask them to arrange people to drive back to Guangzhou. My heart has always been curious, I want to go to your hometown Shaanxi Province to see what landscape makes you such an outstanding person. You won't hate me , want to drive me away? "

Li Changsheng smiled and said, "You are a beautiful and elegant girl like bright jade. Your talent and learning are as dazzling as the rainbow in the sky. I am eager to have your company all the way!"

In the inn in Wuhan, Li Changsheng put down his writing brush, twisted the paper up and blew it gently, Give it to Yan Yue and say, "Yan Yue, the ink for writing on the paper is not dry. Don't fold it first. Let's separate today. There will be no meeting in the next three years. This is my wedding gift. This is my improved basic female Taoist Kung Fu, which comes from the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic. After you study, it has the effect of keeping healthy and not aging. If you don't like it, you can go out and throw it away."

Yin Yue did not answer, and her eyes silently and bitterly condemned Li Changsheng. Li Changsheng raised his hands and shouted, "I surrender, surrender! I take back my last sentence."

Yan Yue just took the white paper full of words and seemed to be reading it carefully, but her face turned to the side and her ears were red: "Mr. Li, please take care all the way. I only marry you in this life. I will not go out of the house three years after I go home, and I will quietly wait for you to marry me in the room."

The sky is clear and the weather is cool. The Wuhan riverside is sparkling. Li Changsheng holds Du Qing's hand on the dock and says, "Brother Du! Thank you for sending Yin Yue's family to Jiangsu alone!"

Du Qing laughed: "You and I are sworn brothers, and we should help each other. So don't mention it. I went out this time as a tourist, so going north and going east is the same for me." After that, he turned and jumped onto the plank and went to the boat, and stood at the side of the boat with the three members of Yin Yue's family, waving, and the passenger boat went east. At this moment, it is like Li Bai's poem: It is the blue sky with the lone sail in the distance that can only see the sky flow of the Yangtze River.

The passenger ship has disappeared on the Yangtze River, and Li Changsheng is still standing by the river. He resigned and went home this time. He planned to go back to the mountain to practice Taoist Kung Fu as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, so many things happened along the way. He was thinking that maybe he should reflect on himself.

At this time, a foreign yacht with colorful flags flew past. When Li Changsheng was watching the huge steel yacht chopping the waves, he heard a laugh.

"Cao Zijian wrote a poem in the Luoshen Fu: When I see the goddess floating in the Luohe River, I will forget to return. Since then, I miss the goddess constantly every day, and my love increases every day. So that I can't sleep late every night. Mr. Changsheng, the passenger ship has gone for half a day, and you are still reluctant to leave the shore!"

Li Changsheng looked back and saw Shen Ziyu, wearing a Tibetan blue male student uniform and a blue wide-brimmed student cap, looking handsome, standing at the dock not far behind.

Li Changsheng waved to her and pointed to the beautiful cruise ship and said, "The huge ship made of heavy steel floats on the soft water. The soft water can bear the hardest steel. The gold and black energy between heaven and earth are weaker and softer than water and have no shape. They can enter any material. From this, we can deduce that one should also do things as it is, not according to his own will."

Shen Ziyu is very smart. Her brain is as crystal clear as snow. As soon as she heard it, she knew that Li Changsheng was feeling about the troubles he had encountered along the way. When he rescued the abducted girl according to his own idea, he would immediately be involved in endless trouble. Shen Ziyu laughed and said, "When you bend a wooden stick hard, the stick must also be trying to straighten. The low-lying places on the earth will be filled with water and dust. Those who are treated unfairly will also get justice. Heaven is using the hand of Mr. Changsheng to obtain justice for those who have been hurt by human traffickers and lake bandits. You are doing justice for heaven. Why blame yourself?"

Li Changsheng looked up at the sky and sighed: "The people who gave birth to me are my parents. But the people who understand me are Ziyu. Ziyu is really my bosom friend!"

They were silent for a moment, but did not feel embarrassed. Li Changsheng took out a short sword from the bag on his back, picked up Shen Ziyu's right hand, and put it in her hand with a snap: "Ziyu, this is an ancient sword given to me by a friend of mine. I will mainly study Taoist Kung Fu in the mountains in the future, so I can't use this sword. Give it to you. It will be more useful if you hold it."

Shen Ziyu felt the short sword in his hand. The style of the scabbard was ancient and simple. It didn't look special. She looked up and smiled. Her bright smile was like a hundred flowers in bloom. Li Changsheng felt that both sides of the Yangtze River were spring. Shen Ziyu sighed and smiled, "The sword should be given to heroes, and rouge should be given to lovers. In your heart, I am still suitable to be your brother after all."

Shen Ziyu drew the sword. This sword has a faint blue light and a pine texture. It quivers like the sound of a dragon. Shen Ziyu was surprised. Her joking expression on her face disappeared completely, and her eyes lit up and said, "This is the Damascus sword made of the refined steel of Tianzhu Uzi!"

Li Changsheng was also pleased to see that she knew the origin of the sword. He imitated Shen Ziyu's tone and said, "Ziyu is an encyclopedia."

Shen Ziyu ignored him. She held the sword in her left hand and stroked it back and forth with her right hand. Her eyes are obsessed, Talk like a dream: "My father once said that there is a big country named Tianzhu, thousands of miles to the west from China. Tang Xuanzang passed by there for Buddhist scriptures. There is high-quality steel , and the local people call it Wuzi steel, which is the most hard. In the west of Tianzhu, there is a country called Dashi. The capital of this country is Damascus. There are many skilled blacksmiths in Damascus, who use Wuzi steel to make swords, and can only make a good sword in ten years. The best of these swords is very flexible. At the same time, it is very sharp. Cutting the iron bar is as easy as cutting the dead branches. This kind of sword will not blunt even if it kills a thousand people. It is the best sword in the world. "

After Shen Ziyu said this, she clamped the sword tip with her right fingers. With a little effort, the sword body was bent like a rainbow.

Li Changsheng was fascinated by this and smiled: "I just think this sword is sharper. I didn't expect there are so many origins."

Shen Ziyu glanced at Li Changsheng and said, "There is another strange thing about this sword. If you kill a lot of people with this sword, when someone approach you at night, and it will automatically howl and play the role of alarm."