Chapter 39: Critical Illness

Li Changsheng helped Shen Ziyu into her own yard in Shen Family Villa. There is a two-story building in the yard, which is her boudoir. This is the place where she lived from childhood to adulthood before she went to Beijing. Shen Ziyu was tottering all the way, and was almost soft on Li Changsheng. Li Changsheng did not expect that she was so drunk. He held her body and felt her shoulders thin and slim. She doesn't look like a martial arts practitioner, and she still carries a faint fragrance. Her eyes were blurred and her hair was messy, which made his heart beat.

In order to avoid too much contact with her body, Li Changsheng simply carried her in the way of princess hug. Shen Ziyu looks tall, just a little lower than Li Changsheng, but fortunately she doesn't weigh much. After entering her boudoir, Li Changsheng put her on the bed.

"Water, water, Changsheng pour me a glass of water!" Shen Ziyu shouted for water as soon as she lay down. Li Changsheng ran out and asked the servant downstairs for boiled water. After getting a pot of hot water, he quickly poured a glass of water, cooled it and fed it to her to drink, then she continued to lie down.

Li Changsheng looked at Shen Ziyu, who was quiet, and said in a low voice, "Ziyu, have a good rest. I'll sleep in the guest room downstairs. See you tomorrow!"

When he woke up the next morning, Li Changsheng sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated to the east. He soon entered a state of extreme physical and mental relaxation. At this time, the brain thinks nothing but breathing. Before he practiced Taoist Kung Fu, he habitually spread his spirit around and felt if there were any potential interference factors around. His spirit felt that the Shen family's private villa was built by the beautiful Yangtze River and depended on Leopard Mountain. There are private bodyguards at the entrance of the villa. Those bodyguards stand there straight, with cold expressions and sharp eyes. They are obviously retired soldiers from the army. Shen Family Villa is very large. There are not only small bridges, flowing water, green trees on the lawn, but also a 70-80 acre artificial lake. This is definitely a top luxury house in the central urban area of Wuhan, where every inch of land is precious. Some ancient and elegant buildings are built near the lake and the mountains, and are integrated with the lake and the mountains, just like beautiful watercolor paintings. Not far away is the world-famous Yellow Crane Tower.

After taking back the divergent attention, Li Changsheng directed the golden energy stored in his back into the belly button with his attention. This is the meaning of "fire goes into water" in Taoist Kung Fu. According to the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, hermits who are good at collecting golden energy will obtain golden energy by virtue of the attraction of black energy to golden energy.

The early morning sun scattered on the window, and the room began to become bright. Li Changsheng sat with his legs crossed, with a faint sense of dignity. He slowly opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed out of his eyes as if it has quality.There was joy in his eyes. His training effect is very good today. He felt that the energy in his body was vast after entering the meditation. He was not anxious or impatient. He collected the golden and black energy between heaven and earth quietly and naturally according to the skill that was already familiar in his mind, and let the two energies condense into an egg-sized energy ball in his body. Li Changsheng kept repeating this kung fu link, and then let the condensed energy ball disperse. The two kinds of energy immediately moved along the Human meridian route of the whole body, and the muscles, bones and viscera of the body were nourished to the maximum extent. In a flash, Li Changsheng reached the middle stage of the foundation of Taoist kung fu.

Now he feels his acts like a swallow freely and quickly. His body is full of energy, and his sense of sight, hearing, smell and other senses are more acute.

Shen Ziyu hasn't got up yet. Was it because she was too drunk last night? With this in mind, Li Chang went out of the room and asked the two servants in the yard quietly. They said they didn't see Miss Shen go out in the morning. Li Changsheng felt that something was wrong. He went up to the second floor and knocked on the door, but there was no response. Li Changsheng's heart jumped inexplicably. His face changed color, and he opened the door and burst in.

Shen Ziyu was still lying in bed with her back to him. Li Changsheng gently called out, "Ziyu, it's already dawn, wake up!"

Shen Ziyu turned her head weakly, and the haggard face startled Li Changsheng.

He never thought that a person could haggard like this overnight. Shen Ziyu's ruddy and bright face turned pale, and her eyes also showed dark circles, especially the deep and clear wisdom in her eyes disappeared and became full of fatigue. Even so, she is still amazingly beautiful.

Shen Ziyu reluctantly smiled: "Maybe I drank too much last night! I will never drink again!" She forced herself to get out of bed and open the window, and ordered the maid in the yard to send two breakfast to the bedroom.

Although Li Changsheng did not learn medical skills, his spirit felt that Shen Ziyu's vitality was disappearing. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic said that if the human body has sufficient vitality, people will be healthy and energetic. If you don't have enough energy, you start to age. People die when their vitality is exhausted. The essence of Taoist kungfu is to constantly replenish the vitality of the human body. Absorb the two opposite energies between heaven and earth into the human body, and then synthesize the vitality of the human body. 

The rice porridge and tea on the table were rising with a tempting smell, but Shen Ziyu did not feel the slightest hunger.

Li Changsheng quickly finished eating Congee. He put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, "Ziyu, I think you need to see a doctor. Which doctor is famous around here?"

Shen Ziyu leaned against the bedside and looked at Li Changsheng's worried face. Her heart was moved. She whispered, "Don't be so serious. Go to the maid downstairs and ask her to go to the third aunt and call the doctor. You are here with me."

Soon after, there was a noise outside Shen Ziyu's boudoir. Then the voice of the third aunt came: "Ziyu! Here comes the doctor, here comes the doctor, open the door quickly!"

Li Changsheng immediately went to open the door. An old man with white hair and beard, with a medicine box on his shoulder, came in after the third aunt. The third aunt glared at Li Changsheng: "Why are you opening the door so slowly? Can you take the responsibility for my niece's illness?What happens to Ziyu?" Then she turned and closed the door.

Li Changsheng didn't care what she said. He stared at the doctor to diagnose Shen Ziyu without blinking. "The wind evil enters the brain, and the lady in your house is afraid of having a brain wind. The disease is so urgent that it is not easy to cure. I'll go back and prescribe some medicine." The old doctor said with a shaking head.

The third aunt called Li Changsheng outside the boudoir, She said with a bad face, "Although this is the Republic of China, you two are young people of the opposite sex living together, so you should be wary of gossiping. Our Shen family is a rich family, and we are very concerned about our dignity and the comments of outsiders. Last night, Ziyu was drunk, and we didn't know that you were staying in her yard. This is very inappropriate. Now please go out and find a hotel outside."

Li Changsheng looked at her, shook his head and said, "Ziyu is seriously ill. I don't trust anyone here, including you. She said that I would stay with her here. I only listen to her words. I will leave unless she said let me go. Your words will be ignored by me."

"You!" The third aunt never had a good temper towards the lower class of her family. She immediately raised her voice and shouted, "Who do you think you are? How dare you act wild in our Shen family. I will ask the bodyguard to sink you into the river to feed the turtle, do you believe it?"