The curse of the devil

"Third aunt! Please let Li Changsheng stay here! If you think that my arrangement is inappropriate, you can call my third uncle and grandpa to report it. Now please go out!" Shen Ziyu's weak voice came from the room.

The third aunt roared: "OK! I'm going to call your grandpa right now. I want to see if the Shen family still has family rules!"

The third aunt knew that there was a phone in Shen Ziyu's room. In order to humiliate her face to face, the third aunt rushed in and picked up the phone on the dresser and dialed the phone of Shen Ziyu's grandfather in Beijing.

Li Changsheng came in and sat beside Shen Ziyu's bed. He was worried that she would be punished by the family elders. But he saw a look of disdain on Shen Ziyu's pale face.

After the phone was connected, the third aunt immediately spoke as fast as an automatic machine gun. She exaggerated and reported how Shen Ziyu had ruined the family reputation and left a strange man in the room. The other end of the phone said nothing. After she finished speaking, an old voice said, "Do everything according to Ziyu's meaning!" and then hung up.

The third aunt's lungs were full of anger, and she did not dare to express her dissatisfaction with the respected patriarch in front of them. She went out in a huff and heard the telephone ring before she went downstairs. She had an idea and immediately turned back to see Li Changsheng picking up the phone.

The third aunt snatched the phone and said, "This is my family's phone. How can you answer it?" Then she heard a dignified voice coming from the microphone: "I will arrange two foreign doctors from Beijing to fly back to see Ziyu. You will take Shen Jiali and Shen Jiahao back to your parents' home for a few days, so as not to disturb Ziyu and her guests. The family affairs will be managed by the housekeeper, Uncle Shui."

The third aunt turned pale and her eyes were blank. She left in a daze. Her husband is the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of China government. He has a prominent background and is busy with work. But he actually called to scold her. Last time, She and her children were driven back to their hometown Wuhan to live because Shen Jiahao destroyed his campaign for vice president. This time, she and her children were driven back to her parents' home. It seems that the old patriarch is determined to make Shen Ziyu the successor of the family.

The old Chinese doctor with white hair and beard came again. After diagnosis, he said some ambiguous words, left three bags of herbs and left in a hurry.

Li Changsheng personally went to the kitchen downstairs to cook herbs. Before the herbs were cooked, Shen Jiali and Shen Jiahao came in with some nutrients.

Li Changsheng jumped up and ran to block them out of the door. Shen Jiali frown and cried, "Ziyu is my cousin. I went to visit Ziyu. Why did you stop me? What's your mind?"

"The patient is in poor health. Don't be blown by the wind these days, and don't go to meet with the guests. This is the doctor's order. Please go back!" Li Changsheng said and stood in the door with no expression.

Shen Jiahao scolded, "A small man intoxicated by success!Don't think I don't know your origin. I have found out that you are the son of a farmer in a very poor and backward mountain village in Shaanxi. You also worked in a dry goods trading company in Guangzhou. Don't dream of climbing to the upper class by marrying my sister. I kill you like killing an ant."

Li Changsheng was not interested in talking to him. He reached out and pulled the iron ring off the door.Shen Jiahao and Shen Jiali did not see how hard he tried, Li Changsheng easily straightened the iron ring into an iron bar. Then Li Changsheng whispered a word to two frightened fools: "Go!"

After driving them away, Li Changsheng cooked the herbs and fed them to Shen Ziyu. Shen Ziyu fell asleep again, and her condition began to deteriorate after she woke up again. After she vomited out the herbal medicine and porridge, she began to vomit blood.

In the afternoon, the old housekeeper Uncle Shui brought several of the most famous doctors in Wuhan to see Shen Ziyu. After diagnosis, none of them could determine what was the disease. Li Changsheng showed Shen Ziyu the prescriptions prescribed by doctors. Shen Ziyu sneered: "Although I don't know how to diagnose and treat with traditional Chinese medicine, I have read a lot of medical books. The basic principles of medicine are still clear. These prescriptions are no merit,but no fault.

Li Changsheng became impatient and anxious. No one knows what disease Shen Ziyu is suffering from, but it seems that an invisible abyss is eating away at her energy and her condition is getting worse and worse.

At eight o'clock in the evening, a lean middle-aged man wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit and gold glasses together with two foreigners with big nose and blue eyes rushed to the boudoir. Uncle Shui, the housekeeper, introduced Bai Wenyong, the secretary of Shen Ziyu's third uncle, and two medical experts from Beijing Union Medical College Hospital.

Two foreign doctors examined Shen Ziyu with metal instruments. They concluded that the immunity was low and the functions of the five viscera were weak. So they had to prescribe some vitamin pills and told her to have a good rest.

Shen Ziyu became thinner and thinner day by day. In less than a week, she was too weak to get out of bed. Shen Ziyu's third uncle invited several world-famous doctors, but they could do nothing. They did all kinds of tests, but could not find out where the disease was. Finally, famous local doctors in Wuhan dare not come to Shenjia Villa. If Shen Ziyu can't be cured and annoys her third uncle, it will cause trouble.

In the circle of ladies and celebrities in Wuhan and Beijing, there are gradually rumors that Shen Ziyu was cursed by some evil wizard. So many people began to avoid Shen Family Villa.