Chapter 41: Rescue

"Ziyu, it's time to take medicine." A smell of herbs came from the room. Li Changsheng sat beside Shen Ziyu's bed with the boiled herbs, and his face still wore a reluctant smile. Shen Ziyu had no strength to sit up. Li Changsheng lifted her up, and she reluctantly leaned in his arms to take medicine. She watched him scoop a spoonful of medicine soup and carefully blow it cool, and then fed it to her mouth. The medicine is bitter, but she is as calm as drinking water. Although she knew it was useless, she enjoyed being fed.

Li Changsheng frowned. He could not feel Shen Ziyu's will to survive. She felt that there was no hope of curing the disease and had accepted the fate. Although Li Changsheng has never studied traditional Chinese medicine, Shen Ziyu's back against him is cold, which is the place where the body stores vitality according to Taoist Kung Fu. This shows that her vitality has been exhausted by disease, so it cannot warm her body.

Shen Ziyu said in a low voice, "All along, I have been like a lonely traveler who has been trekking in the ice and snow for a long time. My heart has long been full of fatigue and loneliness. The goal of this journey is sometimes far away, sometimes near. At this time, a warm cabin appeared in the wind and snow, and I seem to have finally found a reason to stop. Li Changsheng, I'm sorry! I have tried my best."

Li Changsheng has seen her increasingly depressed these days, but he has nothing to do. Li Changsheng was already agitated. Now that Shen Ziyu has given up the idea of living, he threw his bowl on the table and said angrily, "Your grandpa and your uncle want to take you back to Beijing for treatment, and you don't agree! I feed you medicine and food here every day, and you still say such depressing words! There is a Taoist saying: My life span is up to me, not to ghosts and gods! Not to nature! You can't die before I agree!"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly stagnated. Li Changsheng also regretted that he should not treat a patient like this.

Shen Ziyu covered her small mouth, dumbfounded, and then praised: "Mr. Changsheng is really manly! I listen to you. If you don't let me die, I won't die! But why are you so kind to me?"

Li Changsheng looked into her eyes and said, "When I left Guangzhou, you asked me if we were friends. I replied that you were my first friend in Guangzhou. You need help at this time. If I don't help you, what's the use of friends!"

"We are friends!" Shen Ziyu smiled softly with regret in her heart. Her smile was extremely beautiful and slight. Her face became increasingly pale, as if transparent. Li Changsheng felt painfully that Shen Ziyu was like a white jade, but this beautiful jade was gradually becoming transparent, turning into ice, and then slowly melting into water, completely disappearing in this world.

"No, I can't go on like this. I have to do something!" Li Changsheng said to himself.

Li Changsheng gently held her and slowly put her on the bed. He felt that the girl in his arms was as light as paper and as fragile as glass. Li Changsheng made up his mind to try.

He leaned down and looked into Shen Ziyu's eyes and said, "Ziyu, I have learned some Taoist Kung Fu. Now I want to try this Kung Fu to see if it can be beneficial to your physical recovery. Just close your eyes and relax and fall asleep, and don't resist the possible reactions in your body. Can I try it?"

Shen Ziyu nodded and smiled at him, meaning you should try. Then she closed her eyes wearily.

Li Changsheng moved the chair and sat beside the bed, He closed his eyes and thought: "Although I don't know how to cure diseases and save people, I have read a lot of Taoist books. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic is the foundation of Chinese medicine. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic says that the two opposite energies between heaven and earth, gold and black, form human body. The black energy is characterized by softness and quiet, and inward contraction. It forms internal organs and muscles in the human body. The nature of gold energy is strong and movement, and outward expansion, forming bones.

According to the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, people's emotional ups and downs, or indulgence of desire, or fatigue, will inevitably make the golden energy and black energy in the body different, and the body will get sick. The principle of treatment is to make the two energies in the body reach the same amount and balance again.

Shen Ziyu's hands and feet are cold at this time, and her temperature is very low. The heart and lungs have no power. This is obviously due to the excessive depletion of golden energy in her body for unknown reasons. I should use the golden energy collected from the sun in the sky to help her replenish the missing part of her body.

Thinking of this, Li Changsheng gently held Shen Ziyu up and let her cross her legs in his arms. He pressed his palms against the position of her back kidney, and sure enough, his hands felt as cold as touching the arctic ice for ten thousand years. Li Changsheng explored her twelve meridians by his spirit, and found that her meridians had shrunk, and the vitality in them seemed to disappear. This situation is in sharp contrast to the vigorous energy in his body.

Li Changsheng slowly outputs golden energy to her meridians with the palm of his hand, and slowly fills her back first. After half an hour, Shen Ziyu's waist began to warm. She said in a low voice, "My knees are getting hot, and my legs and feet are not too cold."

Li Changsheng didn't speak either. He concentrated on outputting golden energy and filling her twelve shriveled meridians in turn. He felt that the soft body in his arms also began to warm.

Li Changsheng began to feel relieved. He quickened his pace and poured a lot of golden energy into her. Shen Ziyu began to gasp and said, "My heart and lungs are also beginning to warm, and my belly is getting hot."

Li Changsheng's spirit observes Shen Ziyu's body along her meridian route. He saw that her internal organs began to become vivid and vigorous from the dull gloom. Only part of her liver and spleen is dark and numb. He dare not relax. Input golden energy more quickly.

Li Changsheng's forehead gradually exuded bean-sized sweat drops, and his face began to become pale. Even later, his whole body trembled slightly except for his hands on Shen Ziyu's back.

Finally, after he cleared away the darkness and cold in Shen Ziyu's viscera, Li Changsheng collapsed. He slumped into a chair. Breathing heavily, the whole body seems to be evacuated.

Shen Ziyu was also soaked with sweat. Her skin was covered with a layer of black oil, which gave off an unpleasant smell, like the strange taste of western medicine taken by her grandfather and uncle. But her face was ruddy and her eyes were bright.