The Plot

"The plan would be something like this, General Bonaparte," Sieyes began. "It is going to be a two-day coup. The first thing we got to do is to get the Directory out of Paris. If they remain in the capital, we run the risk that the neo-Jacobins would call the people of Paris to arms in defense of the government."

Napoleon nodded, understanding the need to remove the Directory from the immediate reach of potential opposition. He listened intently as Sieyès continued to explain the details of their plan.

"So, on the first day, Joseph and I will call an emergency meeting of the Council of Ancients," Sieyes explained. "During this meeting, I will inform them that a Jacobin plot has been discovered, creating an imminent threat to the Republic. We will emphasize the importance of ensuring the safety of the legislature by moving the meeting to the palace of Saint-Cloud west of Paris."