Offering the Minister of Police a Side

November 5th, 1799. Four days before the planned coup of Napoleon and his associates. The gray morning sky hung heavy over the streets of Paris as Napoleon arrived at Hôtel de Juigné, the headquarters of the Ministry of Police.

As he stepped off the carriage, a chill wind greeted him, sweeping through the narrow streets and causing his cloak to billow behind him. Napoleon adjusted his hat and straightened his uniform, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a keen, observant gaze.

Immediately, he was greeted by the French guards stationed in the area. With military precision, they stood at attention, their rifles held firmly by their sides. Their eyes met Napoleon's, and they saluted him with a crisp motion, paying homage to the esteemed general who had led them to victory on numerous battlefields.

A tip of the tricorn hats was accompanied by a few words of respect.

Returning their salute with a nod, Napoleon acknowledged their presence.