Chapter 7

"Chetan, wake up," I hear Ajay yell.

I feel annoyed even in sleep. I yawn, rubbing my eyes.

"Dude, I am sleeping." I struggle to sit up.

"You're coming on a run," he tells me.

I glare at him. "This early?"

"There are zombies on the far side of the forest, the centaurs need help."

"And you need me?" I pull the blanket over my head.

"Chetan, be ready in five minutes," Ajay yells.

I sit up, running my fingers through my hair. This is ridiculous. How many other men are in this pack?

I quickly get dressed, putting on my jeans and red checkered flannel. I grab my baseball cap, putting it on backward.

I walk towards the tables. I see Dev drinking tea.

Riya offers me a smile. I wink at her, stepping into the trailer.

I sit on the couch. Ajay was at the stove, burning pancakes. I put a handful of blueberries in my mouth.

"Dev is staying here with Riya," Ajay says.

"Great choice."

I reach in my pocket, pulling out my rum. Taking off the lid, I bring it to my lips.

Ajay eyes me,"What about coffee in the morning, Chetan?"

"Good point." I pour myself a cup of coffee, then flavor it with rum.

"Whatever Chetan." Ajay laughs.


The twigs and leaves in the forest crunch under my feet as we walk through the forest. The air was cool, the sun just rising, and the sky reflected a bright orange.

Smoke, Ajay, cricket, and I went on this little adventure.

I pull out my rum while drinking, I hear the snarling. It's easy to pinpoint where the noise is coming from. A vampire, and they were close.

"Chetan, no funny business, leave Zare be," Ajay warns me.

I feel adrenaline rushing. The eagerness pulses through my veins.

"I will try, but I am not making any promises."

Soon we were in view, and I can't help but feel disappointed, that it was only AB and Ace.

"Howdy friends," says AB with that stupid grin.

Ajay eyes him. "Where's Zare?"

AB grins. "Probably still struggling with Ash."

I feel the anger boiling, but I keep my composure.

Ajay laughs.

"The word is he's better than the wolves, Zare can't get enough," AB says.

"Tell her to enjoy it."

Ajay looks surprised by my reaction.

We walk around the vampires, our eyes never leaving them. I feel like AB is bluffing, but there has to be a reason why Zare stayed with the clan so long.

We keep moving deeper into the forest. So many sounds overtake my ears. Creaking of the trees, rustling in the bushes, and the rushing of feet.

Stopping in our steps, we hear crying. Looking around, I tried to locate her. It was obvious that it was a girl crying. The wailing hits my heart.

By the cries alone, I can tell this girl was sacred.

My feet follow the sound, with the pack behind me. I am not sure if yelling out to help locate the girl is the right choice.

Ajay already makes the choice and yells, "we are here to help."

The crying stops, but nobody responds. We all search around frantically. "It's okay, we are here to help you," Cricket calls out.

"I am here behind this tree," a girl's voice calls out. She's also coughing uncontrollably. It is obvious that she is sick.

We locate the girl, and she looks frightened. She's filthy dirty, her face pale and her lips blue.

With a moan of agony, she coughs, putting her head back.

"Is she contagious?" Smoke asks.

Ajay analyzes her. He touches her forehead and looks into her eyes.

"I think it's a normal virus like a cold, but being out here alone with little food is contributing to her condition."

I nod. My heart breaks for this girl.

Ajay picks the girl up in his arms.

She lays her head on his chest.

"She's so hot," Ajay says, rubbing her back.

"Maybe we should cut the run short, so we can get her some help."

"Yeah, we will split up. Cricket and Smoke finish the job. Chetan and I will get her back to camp."

We all give a nod. Slightly acknowledging Alpha's orders.

We walk a few miles slightly. The girl's coughing was so loud I could barely think. There is no doubt that Ajay has some type of herbal remedy that will cure her.


I sit under the tree. I close my eyes, remembering Zare sitting under this very tree. I smile to myself.

Moments later, my eyes watch Ajay work on the girl. I recognize one thing he uses as Lemongrass. It looks like thick green grass. He puts it into hot water, and she drinks it.

Ajay was smart with herbal remedies. We could have medicine, but he swears it works better.

I see him leave her and walk towards me.

"Abooksigun is her name," Ajay tells me.

"I may need you to write that one down."

We both laugh.

"Can you keep an eye on her tonight?"

I eye him. "Smoke would be a better choice."

He rolls his eyes. "Smoke, if you think that's true, then you lost your mind."

"Fine, I will play doctor."