Chapter 8

2 weeks letter

Abooksigun is as good as new. She has a fun personality, I really like her. Her laugh makes me smile, something I haven't done in a while. Dev and I are finally okay again.

Dev, Smoke and I sit at the table eating breakfast of eggs and bacon. Ajay walks toward us, and I secretly hope he has nothing planned for today. I feel so drained anymore.

"Dev, Chetan, you're coming with Aanya and Abooksigun and me. We have some stuff to check on."

"Stuff?" I eye him. I know it's nothing good, like shopping or even a zombie run at this point.

"Creatures are showing up dead all over the forest," he tells me.

"And the girls, are you sure they should come?"

"She wants to, it is my responsibility to keep her safe."

I nod, knowing I wouldn't win an argument anyway.


We walk through the thick forest, hearing the normal sound. There were the voices and sounds of other creatures, as well as the hoot of a single owl, which was my favorite. Zara loved the owl.

My face breaks into a frown. I feel my heart sink into my chest. Looking at Ajay's face, I know he feels the same way. The smell of blood stings my nose. I feel so sorrowful. I see many types of creatures dead. This wasn't fair, they didn't deserve it.

Ajay reaches down and stokes a dead elf's face. His face is like stone.

"To the vampire cave," he hiss.

That means I will have to see Zare.

I walk my mind racing a hundred miles a mile. Did Zare play a role in this? How long can she stand by and watch? It is hard for me to love someone who does not defend the forest.


"Chetan, use your mark mate senses to track the vampires," Ajay tells me.

"Go ahead, use my pain, why don't you?"

Ajay laughs. "We might as well get something out of it."

I roll my eyes. He wasn't wrong.

I let my wolf go crazy, smelling Zare scent. My body burns, and all I can think about is my lips beginning on hers.

"Why are the Wolves approaching?" We hear AB yell. He sounds so mean.

"How am I supposed to know?" Zare cries. Her voice hurts my heart, she seems scared, and I hated it.

"You're one of them," says Ace.

"I was no longer because of you guys." Zare seems like she may cry.

"Wow, wow, Zare, what an attitude you got there," AB says with a laugh.

If they are hurting my baby. Soon, Zare's scent is all around me. I breathe it in. It drives me crazy.

The fact that Zare looks so pale bothers me to my very core. She was becoming a vampire more and more. She doesn't look like the girl I am madly in love with.

"We need to talk, AB," Ajay says.

I growl at Zare. I couldn't help it. She looks so different, and I feel upset that she would allow this change within her.

"Friends, what brings you here today?" AB asks.

"We had an agreement, animals outside the forest and no creatures," Ajay yells.

"Sounds like you're blaming things on us," AB says.

"I know damn well you are responsible for the missing creatures," Ajay hisses.

"Maybe we are, or maybe we're not. If you're not going to do something about it, I suggest you leave," AB snarls.

"I will rip all of you to pieces," Ajay warns.

"If we what?" AB grins.

There is never a moment when my eyes are not on Zare. I couldn't look away, even if I wanted to.

"Hurt another creature, most importantly one of my cubs," Ajay says through his teeth.

"Your pack is safe, or is it?" AB snatched Zare's arm, pulling her forcefully. Soon his hands are around her neck. She looks so helpless. I don't care about Ajay's rules. He hurts her, I will rip out his heart right here right now.

"I will snap her neck if you don't leave," AB declares.

Zare whimpers in pain as he squeezes harder.

"Zare is yours now, and she's not mine to protect," Ajay says.

How can he say such a statement? I will deal with him back at camp.

Zare starts coughing, and I see her eyes starting to close. I won't let him kill her. I jump, crashing AB onto the ground. AB loses his grip on Zare's neck. I growl foaming at the mouth. I see my saliva soaking AB's face. Just when I am about to taste my first bite of flesh. I hear Ajay scream, "Chetan, stand down. We don't want to fight".

"Nice doggy," says AB, wiping the saliva on his face.

Not today, today's not the day. But it will come.

I jump off AB, changing into my human form. I stand right in front of Zare. All I want is to kiss her.

"I thought you hated me?" I hear the pain in her voice. I am still so upset with her about leaving the pack. Also about the horrible acts she is standing by watching the clan commit.

"I do. I couldn't watch him hurt you. It was the mark mate's pull."

Zare looks down. "Thanks."

I want Zare to say she still wants me, but I can no longer hide my desire to kiss her.

"And so was this." I bring my lips to hers.

I kiss her lustfully. The scent and taste of her lips drives me crazy. Crazy in a different way, her lips are so cold. My Zare is so different.

"Your lips are so cold."

"I am sorry." I see the water in her eyes. Seeing her cry hurts my heart. I love this girl so much.

"Zare, come home. I know I've been angry lately, but I do love you."

"I can't. I wish I could, but I can't." I see the pain on her face.

"Why are you scared they will hurt you, because I won't let them."

All the vampires start laughing.

"No, I'm scared of hurting the pack".

I pick Zare up in my arms. She feels so fragile in my arms, so breakable. I can't leave her here anymore.

"You're coming with me."

Ash lounges in front of us. "Zare is mine now. She stays here."

Vines start to form all over Ash's face. He snarls with his fangs revealed.

"Zare is coming with me. I am not leaving her here with you disgusting bloodsuckers anymore." I yell. I feel like I have become a madman.

"Have it your way," Ash says, rushing at lightning speed. He returns with Aanya, having her in a chokehold.

She screams and cries as he squeezes her throat. "Ash, stop," Zare yells.

Ajay goes insane. I know how protective he has become of Aanya. He leaps in front of us, growing, pacing back and forth in front of me.

"Chetan, give Zare back now," Ajay orders.

"No, Ajay." I hiss. I am ready to put my hands on him. I feel so mad he is leaving Zare here.

"That is an order," Ajay yells.

I sit Zare back down, and she rushes to Ash. "Please, Ash."

Ajay and I will settle this tonight. I can't fight with him here and let the vampire take advantage of the distraction within the pack.

Ash takes his hand off her neck. I watch Anaya run by Ajay.

"We can't just leave Zare anymore. I can't live without her, Ajay."

"Zare made her choice, and now she must live with it," Ajay replies.

"To protect us, I understand that now."

"Then I release you from the pack. You can stay here, Zare," Ajay looks at me in the eyes.

"Fine, I can't believe you're letting me live without my mark mate."

"There's only so much I can do," Ajay remarks.

"You don't know how bad this hurts."

"We will discuss this later, for right now, tell Zare bye," Ajay says, walking away.

I move towards Zare, and Ash hiss. " Ash, it's fine" she rubs his arms.

Why is he so protective over her?

"I will be back for you."

She nods. "It has to be this way."

"No, it doesn't," I turn to leave. My heart hurts. Leaving my baby girl in the hands of AB was the hardest thing I have ever done. I feel like I can easily go off the charts and hurt someone. If something happens to Zare, somebody will pay greatly. Maybe that someone is Ajay.