Who is on the bed?

Elmer really wanted to see Elizabeth's body without any clothes on and see what it looked like, but as soon as she hugged him, he couldn't even keep his eyes open. He felt like he wasn't on Earth anymore, like he was underwater or in outer space, and the chaotic feeling was very uncomfortable. So he just held onto Elizabeth tightly and groped her body randomly. His mind was so confused that he didn't even know where he was touching her, but it felt soft, hot, and wet... Could it be...?

When Elmer finally managed to open his eyes, he saw a very awkward scene. It turned out that his fingers weren't inside Elizabeth's private parts, but inside her mouth...

"I'm sorry!" Elmer exclaimed, quickly pulling out his fingers.

Elizabeth, who was still naked, turned to face Elmer with a faint smile on her face. A cute little dimple appeared on the corner of her mouth as she stuck out her tongue and said, "I have a nuclear core installed in me, so I haven't had human blood in a long time. So when your finger went in, I couldn't help but suck on it a few times. Sorry about that, I got your hand dirty."

"It's okay," Elmer replied, feeling a little embarrassed. This wasn't like him at all. Usually, it was girls who pursued him, and he ignored most of them. But for some reason, facing Elizabeth and her vampire identity, Elmer's chest was ignited with a desire that was not only for blood, but also for her body.

Elizabeth's body was perfect, with measurements of 36C/27/36, a curvy figure, a pert butt, and long, slender legs. Even though she covered her right breast with one arm, Elmer could still see some of her exposed body.

"I have to go now, otherwise it could be dangerous," Elizabeth said with another faint smile as she emitted a dazzling golden light around her body.

When Elmer opened his eyes again, Elizabeth had disappeared without a trace. That smile was like a stimulant, lingering in Elmer's mind, causing him to lose consciousness for a while. He put his middle finger into his mouth and tasted it. A sweet taste flowed into his stomach. This was the taste of a woman's nectar. It took Elmer about ten minutes to recover from the trance that Elizabeth had induced. When he realized where he was, he found himself in a wilderness area that was still over half an hour's drive from home. The most chilling thing was that this wilderness area was the lowest area in N City, and he still had to climb up to the road and then hurry home.

Lillian left her original position and jumped from a towering tree to the ground, creating a cloud of dust. Watching Elmer's retreating figure, Lillian's face was full of dissatisfaction as she muttered, "Disgusting, he even sucks his own fingers. What a mess. It would have been better to restrain him as before. And now I have to supervise Elmer. If I get bitten, who are you going to find to run away with you in the future?"

Despite her complaints, Lillian still had to fulfill the orders given by the Executors, which required her to follow Elmer for twenty-four hours and report his whereabouts to the six Executors. If he really went out to bite people and the power of the vampire awakened, he would probably be taken back to the Vampire Corps headquarters inside Eagle Peak Mountain.

Elmer thought it would only take him half an hour to get home, but he took several breaks on the way and ended up taking fifty minutes. He used to not be afraid of strong sunlight, but today, for some reason, he couldn't bear it. It was like a vampire's aversion to light. He pinched his cheeks and wished that everything that had happened earlier was just a dream. But when he licked his lips, he could still taste Elizabeth's nectar.

As he entered the house, Elmer saw his sister Rita sleeping on the sofa, holding the remote control in her hand. The screen was jumping randomly, as if she had pressed a button by mistake.

Lying on his back, Elmer saw his sister's white, clean neck, her breasts rising and falling with each breath, and her tender, white thighs overlapping and completely covering her sacred area. Elmer licked his lips, not sure if it was because of the sexual desire Elizabeth had aroused in him earlier that hadn't completely dissipated, but it was his own sister who was dozing off in front of him, and he couldn't do anything to her, morally or legally. If he was branded with the label of incest, he and his family would never be able to hold their heads up again.

With his father dead, he was the only man in the family now and he had to shoulder the burden of the entire household, to prevent his mother, sister, and little sister from being hurt, both physically and psychologically.

Thinking of his mother's previous weeping appearance, Elmer's heart was almost broken. He sighed and walked over to take the remote control from his sister's hand. He pulled it, but his sister held onto it tightly, as if unwilling to let go.

Smart Elmer remembered that his sister was very ticklish and planned to tickle her to make her let go of the remote so he could turn off the TV. As he reached for his sister Rita's armpit, when he was about to pass over her breast, Rita suddenly opened her eyes and saw Elmer's hand, thinking that her brother was about to touch her breast. Her willow eyebrows suddenly stood up, and she slapped him in the face.

Quick to react, Elmer quickly turned his head to avoid the blow and stepped back several steps.

"You pervert! With so many girls admiring you, how dare you touch your sister?"

Her temper was so bad that when Rita, as if she had just had her period, jumped up and turned off the TV, she was ready to confront Elmer. Anyway, she had already woken up and was in a very good mood. It would be difficult to pass the time without having some fun.

Elmer sighed and didn't want to argue with his sister. Regardless of whether he was right or not, Elmer knew that he would be the unlucky one. Although this kind of thing rarely happened, Elmer knew how to deal with it: he just ignored Rita and walked to his room.

"You naughty boy! If you dare to do anything outrageous to your sister again, I will kick you out with one foot!" Rita said angrily.

Elmer turned around and looked at his sister. She was very pretty, but her temper was just too bad. "No wonder you haven't found a boyfriend yet. Poor sister, God bless. I hope that the man who is about to be abused by you will appear later," Elmer said, and then he went into his room. He just didn't know that one day in the future, the "man" in his mouth would become himself.

"Bad boy!" Rita cursed again, still not relieved. She picked up a shoe and threw it towards Elmer's room.

In the moment when the door was closed, the shoe hit the door and fell pitifully onto the wooden floor. When Elmer walked in, he was stunned. He saw several women's clothes on the floor, including white pajamas, black bras, and women's pants. There was even a sanitary pad? Then he looked at the bed, where a female body was covered by a thin sheet. She was lying on her side and Elmer couldn't see her face or know who she was.