
"Mmm..." After a murmuring sound like a dream, the other person turned over and continued to sleep. When Elmer saw her face, he almost screamed out loud - it was his own mother lying on his bed! Wait a minute! Elmer looked closely at the woman who only revealed her arms, neck, and head, and saw a scorpion tattoo on her elbow. He knew that this was not his mother, but his mother's twin sister, Elizabeth. As twins, Elmer often mistook Elizabeth for his mother and hugged her when he was a child. However, Elizabeth seemed to dislike children and always had a stern face. As Elmer grew older and became very handsome and tall, after he turned fifteen, Elizabeth started to enjoy playing with him and seemed to have developed feelings for him.

Elmer stared at the clothes on the ground and could imagine that his aunt on the bed was almost naked. He stared at Elizabeth's smooth neck, and his fangs grew longer, making him unable to hold back. He knew he might be a vampire, so he couldn't get too close to women randomly. If he hurt her, it wouldn't be good. So Elmer chose to quietly walk to the computer and put on his headphones. He selected a recently popular movie and started watching it.

Inside Eagle Pinnacle Mountain, Emily was walking down a deep and long corridor. The corridor seemed to have no end, and there was only darkness ahead. The only light came from a night pearl in Emily's palm. This night pearl was not used for illumination; it was just a toy that Emily liked to play with when she had nothing else to do. Usually, she would put the night pearl between her breasts, pressing her huge breasts together tightly to keep it from falling out. However, if she were at an airport, even the largest night pearl would be lost.

After walking for about ten minutes, Emily stopped in front of a door with a sunken palm print in the center. She stretched out her left hand and pressed it against the door.

After a moment of silence, the door made a dull sound and split in half, slowly moving up and down. Once the door stopped moving, Emily walked in and the door slowly closed behind her. She now stood in a very spacious, semi-circular room with a radius of at least ten meters. At the top of the room, a floating throne was suspended in mid-air, all by itself.

"Your Majesty, Emily is here to see you," Emily knelt humbly on her left knee and lowered her head. As soon as she spoke, the entire room became bright, as if the walls were emitting light. A human-shaped figure vaguely appeared on the throne.

"Please rise," a majestic and sweet voice echoed in the room.

Emily stood up after receiving permission, and all she could see were a pair of bare feet, nothing else. She did not dare to fly up and admire the Queen's beauty, lest she be expelled from headquarters and become a wild vampire.

In all the days of serving the Queen, Emily had never seen her face, at most only her feet, and none of the other five executors had even seen the Queen's jade feet. The Queen only allowed Emily to come to this room and talk to her.

"How is the situation?" The Queen's somewhat lazy voice kept echoing, with a hint of ambiguity, as if sucking on milk tea.

"I have already released him according to Your Majesty's orders, and I have also sent Lillian to monitor him. If there is any abnormality, Lillian will report to me immediately!" Emily said solemnly, holding the night pearl in her palm, afraid of being seen by the Queen.

"Do you know whose blood Vampire Lord likes to drink? Hehe," the Queen laughed, her laughter as warm as a gentle breeze, caressing Emily's face and making her feel very comfortable. Perhaps it was because of the Queen's humble and noble characteristics that Emily was willing to serve her all the time.

"Emily is ignorant," Emily responded.

"At least - you know he likes to drink the blood of his own kind, right?" the queen asked.

"That much is clear," Emily seemed to pick up on another meaning in the queen's words and quickly explained, "I thought only vampires could monitor men who might become Vampire lords, so I sent Lillian to keep watch. If you think this is inappropriate, I can recall Lillian immediately."

"I'm not blaming you, I'm just reminding you," the queen paused for a moment and continued, "Of course, what Vampire lords like to drink most is not the blood of their own kind, but the blood of their relatives. It must be female blood, like that of his mother, sisters, cousins, and aunts. Second to that are lonely mature women, widows, and unsatisfied young women. These three types are his favorites. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Emily nodded quickly.

"So Lillian is not the most dangerous one, his relatives are the most dangerous. You tell Lillian to monitor him carefully, without any negligence. We can use the fact that vampires don't sleep to our advantage. If he is found drinking human blood, we must capture him and let him see his true face.

Of course, if he is drinking the blood of men, let him be. Only the blood of women can stimulate his power. Emily, there is one more thing, there have been many wild vampires appearing in Europe recently. Tell Tabitha to investigate thoroughly, especially in Poland where the situation is the most serious."


Emily replied. The most amazing thing about this vampire queen was that she could understand the outside world while staying in this space, which puzzled Emily. But maybe it was precisely because there were too many things that the vampire queen didn't understand that Emily was so obedient.

"Alright, I'm tired, you can go now," the queen said.

As soon as she finished speaking, the light in the space dimmed, and the glow of the night pearl radiated from the gaps between Emily's fingers. Afraid that the queen would see, Emily quickly stuffed the night pearl into her cleavage, and her white and tender flesh looked even more adorable in the light of the night pearl.

Elmer, who was leaning on the chair and watching the movie attentively, suddenly burst into laughter. Elizabeth, who was napping, was awakened by Elmer's noise. She looked at Elmer's back, who was watching the movie, then slipped out of bed, wrapped in Elmer's blanket, and walked towards Elmer like a ghost, exposing her slender thighs from time to time.

"What are you laughing at?"

Elizabeth pressed her elbows on Elmer's shoulders and looked at the computer screen.

As Elizabeth leaned over, Elmer smelled the scent of alcohol. It seemed that his sworn-to-be-unmarried aunt had gone drinking again.

"This movie really made me laugh, especially this part. Let me show you," Elmer said, moving the mouse.

The movie jumped to the scene that had just made Elmer laugh. "Auntie, look at this, it's so funny. Look at this line, Auntie, did you see it?"

Still feeling a bit dizzy from the alcohol, Elizabeth only heard something about tragedy and couldn't understand anything. She simply hugged Elmer's neck, bent down, and leaned on his shoulder. The only thing that covered her body, the blanket, slipped to the ground.