Start revenge

Walking on the street, Elmer asked several people about who the mayor's son-in-law was.

Finally, Elmer got a rough idea about a man named Kenneth - a male executive in a computer sales company.

Once Elmer had this information, he took out his Flashy Dance Flute from his pocket and started thinking about how to punish that scumbag Kenneth!

He drove straight to the computer company and walked in.

However, he was stopped by the security guard. Elmer claimed to be an old customer who wanted to discuss business cooperation with Kenneth, but the guard wouldn't let him in.

Elmer then used the excuse that the cooperation involved $500,000 to persuade the guard, but he still wouldn't let him in.

Just as Elmer was about to use his Flashy Dance Flute, the sound of high heels tapping the ground caught his attention.

"Why is it so noisy outside?" A professional-looking woman in her thirties appeared at the entrance. She was wearing a pink frame, a white fitted suit, and a matching narrow skirt.

Her bare thighs, without stockings, were naturally exposed, as if she was proving to the world that the owner of those legs was a very athletic woman.

"I'm sorry, this person wants to see the boss about a job but didn't make an appointment. We were just about to send him away when you came. Sorry, sorry," said the security guard, bowing and apologizing.

Nodding her head, the woman told the guard to just tell Elmer to go to the computer city to find the boss. "Why make such a fuss?" she added, before turning around and walking inside.

This left the two guards and Elmer stunned. Elmer moved his nose and seemed to smell the scent of blood emanating from the woman.

"I'm going to the computer city to find President Kenneth. You two cowards, goodbye," Elmer smirked triumphantly and walked away.

The two security guards were furious, but they couldn't do anything to Elmer. They could only stand there angrily and continue to guard the entrance.

That's how guard dogs are. They can't bite people unless their owners tell them to.

When Elmer arrived at the computer city, he secretly observed who Kenneth was. After some observation, Elmer almost fixed his target on a man who was talking to a salesman.

The man looked a bit sleazy, dressed very formally, and would occasionally make disgusting laughter.

People like him should be cleared out by society because they affect the public's view. If he went out at night, he would probably scare a lot of people to death.

"President Kenneth," Elmer deliberately raised his voice.

The man turned his head, searching for who called him. Unable to see Elmer who was blocked by a pillar, he continued to talk to the salesman.

After confirming that he was Kenneth, Elmer was very puzzled. He really didn't understand how Jessica could like a man without height, looks, or temperament.

Another thing was that Elmer really wanted to know how he managed to charm the mayor's daughter. Was the mayor's daughter blind?

Elmer took out the Dancing Demon Flute and thought about how to punish this bastard. After thinking for a while, a very evil idea formed in his mind.

He sent a message to a newspaper, claiming that a madman was stripping and dancing outside the computer city entrance, then put away his phone.

To ensure the plan went smoothly, Elmer pretended to walk over seriously. When he reached Kenneth, he reached out his hand and said, "I am sent by Japan to cooperate with Mr. Kenneth. You can call me Honda."

Kenneth hadn't reacted yet when Elmer shook his hand and held it very kindly, saying, "There are many people here. Please come with me to the rest area over there."

"I don't seem to know you?" Kenneth then shook off Elmer's hand.

"Could it be that the Japanese side got it wrong? I remember it was Mr. Kenneth's. Oh, maybe I really got it wrong, then I'll go back and ask again," Elmer turned around and pretended to be surprised, muttering, "Anyway, it's just finding a computer company to cooperate with, not even a million-dollar deal. Forget it, forget it, I'll go find the real Mr. Kenneth."

As soon as he heard a million dollars, Just's eyes had rows of numbers flashing, and he quickly stepped forward and said, "Please wait a moment, I just misunderstood earlier and thought you were looking for someone else. Hehe, I am Kenneth, one of the bosses of this computer city. Since it's a big deal, let's talk in the office."

"Are you really Mr. Kenneth?"

This time it was Elmer's turn to challenge Kenneth.

"How can it be fake! Look, this is my ID card,"

Kenneth quickly took out his wallet from his jacket and pulled out his ID card to hand it to Elmer.

After looking at it for a while, Elmer pretended to be excited, shook hands with Kenneth again, and exclaimed, "Mr. Kenneth is really extraordinary, I admire you. Please lead the way."

Saying this on his mouth, Elmer's thoughts were completely different. He thought to himself, "Damn, this ugly freak. I wouldn't even want to wipe my ass with his face!"

They walked to the office on the second floor. Seeing that there was still a woman answering the phone inside, Kenneth hurriedly drove her out and treated Elmer like a god.

"Please sit down, please sit down. The office environment is not very good, please bear with me."

"That's okay, work is more important."

Once the door was closed, Elmer took out the Dancing Demon Flute and said, "This is a jade flute from the Warring States period. My boss asked me to give it to Mr. Kenneth as a gift."