
Kenneth, a man with sharp eyes, immediately recognized that the golden flute in Elmer's hand was a precious item of superior quality, without a single flaw, and estimated to be worth a fortune.

The fact that the other party could present such a valuable golden flute as a gift indicated that he was undoubtedly a wealthy magnate.

"Ha ha, I am really grateful," Kenneth said eagerly, eager to receive the enchanting dance demon flute.

"Ah, let me play a folk song for you, a national one," said Elmer as he picked up the enchanting dance demon flute. He pressed his lower lip against the flute's body, and a song that was melodic yet carried a sense of impending doom echoed through the office.

At first, Kenneth was thrilled to listen to the music. Gradually, however, his expression became somewhat blank, his eyes unresponsive, and he seemed to have lost all liveliness, like a zombie.

Elmer became a little addicted to playing, even though he had realized that Kenneth was under his control. He continued playing happily.

It took five full minutes for him to put away the enchanting dance demon flute, muttering to himself, "In five minutes, a lot can happen. It can make a person's fortune, but it can also ruin someone's reputation. You've already been successful enough, now it's time to destroy your reputation and make sure you can never hold your head up again."

Kenneth's lifeless gaze remained fixed on a single direction, without the slightest hint of emotion.

"A person like you, who looks like they really should get plastic surgery, probably won't be liked by many people. If you make any more bizarre moves, you'll immediately become a celebrity in the city, and maybe even become an idol worshiped by lunatics, heh heh."

Elmer cleared his throat solemnly and said in a loud voice, "In the name of the Vampire Lord, I command you to go to the street, take off your clothes, sing a song, and rape an old woman!"

Kenneth nodded stiffly, and began to walk outside, with Elmer following closely beside him.

Leaving the office and descending to the first floor, there were many people outside looking at computers. The salesperson saw the CEO come out and wanted to greet him, and Elmer, who was quick-witted, followed closely beside Kenneth, pretending to be helpless and said, "CEO Kenneth, how can the price be so high? Let's negotiate and you give us the lowest price. As long as the board agrees, I won't say much."

Upon hearing this, the salesperson saw Kenneth's unhappy face and quickly walked away. Her boss getting angry was the most terrifying thing, and she could even be fired.

After leaving the computer city, Kenneth began to take off his clothes, throwing his tie to the ground. He shouted, "The sea laughs, the waves on both sides surge, who knows who will sink or swim; the sky laughs, the world's turmoil abounds, who will win or lose, only heaven knows..."

Kenneth continued to sing while taking off his clothes, his jacket, shirt, and pants, until the last piece of clothing was removed, and a soft worm was swaying in front of the crowd.

"Oh my!"

"Damn, crazy man, wife, let's go!"

"It's so small, hehe~" "Huh? Isn't that Kenneth, the mayor's son-in-law? Has he gone crazy?"

Kenneth was still singing happily, with his feet on the same step, swaying his body along with the music, and the soft worm moved with the beat. Elmer had already walked to the other side of the street, enjoying the show.

Suddenly, someone blocked his view, making it difficult for him to see Kenneth's perfect performance. Standing on his tiptoes, Elmer could finally see clearly.

Seeing that Kenneth was still singing and no old lady appeared, Elmer began to worry that he might not be able to harm Kenneth.

Suddenly, Elmer's nose twitched, and he smelled a faint smell of blood, as if it was coming from the woman's plump buttocks in front of him. As a vampire, Elmer was very sensitive to the smell of blood, like a kitten seeing a fish.

"Journalist is here!"

Someone shouted, and people nearby rushed over to watch the excitement. The staff in the computer city did the same. They did not go out to stop Kenneth's performance, watching him sing and dance naked like watching a show at the zoo.

Taking advantage of the crowd, Elmer leaned against the woman in tight pants and touched her slender waist with one hand, pretending to be casual. Seeing that she didn't resist much, he slowly moved back and touched her beautiful buttocks at will.


The woman exclaimed in surprise.

It seemed that no one around had seen Elmer molesting the woman. Their attention was all on Kenneth. If Elmer dared to press the woman to the ground, the public's attention would probably be on him.

The journalist who jumped off the van held a microphone and wanted to go up and interview Kenneth.

Seeing that he looked like he was in a daze and afraid of being hurt, the journalist stood aside and said to the camera.

"Audience friends, I am the host. Today's report comes from the streets of N City. Have you seen the man behind me humming? This man is the CEO of a computer company, and some people say that he has mental problems. Please watch..."

The host stepped aside, and the camera filmed Kenneth.