
Elmer watched the situation unfold while caressing the buttocks of this unfamiliar woman. Her tight pants exposed the shape of her buttocks, which were perky and plump, giving the impression of a sensuous sway with every step she took.

"Mmm..." The woman let out another moan, lightly grabbing Elmer's hand with seemingly little strength. With a gentle force, Elmer had no choice but to let go.

In order to ascertain if his sacrilegious act carried any meaning, he whispered softly, "Please turn around."

The woman had no desire to move at all; she simply wished for Elmer to leave as soon as possible. Hearing what seemed like a command from a superior, she reluctantly turned her head, a hint of fear in her eyes.

When she saw that the person violating her was such a handsome young man, she didn't know what to do.

With his mushroom-shaped hair, slender eyebrows, upturned nose, thin bow-shaped lips, and slightly melancholic and frightened eyes, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt that accentuated her ample bosom under the thin fabric, the contours of her bra were clearly visible.

Judging by her appearance, she should be around forty years old, but her oval face revealed that she had been a beauty in her youth!

"I apologize," Elmer quickly withdrew his hand. It wasn't because he was afraid of being caught by onlookers, but whenever he encountered a woman with a touch of maturity like her, he always showed a bit more compassion, unwilling to let her embarrass herself in public.

"It's okay," the mature woman nodded and turned away.

"Do you also enjoy looking at such things?" Elmer asked.

The mature woman shook her head and whispered, "I'm waiting for my young miss. They went to buy a cellphone."

"So, you're a maid then?"

Elmer spoke frankly, seemingly aware that if he were more direct, the mature woman might feel embarrassed but also perceive him as a man with a deep understanding of life.

"Well... I suppose," the mature woman replied.

"Nina, Nina."

"Oh, my young miss is calling me. Goodbye," the mature woman hurriedly walked away.

Elmer wanted to chat with her a bit more, wanting to ask why she was bleeding down there. But when he saw the young miss in her mouth turning out to be Alice, the playboy bunny, and her sister, Elmer quickly walked away.

For some reason, Elmer wasn't afraid of Alice, but he felt a little afraid of her twin sister, Sheila.

Kenneth was still babbling by the street, and when he saw an old lady coming out of an alley while picking up garbage, he dashed toward her like a dog spotting feces, shouting, "I want to fuck you, I want to fuck you, I want to fuck you!"

Before the old lady could react, Kenneth pinned her down on the ground without hesitation. Kenneth, driven by lust, passionately kissed the old lady's muddy face.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" The old lady struggled and pushed, seemingly unaware that at her age, she would be subjected to such an assault.

"That's enough," Elmer muttered and walked away. At this point, Kenneth was as good as dead, and Elmer could go back to find Jessica.

Perhaps not only would Kenneth's reputation be ruined, but he might also find himself as a guest in a police station.

With a hearty laugh, Elmer left with long strides.

He arrived home close to midnight and couldn't go directly to find Jessica. He had to stay at home and be a good boy for lunch.

"Nydia, why didn't you go to school this morning?" Elmer asked while putting food onto his mother's plate.

"It was our class's turn for classroom renovation in the morning, so we couldn't go. The teacher gave us the day off," Nydia replied.

Nydia's mouth was filled with oil as she ate, but she didn't want to use a tissue. Instead, she kept licking her lips, which reminded Elmer of moist labia covered in sexual fluids.

"Elmer, you have to go to class this afternoon. Snow, the good girl, sent me a text yesterday, saying you were called by the teacher," Rita said.

Elmer had initially thought about educating his sister, but he was scolded by his sister instead. He was also captivated by the phrase "good girl."

If even Luna, who was a mischievous girl, could be called a "good girl," then all the virgins in the world would likely be considered good girls.

It's no wonder sometimes Luna would come over to Elmer's house uninvited, dressed like a well-behaved girl, with her actions so gentle that one couldn't even detect her violent tendencies.

"I'll go this afternoon," Elmer replied, feeling a bit bored as he ate. He would also observe his mother's expressions from the corner of his eye, and everything seemed normal.

Perhaps she truly regarded everything that happened at the vampire headquarters as just a dream.

After finishing the meal, Margaret started cleaning up the dishes and utensils, while Rita, who couldn't even be bothered to wipe the table, went back to her room to rest.

Elmer's sister, Nydia, was still happily gnawing on a chicken leg, sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

Mother went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, while Elmer sat on the sofa watching TV.

As he caught a whiff of the aroma emanating from the chicken leg, his mouth began to water.

He shifted his gaze from the screen to Nydia, and his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. He noticed that his sister, wearing a short skirt, had her thighs exposed, and the tender flesh above her white knee-high socks brimmed with vitality.

Each green vein seemed to fall within Elmer's calculating range. Elmer opened his mouth, and his fangs slowly elongated, while Nydia continued to happily gnaw on the chicken leg, completely unaware that her brother, who had always provided her with a sense of security, had become a vampire.

Meanwhile, Margaret was washing dishes when her body trembled for a moment. She turned her hand over and saw a cut caused by the cracked porcelain bowl, and a dark crimson blood started to flow from it.

Margaret nonchalantly leaned over and sucked up the flowing blood, intending to spit it out near the sink. However, she involuntarily swallowed it down.


Margaret's gentle gaze turned somewhat cold. Her pupils were tinged with blood-red color, and she mechanically stared at her still-bleeding finger, unable to resist taking big gulps, sucking it in.

Just as her remaining rationality was about to be overrun by her bloodlust, Margaret let out a scream and collapsed to the ground.

Hearing Margaret's distressing cry, Elmer hurriedly rushed into the kitchen. Seeing her unconscious on the floor, he quickly lifted her up and carried her into the room.